
SAP Function Group CYFI

Cap.planning/filtering and data maint.

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The Function Group CYFI (Cap.planning/filtering and data maint.) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CY. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group CYFI
Short Text Cap.planning/filtering and data maint.
Package CY

Function Modules

Function Group CYFI contains 50 function modules.

CY_AUFFRISCHEN Include quotation change when changing available capacity
CY_AUSFLUG_KAPAABGLEICH Anstoß der Kapazitätsabgleich aus der Kapaauswertung
CY_BATCH_READ_INDX During background processing of CRP, reads tables from INDX
CY_BATCH_WRITE_INDX During background processing of CRP this function writes tables to INDX
CY_CHECK_FOR_CHANGED_SELECTION Checks whether selections have changed
CY_CHECK_SELECTION_FIELD Checks whether the specified field of a table is a selection field
CY_CONV_DATE_TO_PERIOD Determine the period (from table PERIOD) for a date
CY_FILL_BEDZU_AND_KAPZU Fill internal table BEDZU (req. to combin.) and KAPZU (cap. to combin.)
CY_FILL_DET_LIST Fill internal table 'VER_KBED' (distributed capacity requirements)
CY_FILL_INDI Set indicators in table INDI for new setup of the internal tables
CY_FILL_KAPAN Fill internal table 'KAPAN' (available capacity)
CY_FILL_KAPAN_IN_KUBEL Write the available capacities to internal table KUBEL
CY_FILL_KOMBIBED Fill internal table KOMBIBED with rqmts per period and set combination
CY_FILL_PERIOD Fill period table (PERIOD)
CY_FILL_PERIOD_FROM_RC65K Fills table PERIOD from a RC65K structure
CY_FILL_VALUES_IN_INTSPAL Write values to internal column table
CY_FILL_VER_KBED Fill internal table 'VER_KBED' (distributed capacity requirements)
CY_FILL_VER_KBED_IN_KUBEL Write requirements from VER_KBED to table KUBEL
CY_FILTER_GET_SET Determines the sets for a combination
CY_GET_CALENDAR Determine affected factory calendars and posting period variants
CY_GET_CAPACITY_HIERARCHY_2 Determine capacity-related sub-hierarchy starting from a work center
CY_GET_CAPACITY_TEXT Returns short text for a capacity from I_KAKO
CY_GET_DATA_FOR_AVO_ARPL_GRAPH Determines the data for the Gantt chart Operations/work center
CY_GET_DATA_IF_CALLED Transfers the table transferred during a CALL to EI_RANGES_ALL
CY_GET_DLZ_DIAGRAM_SEL_TABLES Import the selection tables for DLZ diagram call
CY_GET_FILTER_VALUES Read the values of a set
CY_GET_HIERARCHY Read the subordinate capacities belonging to a work center
CY_GET_ORDER_TEXT Returns the material and the text for an order number from I_AUKO
CY_GET_PERIOD_KTEXT Read the period names in the period table
CY_GET_PERIOD_STRUCTURE Returns line for an index from table PERIOD
CY_GET_PLANNED_ORDER_TEXT Returns material with text for a planned order number from I_PLAF
CY_GET_SELECTED_WORKCENTERS Returns table (CYCRHD) with primary and secondary work centers
CY_GET_SELECTION_TYPE Returns selection category of a field for a certain access path
CY_GET_SET_VALUES_NEW Read the values of a set
CY_GET_SETS_IN_RC65A Übernahme der selektierten Sets in RC65A
CY_GET_SPALS_VALUES Read values for all set combinations of a column key
CY_GET_WORKSTATION_TEXT Returns the short text for a work center from I_CRHD
CY_INIT_PROFILE Initialize profiles during capacity planning
CY_NUMBER_WORKCENTER_CAPACITY Returns the number of selected work centers and capacities
CY_PRIMARY_SELECTION Performs primary selection
CY_READ_FIELD_TEXT Returns the text for a field
CY_READ_INDX_FROM_BATCH Reads tables from INDX after background processing of CRP
CY_READ_PROFILE_FROM_INDX Reads the profile ID from INDX after background processing of CRP
CY_READ_SELECTION_SET Initiates the breakdown of the set belonging to a selection list
CY_SECONDARY_SELECTION Secondary selection (set up internal table SELKBED)
CY_SELECT_LOAD Select capacity loads
CY_VARLIST_GET_SETS Import sets and their value variables for a list variant
CY_WRITE_INDX_FOR_BATCH Writes tables to INDX for background processing of CRP