

Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Internal Activities

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The table VIWIV4 (Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Internal Activities) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FVVI.

Technical Information

Table VIWIV4
Short Text Simplified CEA: Finance Plan Internal Activities
Package FVVI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VIWIV4

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 *
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis VVWBDAT DATS 8
EIG_GELDT own funds cash description VVVWBEIGET CHAR 50
EIG_GELDB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds cash amount VVVWBEIGEB CURR 13
EIG_GRUNDT Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds property description VVVWBEIGRT CHAR 50
EIG_GRUNDB Simplif.CEA: Finance.plan own funds property amount VVVWBEIGRB CURR 13
EIG_SONST Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds other description VVVWBEISOT CHAR 50
EIG_SONSB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan own funds other amount VVVWBEISOB CURR 13
EIG_SUMB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total own funds amount VVVWBEISUB CURR 13
EIG_B15NB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan nominal amnt in 15% of total costs VVVWBEIBNB CURR 13
EIG_B15ZP Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest rate in 15% of total costs VVVWBEIBZP DEC 5
EIG_B15ZB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest amnt in 15% of total csts VVVWBEIBZB CURR 13
EIG_B15TP Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repayment rate in 15% of total csts VVVWBEIBTP DEC 5
EIG_B15TB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repayment amount 15% of total costs VVVWBEIBTB CURR 13
EIG_M15NB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan nom.amount over 15% of total costs VVVWBEIMNB CURR 13
EIG_M15ZP Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest rate over 15% total costs VVVWBEIMZP DEC 5
EIG_M15ZB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan interest amnt over 15% total costs VVVWBEIMZB CURR 13
EIG_M15TP Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repaymnt rate over 15% of total cst VVVWBEIMTP DEC 5
EIG_M15TB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan repaymnt amnt over 15% of total cst VVVWBEIMTB CURR 13
SUM_NENNB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total financing funds VVVWBSUMNB CURR 13
SUM_ZINSB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total interest VVVWBSUMZB CURR 13
SUM_TILGB Simplif.CEA: Financ.plan total repayment VVVWBSUMTB CURR 13