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Bei ansehen →The package P12P1 (Human Resources Belgium: Public Sector) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCBE.
Package | P12P1 |
Short Text | Human Resources Belgium: Public Sector |
Parent Package | HRCBE |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 5 function groups.
HRPBSBE_UTILITIES | Utilities for the Belgian public sector |
HRPBSBE0 | Human Resources Public Sector Belgium |
HRSEN12CRULE | HR-PS: Belgian Conversion rule |
HRSEN12PROCESS | HR-PS: Belgian Seniority Calc. Process |
HRSEN12SELEXITS | HR-PS: Seniority calculation Utilities |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 4 transactions.
HRPBSBE_BAPAY | Evolution of IT0008 with seniority |
HRPBSBE_PAYSC | Generate Pay Scales |
HRPBSBE_SEN12 | PS-BE seniority calculation |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 27 database tables.
PA0622 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0622 |
PA0623 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0623 |
PA0649 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0649 |
PB0623 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0623 |
T5BPBS01 | Description of pay scale rules |
T5BPBS02 | Description of payscale rule Jumps |
T5BPBS03 | Check-table for Domain P12P_RANK |
T5BPBS03T | Text-table associated with T5BPBS03 |
T5BPBS07 | Employee's function status (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 197) |
T5BPBS07T | Employee's function status (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 197):text |
T5BPBS08 | Code Article 29 - AR 25/11/91 (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 271) |
T5BPBS08T | Code Article 29 - AR 25/11/91 (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 271):text |
T5BPBS09 | Grade of EE : security contract (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 320) |
T5BPBS09T | Grade of EE:security contract (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 320):text |
T5BPBS10 | Check table for domain P12P_CA_ARTYPE |
T5BPBS10T | Text table for domain P12P_CA_ARTYPE |
T5BPBS13 | Link Job <-> Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073) |
T5BPBS13C | Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073) |
T5BPBS13G | Grade |
T5BPBS13GT | Grade Texts |
T5BPBS13T | Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073):text |
T5BPBS27X | Organisational units and Employee's activity Code (NACE) |
T5BPBS27XC | Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076) |
T5BPBS27XD | Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076) |
T5BPBS27XDT | Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076) Description |
T5BPBS27XT | Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076):text |
T5BPBS9P | Institutions for Belgian Public Sector |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 15 views.
H_T5BPBS27XD | Working regimes (Code NACE) (ONSSAPL/RSZPPO 76) |
V_T5BPBS01 | Belgian Public Sector Pay scale definition |
V_T5BPBS02 | Belgian Public Sector Pay scale Jump definition |
V_T5BPBS03 | Pay Scale Rank |
V_T5BPBS07 | Employee's function status (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 197) |
V_T5BPBS08 | Code article 29 - KB 25/11/91 (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 271) |
V_T5BPBS09 | Grade of EE:security contract (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 320) |
V_T5BPBS13 | Link between Job and EE's function (ONSSAPL /RSZPPO 073) |
V_T5BPBS13C | Code on employee function (RSZPPO/ONSSAPL: 73) |
V_T5BPBS13G | Grade Texts |
V_T5BPBS13P | Grades |
V_T5BPBS27X | Link Org.Unit w. Working regime (NACE) (ONSSAPL/RSZPPO 76) |
V_T5BPBS27XC | Working regimes (Code NACE) (ONSSAPL/RSZPPO 76) |
V_T5BPBS27XD | Working regimes (Code NACE) (ONSSAPL/RSZPPO 76) |
V_T5BPBS9P | Personnel areas/personnel subareas |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 19 structures.
HRBPBS_CLASSEMENT | Belgian Public Sector - classement |
HRBPBS_RPI0008_ROWTYPE | SAP HR Belgian Public Sector : Row type for RPI0008BPBS |
HRI1651 | Grades |
HRSEN12_CLASSEMENT | Belgian Public Sector - classement |
HRSEN12_LOGFILE | Row of Logfile for ALV Tree Control |
HRSEN12_PERIOD_IT1 | HR-PS: Structure for determining process steps |
HRSEN12_PERIOD_PSTEP | HR-PS: Division of calculationprocess |
P0622 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0622 |
P0623 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0623 |
P0649 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0649 |
P12P_SENLOGFILE | Belgian Public Sector seniority : logfile |
P1651 | Infotype 1651:Grades |
PAY2BPBS | SAP-HR : Belgian Public Sector Payscales |
PAYBPBS | SAP-HR : Belgian Public Sector Payscale definition |
PS0109_PS | Contract Elements (Public Sector Belgium) |
PS0622 | HR BPS: Contract elements: additional infotype |
PS0623 | Career History (Public Sector Belgium) |
PS0649 | Belgian Public Sector Social Insurance |
PT1651 | Fields for Infotype 1651 Grades |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 10 programs.
MP010900BPS | Include LNFEXF01 |
MP165100 | PD Infotype 1651 |
RPI0008BPBS | SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Evolution of ifty 0008 with seniority |
RPU470BPBS | XPRA to transfer Infotype 0662 to 0109 (Contract Elements Belgium) |
RPUSEN12BPBS | HR Belgian Public Sector : Seniority calculation |
RPUT510BPBS | SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Generation of Pay Scales (T510) |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 2 search helps.
H_DEGID | Help view grade |
H_T5BPBS27XD_NACEC | Working regimes (Code NACE) (ONSSAPL/RSZPPO 76) |
SAP Package P12P1 contains 1 message classes.
HRPAYBEPS | Message Class for Belgian Public Sector |