
SAP Function Group BARC

Bar Chart

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The Function Group BARC (Bar Chart) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SGRC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group BARC
Short Text Bar Chart
Package SGRC

Function Modules

Function Group BARC contains 52 function modules.

BARC_ADD_CALENDAR Create a calendar
BARC_ADD_CHART Create a chart
BARC_ADD_CURVE_AXIS Create vertical axis for curves
BARC_ADD_DATELINE Generate date line
BARC_ADD_GRID Create a Time Fence (Grid)
BARC_ADD_INTERVAL Create a Time Interval
BARC_ADD_LAYER Create a layer (graphical element)
BARC_ADD_LEGEND_NODE Create legend nodes
BARC_ADD_LINE Set horizontal lines
BARC_ADD_RIBBON Create a ribbon
BARC_ADD_SECTION Create a section of the time axis
BARC_ADD_SUMMARY_NODE Create summary nodes
BARC_ADD_TIME_OBJECT Create a time object
BARC_ADD_TIME_PROFILE Create a time profile
BARC_CONVERT_DATE Generate a date string in bar chart format
BARC_DEF_MAKRO Macro identification
BARC_DEF_PROTOTYPE Prototype definition
BARC_GET_COLOR_SET Get color settings from bar chart
BARC_GET_COLUMN_WIDTH Get new column widths
BARC_GET_PROFILE_CONTENTS Determine customizing profile contents
BARC_GET_TEXTINDEX Determine the text index belonging to a field
BARC_GRAPHIC_PAI Analyze data returned by the graphic (PAI)
BARC_GRAPHIC_PBO Bar chart control (PBO)
BARC_INIT Initialization
BARC_LOGIC Logic administration
BARC_POPUP_TO_GET_PROFILE Pop-up for determining graphics profile
BARC_REVERT_DATE Transform date string in bar chart format into date and time
BARC_SET_CALENDAR_ATTRIB Set attributes for a calendar
BARC_SET_CHART_ATTRIB Set chart attributes
BARC_SET_COLOR_SET Set bar chart color settings
BARC_SET_COLUMN_ATTRIB Set column attributes
BARC_SET_COLUMN_WIDTH Determine column width
BARC_SET_CURVE_AXIS_ATTRIB Set attributes of the axes for the curves
BARC_SET_DATELINE_ATTRIB Set date line attributes
BARC_SET_GRID_ATTRIB Set grid attributes
BARC_SET_ILAB Set text index for search window
BARC_SET_INTERVAL_ATTRIB Set time interval attributes
BARC_SET_LABELS Positioning of chart display
BARC_SET_LAYER_ATTRIB Set layer attributes
BARC_SET_LEGEND_ATTRIB Set attributes for the legend
BARC_SET_MAXCHARTS Set no. of maximum charts sent
BARC_SET_OPTIONS Change settings
BARC_SET_POPUP_DATA Create object-specific menus in the bar chart
BARC_SET_RIBBON_ATTRIB Set ribbon attributes
BARC_SET_RIBBON_TEXTS Set ribbon texts
BARC_SET_ROW_ATTRIB Set line attributes
BARC_SET_ROW_HEIGHT Set line height
BARC_SET_SECTION_ATTRIB Set section attributes
BARC_SET_SUMMARY_NODE_ATTRIB Set attributes for a summary node
BARC_SET_TIME_AXIS Set start and end of the time axis
BARC_SET_TIME_PROFILE_ATTRIB Set time profile attributes