

OBJ Layer: Calculations (Analysis)

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The Function Group CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC (OBJ Layer: Calculations (Analysis)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CMS_CORE_ANL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC
Short Text OBJ Layer: Calculations (Analysis)

Function Modules

Function Group CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC contains 26 function modules.

CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_BASIC_RESULTS Calculate basic results for the CMS entities
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_CAG_REQ_VAL Calculation of required value of backed up agreements
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_CHG_LEND_LMT Calculation of assigned lending limit and charge values
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_COLL_RIGHT Calculation of Collateral Right
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_COLL_VALUE Calculation of Collateral value
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_CONTROL Calculations Controller (which calls the resp. calc modules)
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_CONTROLLER Calculations Controller (which calls the resp. calc modules)
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_COV_RATIO Calculations of Coverage ratio
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_COVERAGE_GAP Calculations of Coverage gap
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_DIST_CV Distribution of Collateral value to receivables
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_DIST_CV_IMPLE Distribution of Collateral Value logic for the BADI Implementation
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_DIST_LR Distribution Collateral value to lending ranges
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_FREE_COLL Calcuation of Free collaterals
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_GET_DATA Fetch data of CMS entities
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LEND_LMT_AST Calculation of Lending Limit
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LEND_LMT_GRT Calculation of Lending Limit for guarantees
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LEND_VAL_AST Calculation of Lending Value
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LEND_VAL_GRT Calculation of Lending Value of Guarantees
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LENDING_RANGE Calcualtion of Lending Ranges
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_LTOV_RATIO Calculation of Loan to Value ratios (Rangauslauf)
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_POOL_COLL_VAL Calculation of Collateral value of collateral pools
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_POOL_MAX_VAL Calculation of collateral right of collateral pools
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_PRIOR_CHG Calculation of Prior charges
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_RBL_SEC_AMT Derive Secured amount for the RBL
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_RESBACKUP_VAL Calculation of restricted backup value of a backup CAG(not used)
CMS_OBJ_ANL_CALC_UTIL_BACKUP Calculation of Utilisable back up value of a collateral agreement