
SAP Table VIMI16

RE: Records of a Rent Adjustment Run

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The table VIMI16 (RE: Records of a Rent Adjustment Run) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FVVI.

Technical Information

Table VIMI16
Short Text RE: Records of a Rent Adjustment Run
Package FVVI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VIMI16

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
SMIVE Lease-Out Number SMIVE CHAR 13
SMENR Number of Rental Unit SMENR CHAR 8 VIMI01
SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records) SKOART NUMC 4 TZK01
DGUELAB Date when the rent adjustment becomes valid DGUELAB DATS 8
DANPASS Rental Adjustment Date Planned For DANPASS DATS 8
SANPNR Rent Adjustment Method SANPNR NUMC 3 TIV11
XIDENT Identification of adjustment run XIDENT1 CHAR 16
SWHRKOND Currency of Condition Item SWHRKOND CUKY 5 *
BKONDALT Previous condition amount BKONDALT CURR 13
BANPASS New condition amount (total) BANPASS CURR 13
BAUTANP New Total Condition Amount (Original) BAUTANP CURR 13
BGESZUL New legally permitted amount per area unit BGESZUL CURR 13
BVGLAVG Average rent per area unit BVGLAVG CURR 13
BINDPKT Index marker status at last rent adjustment BINDPKT DEC 8
BINDALT Previous index marker (from VIMI06) BINDALT DEC 8
BMSPVON Lower limit for rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents BBETRV CURR 11
BMSPBIS Upper limit for rent per area unit acc. to rep.list rents BBETRB CURR 11
BMSPGRD Mean value of rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents BGRBTR CURR 11
BMSPZUA Rent list: Total surch./reduct./tot.pnts BMSPZUA CURR 13
JZUSCHLAG Surcharge contained in new basic rent JZUSCHLAG CHAR 1
JZUSTIM Approval indicator JZUSTIM CHAR 1
DZUSTIM Approval date of rent adjustment DZUSTIM DATS 8
DZUBIS Date up to which approval has to be given DZUBIS DATS 8
DSTORNO Reversal date of rent adjustment DSTORNO DATS 8
DAKTIV Activation date of rental adjustment VVDAKTIV DATS 8
DGUELBI Date when index markers are valid for this rent adjustment VVDINDPKT DATS 8
BANPBM Total pro rata modernization costs for the rental unit VVBANPBM CURR 13
BMZUGBM Monthly surcharge planned in acc. with German tenancy law VVBMZUGBM CURR 13
RANTWF Apportionment factor calculation units VVRANTWF DEC 8
IMKEY Internal Key for Real Estate Object IMKEY CHAR 8
PERHREL Relative increase in amount (in percentage) PERHREL DEC 5
BERHABS Increase amount per area unit BERHABS CURR 13
BERHGES Increase amount in full (not referring to the area) VVBERHGES CURR 13
BNEUMIET Total new amount (not relative to the area) VVBNEUGES CURR 13
SFUTANP Subsequent adjustment ? (No, initial adj., subsequent adj.) VVSFUTANP CHAR 1
FQMFLART Area of area type VVBFLART QUAN 14
FEINS Area unit FEINS UNIT 3 T006
BPKTSUM Total number of points for feature class or object VVBPKTSUM DEC 7
PERHPROZ Percentage rate of calculated increase to be passed on VVPERWEIT DEC 5
PERHHPZS Percent.increase on the basis of a mortg.rate loan change VVPERHHPZS DEC 6
PERHUTBK Percent.incr. on basis of maintenance/operating costs change VVPERHUTBK DEC 6
PERHTEUR Percent.incr.on basis of change in standard of living index VVPERHTEUR DEC 6
PERHGES Percent increase on basis of all relative/an absolute factor VVPERHGES DEC 6
SANPME Specifies Adjustment Object (Only LO/Only RU/both) VVSANPME CHAR 1
DHPZS CH rent adj.:Date of mortgage rate loan status for new rent VVDHPZS DATS 8
DUTBK CH rnt adj.:Dte maint./oper.csts index status for new rent VVDUTBK DATS 8
