
SAP Table PA0483

Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only

The table PA0483 (Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB15.

Technical Information

Table PA0483
Short Text Infotype 0483 - Data entry from CAAF - Italy only
Package PB15
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table PA0483

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel number PERSNO NUMC 8 PA0003
OBJPS Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record SPRPS CHAR 1
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record with Same Key SEQNR NUMC 3
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object AENAM CHAR 12
HISTO Historical Record Flag HISTO CHAR 1
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype ITXEX CHAR 1
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) PRFEX CHAR 1
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist ORDEX CHAR 1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control ITBLD CHAR 2
PREAS Reason for Changing Master Data PREAS CHAR 2 T530E
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL CHAR 4
ANNOF Year stored KJAHR NUMC 4
COFIS Tax number of the fiscal office (CAF) that provided support P15_COFIS CHAR 16 T5ITPC
CORIT Correction Month for Adjustment or Late Tax Declaration P15_CORIT CHAR 2
ITWAE Currency Key for Italy PB15_WAERS CUKY 5 T500W
IMTIR Amount to withhold IRPEF P15_IMTIR CURR 12
IMTSS Amount to withhold CSSN P15_IMTSS CURR 12
ACTSE Separate taxation instalment P15_ACTSE CURR 12
IMRIR Amount to be refunded IRPEF P15_IMRIR CURR 12
IMRSS Amount to be refunded CSSN P15_IMRSS CURR 12
RAAC1 1st IRPEF down payment instalment - Tax payer + husband/wife P15_1RAAC CURR 12
RAAC2 Second or only IRPEF advance instalment P15_2RAAC CURR 12
NRATE No.of instalments for settl.payments and poss.down payments P15_NRATE NUMC 3
CRED1 Declarant Regional Code for Deduction Purposes P15_CRED1 NUMC 2
IMTRD Regional Surcharge to Deduct - Declarant P15_IMTRD CURR 12
CREC1 Spouse Regional Code for Deduction Purposes P15_CREC1 NUMC 2
IMTRC Regional Surcharge to Deduct - Spouse P15_IMTRC CURR 12
IMTRT Amount to withhold - total local additional charge P15_IMTRT CURR 12
CRED2 Declarant Regional Code for Refund Purposes P15_CRED2 NUMC 2
IMRRD Regional Surcharge to Refund - Declarant P15_IMRRD CURR 12
CREC2 Spouse Regional Code for Refund Purposes P15_CREC2 NUMC 2
IMRRC Regional Surcharge to Refund - Spouse P15_IMRRC CURR 12
IMRRT Total local additional charge to refund P15_IMRRT CURR 12
ACTSD Separate Taxation Advance Pay - Declarant P15_ACTSD CURR 12
ACTSC Separate Taxation Advance Pay - Spouse P15_ACTSC CURR 12
CELD1 Cadastral indicator for Munic.Surch. - Declarant and Spouse P15_CENLO CHAR 4
IMTCD Municipal Surcharge to Deduct - Declarant P15_IMTCD CURR 12
CELC1 Cadastral indicator for Munic.Surch. - Declarant and Spouse P15_CENLO CHAR 4
IMTCC Municipal Surcharge to Deduct - Spouse P15_IMTCC CURR 12
IMTCT Total District Additional Charge to be withheld P15_IMTCT CURR 12
CELD2 Cadastral indicator for Munic.Surch. - Declarant and Spouse P15_CENLO CHAR 4
IMRCD Municipal Surcharge to refund - Declarant P15_IMRCD CURR 12
CELC2 Cadastral indicator for Munic.Surch. - Declarant and Spouse P15_CENLO CHAR 4
IMRCC Municipal Surcharge to refund - Spouse P15_IMRCC CURR 12
IMRCT Total District Additional Amount to refund P15_IMRCT CURR 12
ENDDATA Center for Fiscal Assistance (CAF) validity end P15_ENDDA DATS 8
