
SAP Function Group 31NZ

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The Function Group 31NZ () is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC43. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group 31NZ
Short Text
Package PC43

Function Modules

Function Group 31NZ contains 28 function modules.

HR_PL_D_NZ_KIWCO Display results table KIWCO
HR_PL_D_NZ_LVACC Display results table LVACC
HR_PL_D_NZ_LVAWE Display results table LVAWE
HR_PL_D_NZ_LVPAY Display results table LVPAY
HR_PL_D_NZ_LVTAK Display results table LVTAK
HR_PL_D_NZ_MESSAGES Display results table MESSAGES
HR_PL_D_NZ_NZHPI Display results table NZHPI
HR_PL_D_NZ_NZSUP Display results table NZSUP
HR_PL_D_NZ_P0312 Display infotype 0312
HR_PL_D_NZ_P2006 Display results table P2006
HR_PL_D_NZ_P5NZB Display results table P5NZB
HR_PL_D_NZ_RETP Display results table RETP
HR_PL_D_NZ_SALSAC Display results table SALSAC
HR_PL_D_NZ_TAXP Display results table TAXP
HR_PL_D_NZ_TZXP Display results table TZXP
HR_PL_D_P2006 Display infotype 2006
HR_PL_D_PC23I Display tables with structure PC23I ,
HR_PL_D_PC23W Display tables with structure PC23W ,
HR_PL_D_PC23X Display tables with structure PC23X ,
HR_PL_D_PC23Y Display tables with structure PC23Y ,
HR_PL_D_PC23Z Display tables with structure PC23Z , New Zealand
HR_PL_D_PC254 Display tables with structure PC254 , New Zealand
HR_PL_D_PC255 Display tables with structure PC255 ,
HR_PL_D_PC27T Display tables with structure PC27T ,
HR_PL_D_PC28I Display tables with structure PC28I , New Zealand
HR_PL_D_PC29M Display tables with structure PC29M ,
HR_PL_D_PC43K Display tables with structure PC43K , New Zealand
HR_PL_D_PC43S Display tables with structure PC43S , New Zealand