
SAP Package PB19

HR master data: Portugal

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The package PB19 (HR master data: Portugal) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCPT.

Technical Information

Package PB19
Short Text HR master data: Portugal
Parent Package HRCPT

Function Groups

SAP Package PB19 contains 14 function groups.

0PPA Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PPB Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PPT Enhanced table maintenance (HR-PT)
0PPU Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
EHP1 ESS - Address - Portugal
EHP3 ESS - Bank Details Portugal
EHP5 ESS - Personal Data - Portugal
EHP6 ESS - Family Members - Portugal
HRESSPT_REP ESS Reporting for Portugal
PADR_PT Business object - employee's address
RPP1 HR-PT: Check control digits
RPP2 HR-PT: Functions for F4-Help processing
RPP3 HR-PT: Get levels, rates, etc
RPP6 HR-PT: functions for processing F4 help


SAP Package PB19 contains 17 transactions.

HRESSPT_IID Individual income declaration
PC00_M19_RPCDTBP0 Programmed data medium exchange
PC00_M19_RPCECSP0 HR-PT: Earnings Complementary Survey
PC00_M19_RPCGSRP0 HR-PT: Earns.Surv.+Work Sched.Surv.
PC00_M19_RPCI97P0 HR-PT: IRS tax calculation
PC00_M19_RPCLCSP0 HR-PT: Quadriennal Labor Costs Surv.
PC00_M19_RPCMLIP9 HR-PT: Cash Breakdown List
PC00_M19_RPCS97P0 HR-PT: Social Security Calculation
PC00_M19_RPCU1RP0 HR-PT: Update of min.values in T5P1R
PC00_M19_RPLESUP0 HR-PT: Leave Annual Summary
PC00_M19_RPLWKCP0 HR-PT: List of workers commissions
PC00_M19_RPPSTMP0 Master data sheet
PC00_M19_RPSSESP0 HR-PT: Structured Employment Survey
PC00_M19_RPTSSBP0 HR-PT: Strike Statistical Bulletin
PC00_M19_RPUIRSP0 HR-PT: Load table T5P1R from file
S_L6B_69000217 HR-PT: Generic Statistical Report
S_L6B_69000218 HR-PT: Structured Employment Survey

Database Tables

SAP Package PB19 contains 64 database tables.

PA0331 HR Master Record: Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)
PA0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
PA0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Challenge - P)
PA0334 HR Master Record: Infotype 0334
PA0335 HR Master Data: Infotype 0335 (infotype 21 view - PT)
PA0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
PA0337 HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)
PA0338 HR Master Record: Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.clearing - PT)
PB0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
T5P03 HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification
T5P0P HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements
T5P1F HR-PT: Tax offices
T5P1R HR-PT: Tax rates table
T5P1S HR-PT: Tax status table
T5P2A HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes
T5P2B HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes
T5P2C HR-PT: Contract Types
T5P2I HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
T5P2J HR-PT: Social Security Subregional Services
T5P2L HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels
T5P2Q HR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Contribution Parameters
T5P2R HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes
T5P2S HR-PT: Assignment to Social Security Regimes
T5P2V HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
T5P2W HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels
T5P2X HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes
T5P2Y HR-PT: Contract Types
T5P3E HR-PT: Legal entities for issuing disability documents
T5P3L HR-PT: Disability levels
T5P4G HR-PT: Vacation and Christmas allowance groupings
T5P4Y HR-PT: Text table for vacation and Christmas all.groupings
T5P5T HR-PT: Text table for the Functional Structure designation
T5PA0 HR-PT: Assignment of coverage rules
T5PA1 HR-PT: Coverage rules
T5PA2 HR-PT: Splitting rules
T5PA3 HR-PT: Counting rules
T5PA4 HR-PT: Influence of absence types in counting rules
T5PA5 HR-PT: Map WTs in absence evaluation rule
T5PA6 HR-PT: Coverage rule texts
T5PA7 HR-PT: Counting rule texts
T5PA8 HR-PT: Splitting rule texts
T5PA9 HR-PT: Splits in splitting rules
T5PCE HR-PT: Contract Elements
T5PCP HR-PT: Postal codes
T5PEA HR-PT: Economical Activity Code (CAE)
T5PFD HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
T5PFN HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
T5PFT HR-PT: (Entities) Valid Properties Texts
T5PFV HR-PT: (Entities) Valid Properties
T5PLA HR-PT: Lunch allowance valuation rules
T5PP1 HR-PT: Professional categories assignment
T5PP2 HR-PT: Professional categories
T5PP3 HR-PT: Professional classification (CNP or CPP)
T5PP4 HR-PT: Professional Category designation
T5PP5 HR-PT: Functional Structure designation
T5PPS HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
T5PPT HR-PT: Professional category designations
T5PRA HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions
T5PRC HR-PT: Reasons for changes - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PRM HR-PT: Reasons for actions - Mapping for legal reasons
T5PRT HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions texts
T5PTC HR-PT: Time objects classification
T5PTT HR-PT: Time object value texts
T5PTV HR-PT: Time object values