RAAC1D First IRPEF advance installment - Declarant P15_1RAACD CURR 12
RAAC1C 1st Installment IRPEF Advance Pay - Spouse P15_1RAACC CURR 12
RAAC2D 2nd or Single IRPEF Advance Installment - Declarant P15_2RAACD CURR 12
RAAC2C 2nd or single IRPEF advance installment - Spouse P15_2RAACC CURR 12
TIPOC Settlement type P15_TIPOC CHAR 1
TIPOR Adjustment type P15_TIPOR CHAR 1
BLOAC CAF: down payment block P15_BLOAC CHAR 1
NOCON CAF: settlement was not carried out P15_NOCON CHAR 1
INTEG Type of Integration 730 P15_INTEG CHAR 1
DATAC Uploading date of CAF data P15_DATAL DATS 8
IMTIRD IRPEF amount to be withheld for declarant P15_IMTIRD CURR 12
IMTIRC IRPEF amount to be withheld for declarant's spouse P15_IMTIRC CURR 12
IMRIRD IRPEF amount to be refunded to declarant P15_IMRIRD CURR 12
IMRIRC IRPEF amount to be refunded to declarant's spouse P15_IMRIRC CURR 12
AACOMD Municipal Surcharge Advance Pay to IRPEF for Declarant P15_AACOMD CURR 12
AACOMC Municipal Surcharge Advance Pay to IRPEF for Spouse P15_AACOMC CURR 12
AACOM Total PIT Municipal Surcharge Down Payment P15_AACOM CURR 12
CAACD Municipal surcharge down payment indicator for declarant P15_CAACD CHAR 4
CAACC Municipal surcharge down payment indicator for spouse P15_CAACC CHAR 4
CONGLR Tax Declaration to be done in July - Refund P15_CONGLR CURR 12
CONGLT Tax Declaration to be done in July - Deduction P15_CONGLT CURR 12
ISLSD Substitution Tax for Extra Work - Declarant P15_ISLSD CURR 12
ISLSC Substitute Tax for Extra Work - Spouse P15_ISLSC CURR 12
ISLST Substitution Tax for Extra Work (Total) P15_ISLST CURR 12
RSLSD Substitution Tax Refund for Extra Work (730 Int.) - Decl. P15_RSLSD CURR 12
RSLSC Substitution Tax Refund for Extra Work (730 Int.) - Spouse P15_RSLSC CURR 12
RSLST Substitute Tax Refund for Extra Work (Total) P15_RSLST CURR 12
RACTD Advance Pay Refund on Sep.Taxation (730 Integr.) Declarant P15_RACTD CURR 12
RACTC Advance Pay Refund on Sep. Taxation (730 Integr.) - Spouse P15_RACTC CURR 12
RACTE Advance Payment Refund on Separate Taxation (Total) P15_RACTE CURR 12
ISLOD Declarant rent substitute tax HRPAYIT_IMP_SOS_LOC_DICH CURR 12
ISLOC Spouse rent substitute tax HRPAYIT_IMP_SOS_LOC_CON CURR 12
RISLD Declarant rent substitute tax refund HRPAYIT_RIM_IMP_SOS_LOC_DICH CURR 12
RISLC Spouse rent substitute tax refund HRPAYIT_RIM_IMP_SOS_LOC_CON CURR 12
TIPOA Adjustment special conditions P15_TIPOA CHAR 1
CETSLD Flat Tax on rental income to be deducted to declarant HRPAYIT_IMP_SEC_LOC_DICH CURR 12
CETSLC Flat tax on rental inc. to be deducted to spouse FlTxRIDedSp HRPAYIT_IMP_SEC_LOC_CON CURR 12
CERSLD Refund of flat tax on rental income Declarant HRPAYIT_RIM_IMP_SEC_LOC_DICH CURR 12
CERSLC Refund of spouse flat tax on rental income HRPAYIT_RIM_IMP_SEC_LOC_CON CURR 12
RASL1D 1st adv. payment installment of Flat Tax on -Decl. HRPAYIT_1RA_SEC_LOC_DICH CURR 12
RASL1C First adv. payment installment Flat Tax on Spouse HRPAYIT_1RA_SEC_LOC_CON CURR 12
RASL2D Second AdvPaymInst of flat tax on rental income - Declarant HRPAYIT_2RA_SEC_LOC_DICH CURR 12
RASL2C Second AP installment of flat tax on rental income - Spouse HRPAYIT_2RA_SEC_LOC_CON CURR 12
CONTSTD Solidarity contribution to be deducted - Declarant HRPAYIT_CON_SOL_DICH CURR 12
CONTSTC Solidarity contribution to be deducted - Spouse HRPAYIT_CON_SOL_CON CURR 12
RCSOD Solidarity Contribution refund - Declarant HRPAYIT_RIM_SOL_DICH CURR 12
RCSOC Solidarity Contribution refund - Spouse HRPAYIT_RIM_SOL_CON CURR 12