
SAP Function Group 2002

BAPIs network

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The Function Group 2002 (BAPIs network) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CNIF. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group 2002
Short Text BAPIs network
Package CNIF

Function Modules

Function Group 2002 contains 32 function modules.

2002_CREATE_INTERNAL_NW_TABLES creates the internal network tables from BAPI import tables
2002_EMPLOYEE_GETINFO RFC: Detailinformationen zum Person
2002_NETWORK_CREATE creates a new network
2002_NETWORK_RESOURCE_ACTIVE Checkbaustein: Resourcenplanung Netzplan aktiv
2002_WORKCENTER_GETINFO Get Work Centre, Activity Type and Activity Type Prices
BAPI_NETWORK_EXISTENCECHECK Check whether network exists
BAPI_NETWORK_GETDETAIL Read detailed information for network (including all objects)
BAPI_NETWORK_GETINFO Read detailed information for networks (including all objects)
BAPI_NETWORK_GETLIST Returns a container of network numbers
BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN Edit networks (incl. all objects)
EXT_ACTIVITY_GET_INT_ACTIVITY get the internal activity from the external activity
EXT_NETWORK_GET_INT_NETWORK get the internal network from the external network
EXT_REL_TYPE_GET_INT_REL_TYPE get the internal relation type from the external relation type
INT_ACTIVITY_GET_EXT_ACTIVITY get the external activity from the internal activity
INT_REL_TYPE_GET_EXT_REL_TYPE get the external relation type from the internal relation type
MAP2E_AFABD_TO_BAPI_RELATION afabd -> bapi_network_relation
MAP2E_AFVGD_TO_BAPI_ACT_ELEM afvgd -> bapi_act_element_exp
MAP2E_AFVGD_TO_BAPI_ACTIVITY afvgd -> bapi_network_activity
MAP2E_CAUFVD_TO_BAPI_NETWORK caufvd -> bapi_network
MAP2E_MLSTD_TO_BAPI_ACT_MILEST mlstd -> bapi_act_milestone_exp
MAP2E_RESBD_TO_BAPI_COMPONENT resbd -> bapi_component_exp
MAP2I_ACT_ELEM_UP_TO_AFVGD_UP bapi_act_element_upd -> afvgd_update
MAP2I_ACT_MILEST_UPD_TO_ML_UPD bapi_act_milestone_upd -> mlstd_update
MAP2I_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_TO_AFVGD bapi_network_activity_upd -> afvgd_update
MAP2I_BAPI_ACT_ELEM_TO_AFVGD bapi_act_element -> afvgd
MAP2I_BAPI_ACT_MILEST_TO_MLSTD bapi_act_milestone -> mlstd
MAP2I_BAPI_NETWORK_TO_CAUFVD bapi_network -> caufvd
MAP2I_BAPI_RELATION_TO_AFABD bapi_network_relation -> afabd
MAP2I_NETWORK_UPDATE_TO_CAUFVD bapi_network_update -> caufvd_update
MAP2I_RELATION_UPDATE_TO_AFABD bapi_network_relation_upd -> afabd_update
NETWORK_GET_ORGANIZATION returns organizational information of a network