SAP Package PB19 contains 36 views.

V_5R05_P HR-PT: Type of identification card
V_T5P03 HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups - Classification
V_T5P0P HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements
V_T5P1F View for the customizing of tax offices
V_T5P1S HR-PT: View for the customizing of tax status
V_T5P2I HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
V_T5P2R HR-PT: Social Security - Master Data Regimes
V_T5P2S HR-PT: Assignment to Social Security Regimes
V_T5P2V HR-PT: Social Security Institutions
V_T5P3E HR-PT: Legal entities for issuing disability documents
V_T5P3L HR-PT: Disability levels
V_T5P4G HR-PT: Vacation and Christmas allowance groupings
V_T5P6P HR-PT: Parishes
V_T5PA0 HR-PT: Assignment of coverage rules
V_T5PA1 HR-PT: Coverage rules
V_T5PA2 HR-PT: Splitting rules
V_T5PA3 HR-PT: Counting rules
V_T5PA4 HR-PT: Influence of absence types in counting rules
V_T5PA5 HR-PT: Map WTs in absence evaluation rule
V_T5PA9 HR-PT: Splits in splitting rules
V_T5PCP HR-PT: Postal codes
V_T5PFD HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
V_T5PFN HR-PT: (Entities) Properties
V_T5PIT HR-PT: Infotype subtype - Classification
V_T5PLA HR-PT: Lunch allowance valuation rules
V_T5PP1 HR-PT: Professional categories assignment
V_T5PP2 HR-PT: Professional Categories
V_T5PP3 HR-PT: Professional classification (CNP or CPP)
V_T5PP4 HR-PT: Professional Category designation
V_T5PP5 HR-PT: Functional Structure designation
V_T5PPS HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information
V_T5PRC HR-PT: Reasons for changes
V_T5PRM HR-PT: Reasons for actions
V_T5PTC HR-PT: Time objects classification
V_T5PTV HR-PT: Time object values
V_T5PWS HR-PT: Work Schedules - Classification


SAP Package PB19 contains 32 structures.

