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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Authorization Object Class PP (Production Planning) is a standard Authorization Object Class in SAP ERP. It contains the following embedded authorization objects and dictionary objects.
Authorization Object Class | PP |
Short Text | Production Planning |
Authorization Object Class PP contains 58 authorization objects.
C_AENR_BGR | CC Change Master - Authorization Group |
C_AENR_ERW | CC Eng. Chg. Mgmt. Enhanced Authorization Check |
C_AENR_RV1 | CC Engineering change mgmt - revision level for materials |
C_AENR_RV2 | CC Engineering Change Mgt - revision level for documents |
C_AFFW_TWK | CIM: Reworking error records from autom. goods movements |
C_AFKO_ATY | CIM: Order category |
C_AFKO_AWA | CIM: Authorization for Prod.Order/Order Type/Plant/Activity |
C_AFKO_AWK | CIM: Plant for order type of order |
C_AFRU_AWK | CIM: Confirmation |
C_APPL_SOP | Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Application |
C_ARPL_ART | CIM: Work center category |
C_ARPL_WRK | CIM: Work center- plant |
C_BACKFL | REM: Backflushing |
C_CAPV_ANW | CAPP: Standard value calculation - application |
C_CAPV_STA | CAPP: Standard value calculation - master data maintenance |
C_COOPC1 | OPC Interface: Access to Items |
C_COOPC2 | OPC Interface: Access to Events and Alarms |
C_CREC_WRK | PP-PI: Control Recipe - Plant |
C_CREX_WRK | PP-PI: External Control Recipe Execution (PI-PCS) |
C_CRFH_BRG | CIM: Production resources/tools master - authorization group |
C_CRPI_BER | PP-PI: Authorizations for PI Sheet |
C_EVAL_WRK | PP-PI: Process Message Evaluation / Evaluation Versions |
C_FVER_WRK | PP-PI: Production Version - Plant |
C_HU_PROD | Packing in Production (HU Creation) |
C_KANBAN | PP KANBAN Processing |
C_KAPA_ABG | CIM: Capacity leveling |
C_KAPA_PLA | CIM: Capacity planning |
C_LINE | LD: Processing Lines |
C_MESS_WRK | PP-PI: Process Messages - Plant |
C_PCMP | PP-PI: Production Campaign |
C_PFS | PP-PI: External Planning Tool |
C_PLAN_SOP | Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version |
C_POI | Authorization Object for Production Optimization Interface |
C_PPBD | Authorizations for Planned Independent Requirements |
C_PPBD_REO | Demand Management Reorg. - Activities |
C_PRLG_WRK | PP-PI: Entry in Process Message Record |
C_PROCCHAR | PP-PI: Ext. Access to Message/Instruction Characteristics |
C_RMSF_DVW | RM-FRM: Formula Views |
C_RMSR_BB_ | Building Blocks |
C_RMSR_CR_ | Calculation Rules in Process Parameters |
C_RMSR_RC_ | Access to Recipes |
C_RMSR_RS_ | Change Recipe Status |
C_RMST_LAY | Managing Output Layouts |
C_RMX_CI | Trial Management: Access to Customer-Specific Fields |
C_RMX_TASK | Monitor Tasks in Trial Management |
C_RMX_TRIA | Authorization Check for Trials |
C_ROUT | Authorizations for Routings |
C_ROUT_MAT | Update Material Master from Routings |
C_SAFK | REM: Repetitive Manufacturing |
C_SEQUENCE | LASP: Sequencing |
C_SPEC_BGR | Specification system: Authorization object |
C_STUE_BER | CS BOM Authorizations |
C_STUE_MAS | CS BOMs - Mass changes |
C_STUE_NOH | CS Authorization to process BOMs without a change number |
C_STUE_WRK | CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments) |
C_TRAN | PP-PI: Transfer of Orders from Higher-Level Systems |
C_VARLIST | Authorization for Objects in Variable Lists |