
SAP Function Group CYCP

Capacity planning - general functions

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The Function Group CYCP (Capacity planning - general functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CY. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CYCP
Short Text Capacity planning - general functions
Package CY

Function Modules

Function Group CYCP contains 23 function modules.

CY_ADD_PERIODS Adds a number of periods to the current one
CY_CENTER_WINDOW Determines the coordinates of a popup
CY_CONVERT_DATE_TO_PERIODTYPE Converts a date into a text according to the selected period type
CY_CUT_TEXT Extracts the string from a numbered text up to the ,,
CY_GET_BEGIN_AND_END_OF_PERIOD Gets the start date and the finish date of a period of the specified type
CY_GET_FIELD Reads the DDIC information to a table field
CY_GET_MCOBJ Determines the matchcode object for a field from CYFI1
CY_GET_PART_CAPA_ONE Determines available capacity of a period
CY_GET_PART_CAPACITY Determines capacity for a partial period
CY_GET_STRUCTURE_FOR_FIELD Determines the table a field belongs to (only for fields in TCY36)
CY_GET_TIMEINTERVAL Computes start date and finish date according to given period type
CY_IS_INTEGER Checks whether input string contains an integer
CY_LOAD_DISTRIBUTION Distribution of capacity loads
CY01_CAPACITY_UNIT_GET Ermittlung der Einheit einer Kapazität (Baustein nur zum Test, ersetzen!)
CY01_CONV_UNIT_FACTOR Determine exchange ratios
CY01_MESSAGE_UNIT_CONVERSION Send an error message for the conversion of units of measurement
CY01_START_END_DATE_GET Ermittlung Start und Endetermin für Bedarfsverteilung
CYCP_FILL_TEXT_IN_PERIODS Write period texts to table PER_TAB
CYCP_GET_CALENDAR Determine factory calendar
CYCP_GET_NEXT_PERIOD_DATE Determine start date of a follow-on period
CYCP_GET_PERIOD_FIRST_DATE_D Determine date of first day of a period
CYCP_KBED_FOR_PRINT_READ Lesen von Einzel-KBED-Sätzen zum Druck von Auftragspapieren