
SAP Function Group CMS_OBJ_RBL

OBJ Layer for Receivable

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The Function Group CMS_OBJ_RBL (OBJ Layer for Receivable) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CMS_RBL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CMS_OBJ_RBL
Short Text OBJ Layer for Receivable
Package CMS_RBL

Function Modules

Function Group CMS_OBJ_RBL contains 21 function modules.

CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_BY_SKY_MLT Creat Receivable with default values
CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_SNG Creat Receivable with default values
CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_TECH_KEY Create GUID's for line items(Position ,RBL-BP)
CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_BY_SKEY_MLT Fetch Receivable Technical Key based on the Semantic key
CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_BY_SKY Fetch Receivable Technical Key based on the Semantic key
CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_MLT Fetch the receivables
CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_SNG Fetch details of a Receivable
CMS_OBJ_RBL_LOCK_BY_SKY Lock the Asset by the semantic key
CMS_OBJ_RBL_LOCK_BY_SKY_MLT Lock by Primary key (For Change Document)
CMS_OBJ_RBL_OPEN_BY_SKY_MLT Get receivable by semantic key
CMS_OBJ_RBL_REFRESH_ALL Refresh the buffers
CMS_OBJ_RBL_REFRESH_SNG Refresh Object Layer buffer
CMS_OBJ_RBL_SAVE_MLT Save Receivable
CMS_OBJ_RBL_SAVE_SNG Save Receivable
CMS_OBJ_RBL_SET_SNG Update Object Layer with data from API Layer
CMS_OBJ_RBL_SYS_CHECK System checks for receivable
CMS_OBJ_RBL_UNLOCK_ALL Unlock a Receivable
CMS_OBJ_RBL_UNLOCK_BY_SKY_MLT UNLock by Primary key (For Change Document)