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SAP-Änderungs- und Transportmanagement: Architektur und Wartung der SAP-Systemlandschaft

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The Function Group HRPAYBE_BOWA (Belcotax on web) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC12. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRPAYBE_BOWA
Short Text Belcotax on web
Package PC12

Function Modules

Function Group HRPAYBE_BOWA contains 16 function modules.

HR_BE_BOW_GET_EE_ADDRESS Get BOW specific address format
HR_BE_BOW_GET_FISCAL_YEAR Get fiscal year start and end dates
HR_BE_BOWA_CUMULATE_ZONES Cumulate payroll data into declaration zones
HR_BE_BOWA_DAQ_DECLARATION Get occupation line relevant data for DMFA
HR_BE_BOWA_DAQ_FICHE Get occupation line relevant data for DMFA
HR_BE_BOWA_DAQ_SENDER Get occupation line relevant data for DMFA
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_ALV_STRU Assign data for ALV structure
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_BENEFIT_TYPE Get benefit type from evaluation class 14 value
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_COMPANY_DETAILS Get detailed infos about a company
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_DATE_FORM Get the BOW specific date format
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_INST_ADDRESS Get address of an institution
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_LANGU_CODE Get BOW specific language code
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_STREET_ADRESS Get BOW specific address format
HR_BE_BOWA_GET_SUBAREA_DETAILS Get detailed infos about a company
HR_BE_BOWM_GEN_PERIOD_CODE Generate the FINPROF code for periods