BAPIP0006LPT Personnel Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) PT
P0331 HR Master Record: Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)
P0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
P0332_AF P0332_AF
P0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Challenge - PT)
P0333_AF P0333_AF
P0334 HR Master Record for Infotype 0334
P0334_AF P0334_AF
P0335 Additional Family Data (Infotype 0335)
P0335_AF P0335_AF
P0336 Additional Personal Data (infotype 0336) - PT
P0336_AF P0336_AF
P0337 HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)
P0337_AF P0337_AF
P0338 HR Master Record: Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.clearing - PT)
P0338_AF Additional fields Query
PS0331 HR Master Record: Infotype 0331 (Tax - PT)
PS0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
PS0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Challenge - PT)
PS0334 HR Master record: Infotype 0334 (infotype 0016 view - PT)
PS0335 HR Master Data: Infotype 0335 (infotype 21 view - PT)
PS0336 HR Master Data: Infotype 0336 (infotype 2 view - PT)
PS0337 HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)
PS0338 HR Master Record: Infotype 0338 (Absence pay.clearing - PT)
Q0331 Screen fields: Infotype 0331
Q0332 HR Master Record: Infotype 0332 (Social Security - PT)
Q0333 HR Master Record: Infotype 0333 (Disability - PT)
Q0334 HR Master Record: Infotype 0334 (Allowance group - PT)
Q0337 Screen fields: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classifications - PT)
Q5P1R HR-PT: Screen fields for table T5P1R
Q5PLA HR-PT: Screen Fields for T5PLA
Q5PP2 HR-PT: Screen Fields for T5PP2


SAP Package PB19 contains 30 programs.

MP033100 MP033100
MP033200 Infotype 0332 (Social Security PT)
MP033300 IT 0333 (Disability PT)
MP033400 Grouping for vacation allowance
MP033700 MP033700
MP033800 HR-GB: Module pool for offshore tax infotype (0570)
MPV33500 View infotype 0021 + 0335 / Molga 19
MPV33600 View infotype 0002 + 0336 / Molga 19
RPFT05P0 HR-PT: Convert PRCOD entries in T5PP2 to T5PP1
RPICHRP0 HR-PT: Batch input to generate Christmas allowance wts in IT0015
RPIVACP0 HR-PT: Batch input to generate vacation allowance wage types in IT0015
RPIWKTP0 HR-PT: Batch input for Planned Working Time
RPLESUP0 HR-PT: Leave annual summary (it2006)
RPLWKCP0 HR-PT: List of workers commissions
RPPSTMP0 HR-PT: Master Data Sheet
RPTD05P1 HR-PT: Get defaults for IT5 (ext. to features VAC19, BEG19 and END19)
RPTLEAP0 HR-PT: Leave Annual Summary
RPUCAEP0 HR-PT: Load table T5PEA with CAE codes from file
RPUCIVP0 HR-PT: Update infotype I0002/I0021 : Name conversion for 4.0C
RPUCNPP0 HR-PT: Load table T5PP3 with CNP codes from file
RPUCODP0 HR-PT: Update table T5PCP with postal codes from file
RPUCPCP0 HR-PT: Update address data according to new postal codes format
RPUEDUP0 HR-PT: Convert education level codes
RPUFUNP0 HR-PT: Convert entries from T5PP5 to T5P5T
RPUIRSP0 HR-PT: Load table T5P1R with tax rates from file
RPUPFNP0 HR-PT: Convert entries from table T5PFN to T5PFD
RPUREPP0 HR-PT: Load table T5P1F with tax office codes from file
RPUSSIP0 HR-PT: Conversion of Social Security Infotype to new format
RPUTAXP0 HR-PT: load table T5P1P with tax rates from the file
SAPMP5P0 HR-PT: Fast Entry of Action Data

Search Helps

SAP Package PB19 contains 10 search helps.

H_T5P1F HR-PT: Tax offices
H_T5P2I HR-PT: Social Security institutions
H_T5P2J HR-PT: Social Security Subregional Services
H_T5P2V HR-PT: Social Security institutions
H_T5P3E HR-PT: Legal entities for issuing disability documents
H_T5PA1_A HR-PT: Search help for table T5PA1 (Advances/Targets)
H_T5PEA HR-PT: Economical Activity Code (CAE)
H_T5PP3 HR-PT: National professional classification (CNP)
H_T5PP4 HR-PT: Professional Category designation
HRPAYPT_T5PA1 HR-PT: Search help for table T5PA1 (Advances/Targets)

Message Classes

SAP Package PB19 contains 1 message classes.

3I HR-PT: Messages for Portugal