DTEUR CH rent adj.:Date of standard of living status for new rent VVDTEUR DATS 8
DHPZSALT CH rent adj.:Date of rate status for current rent VVDHPZSAKT DATS 8
DUTBKALT CH rnt adj.:Dte maint./oper.costs index status for new rent VVDUTBKAKT DATS 8
DTEURALT CH rnt adj.:Dte of living stndrd index status for VVDTEURAKT DATS 8
BRDBRTZZ CH rent adj: Actual gross yield earned VVBRDBRTZZ DEC 10
SBSANPCH CH rent adjustment: Adjustment basis VVSBSANPCH NUMC 2
SSTDORT Regional location VVSSTDORT CHAR 10 TIV35
INTRENO Internal Real Estate Master Data Code VVINTRENO CHAR 13
MFACH Rent table field VVMFACH CHAR 10
SANPSTAF Scope of adjustment (conditions, sales grading, both) VVSANPSTAF CHAR 1
SIHMA Modernization Measure VVSIHMA CHAR 20 *
JCHBASMOD CH rent adj: Adj. on basis overhaul/appr.surch. investment VVCHBASMOD CHAR 1
JCHBASBMR Rent adj. CH: Adj. on basis reserves from modernizations VVCHBASBMR CHAR 1
BCHBASMOD Actual total costs of modernization VVBGESBMI CURR 13
BMSPBAS Base rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents VVBMSPBAS CURR 11
BNEUABS New amount per area unit VVBNEUFE CURR 13
NDOCCNT Number of printed letters for an adjustment VVNDOCCNT NUMC 3
CURR_GS Total amount as basis for adjustment without roundings VVCURR_GS CURR 13
AREA_GS Total area as base for adjustment without rounding errors VVAREA_GS QUAN 14
SMIETSP Representative list of rents assignment SMIETSP CHAR 6 TIV20
SBAUAKL Building age category SBAUALT NUMC 2 TIV21
SLAGEKL Location class SLAGK NUMC 2 TIV22
SAUSTKL Fixtures and fittings category SAUSKL NUMC 2 TIV23
DBAUALT Building age for rental unit relevant for rep.list of rents VVDBAUALT DATS 8
JAREA Rental on basis of area? VVJAREA CHAR 1
BKONDALTFE Currency amount per area unit BKONDQM CURR 13
SKOPO Detailed identification for condition items VVSKOPO NUMC 2 TZK07
SCOMMIT Reservation for approval for a rent adjustment VVSRACOMMIT NUMC 2 TIVM4
SREJECT Reason for rejecting a rent adjustment VVSRAREJECT NUMC 2 TIVM5
DREJECT Rejection date of a rent adjustment VVDRAREJECT DATS 8
NDUNLEV Reminder level for reminders for rnt adjs not appr. VVRADUNLEVEL NUMC 2
DLASTDC Date of last dunning due to missing tenant approval VVRADLASTDUN DATS 8
DADJPRN Letter date of adjustment correspondence VVDADJPRN DATS 8
BANPASSFE New condition amount for each area unit (changeable) VVBANPASSFE CURR 13
BAUTANPFE New condition amount for each area unit (original) VVBAUTANPFE CURR 13
BGESZULGS Legally permitted total amount VVBGESZULGS CURR 13
SINDART_OLD Index series for replacement values WBIND CHAR 5 *
YBASISJ_OLD Index series base year BASJHR NUMC 4 *
BINDPKT_OLD Index marker status at last rent adjustment BINDPKT DEC 8
BINDPKT1_OLD Index status as base for first rental adjustment BINDPKT1 DEC 8
BPKTERH_OLD Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment VVBPKTERH DEC 6
PPKTERH_OLD Minimum change of index series change in percentage terms PPKTERH DEC 5
SINDART_NEW Index series for replacement values WBIND CHAR 5 *
YBASISJ_NEW Index series base year BASJHR NUMC 4 *
BINDPKT_NEW Index marker status at last rent adjustment BINDPKT DEC 8
BINDPKT1_NEW Index status as base for first rental adjustment BINDPKT1 DEC 8
BPKTERH_NEW Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment VVBPKTERH DEC 6
PPKTERH_NEW Minimum change of index series change in percentage terms PPKTERH DEC 5
AMMRHY Frequency in months AMMRHY NUMC 3
ATTRHY Frequency in Days ATTRHY NUMC 3
JBMONAT Indicator for calculating amount per month JBMONAT CHAR 1
JADJRHY Rent Adjustment Dependent on Condition Frequency JADJRHY CHAR 1