
SAP Function Group FMUT

Revenue Increasing the Budget on totals

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The Function Group FMUT (Revenue Increasing the Budget on totals) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMOV_E. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group FMUT
Short Text Revenue Increasing the Budget on totals
Package FMOV_E

Function Modules

Function Group FMUT contains 37 function modules.

FM_RIB_ADDITIONAL_REVENUE calculate the additional revenue
FM_RIB_AVAILABLE_REVENUE calculate the available additional revenue
FM_RIB_BPJA_INITIALIZE Initialize the dispensed amount for revenue FMAA
FM_RIB_BUDGET_INCREASE update the budget depending on revenues
FM_RIB_BUDGET_INCREASE_ update the budget depending on revenues
FM_RIB_CARRY_FORWARD_TOTALS Carry Forward of Revenue Increasing Budget on Total Revenue
FM_RIB_CUSTOMIZING_DETERMINE Determine the customizing for Revenue Increasing the Budget
FM_RIB_DELTA Deltaberechnung fuer verteilbaren Betrag u. Ueberschuss
FM_RIB_DISPENSED_AMOUNT_GET Assignments, Dispensed Amounts for RIB revn FMAA
FM_RIB_DISPLAY Darstellung der Ergebnisse der budgeterh. Einnahmen
FM_RIB_DISTRIBUTABLE_REVENUE calculate the distributable revenue
FM_RIB_DISTRIBUTABLE_REVENUEOL old: calculate the distributable revenue
FM_RIB_DISTRIBUTE_ADD_REVENUE Distribute additional revenue to expenditure FMAAs and supplus FMAA
FM_RIB_GET_RELEVANT_RULES Determine these Revenue FMAA from FMIT, for which a rule exists
FM_RIB_LEDGER_DETERMINE Determine the ledger for Revenue Increasing the Budget
FM_RIB_ON_TOTAL_REVENUE Revenue Increasing Budget on Total Revenue
FM_RIB_POOL_COVER_BUDGET_GET Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_DATA_GET_FOR_BP Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_DATA_GET_FOR_FMAA Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_DATA_GET_FOR_FMAAO Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_DATA_GET_FOR_POOL Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_GET_BUDGET_VALUES Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_POOL_VALUES_GET Zu Einnahmen HHMK bestimme Einnahmen Dckrng
FM_RIB_PROTOCOL_BLOCK_DISPLAY Display protocols of budget increase by RIB using ALV
FM_RIB_PROTOCOL_BLOCK_DISPLAY1 Display protocols of budget increase by RIB using ALV
FM_RIB_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY Display protocols of budget increase by RIB using ALV
FM_RIB_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY1 Display protocols of budget increase by RIB using ALV
FM_RIB_SUM_DETERMINE_FOR_HMK Ermitteln der Obligo-/Istsummen zu einer HHM-Kont. für ein Geschäftsjahr
FMIT_SUM_UP_PERIODES_TO_YEAR calculate the totals of revenue over a year
PROCESS_00109040_IMPL_USFG US-FED specific filling of posting date and period of RIB docs. (actuals)
PROCESS_00109050_IMPL_USFG US-FED specific filling of posting date, and period of RIB docs (comtmnt)
RIB_APPLY_INTERVALS verteilbaren Betrag anhand der Intervalle berechnen
RIB_CALC_INTERVALS Intervalle und totlinc holen
RIB_DISTRIBUTABLE_AND_REST calculate the distributable revenue
RIB_SUM_INCOME calculate the additional revenue