
SAP Function Group CNET

Configuration of network graphics

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The Function Group CNET (Configuration of network graphics) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SGRC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CNET
Short Text Configuration of network graphics
Package SGRC

Function Modules

Function Group CNET contains 23 function modules.

CNET_CONVERT_TO_HIERARCHY Convert links to node attributes (hierarchy graphics)
CNET_FIELD_TO_INDEX_CVALS Frames: Conversion of the field names to text indexes
CNET_FIELD_TO_INDEX_LVALS Links: Conversion of the field names to text indexes
CNET_FIELD_TO_INDEX_NVALS Nodes: Conversion of the field names to text indexes
CNET_GET_NODES_ORDERED Determine order of the hierarchy nodes
CNET_GET_PROFILE_CONTENTS Determine the data belonging to the graphics profile
CNET_GRAPH_ACTION GUI element extension for SAP Graphics
CNET_GRAPHIC_CLUSTER Start graphical cluster editor
CNET_GRAPHIC_CLUSTER_PBO Start graphical cluster editor at PBO time
CNET_GRAPHIC_HIERARCHY Start hierarchy graphics
CNET_GRAPHIC_HIERARCHY_PBO Start the hierarchy graphics at PBO time
CNET_GRAPHIC_NETWORK Start network graphics
CNET_GRAPHIC_NETWORK_PBO Start network graphics at PBO time
CNET_GRAPHIC_PAI Analyze data returned by the graphic (PAI time)
CNET_LOGIC_HIERARCHY Example for administration of hierarchy logic
CNET_LOGIC_NETWORK Example for the administration of network logic
CNET_MAKE_BOXES Generate boxes (title line, type field)
CNET_POPUP_TO_GET_PROFILE Dialog window for determining graphics profile
CNET_SET_LABEL Set search text for graphics
CNET_SET_LEGEND Set the legend in the graphics
CNET_SET_OPTIONS Change settings from option profile
CNET_SET_POPUP_DATA Deliver data to dialog box
CNET_SET_TIMEEGG_TEXT Sets the text in the time ellipse (connector)