Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Function Group FMBWB (Budgeting Workbench) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMBPA_E. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | FMBWB |
Short Text | Budgeting Workbench |
Package | FMBPA_E |
Function Group FMBWB contains 27 function modules.
FMBWB_ALV_DETAIL_CREATE | Create ALV Grid Control for detail area |
FMBWB_ALV_DETAIL_INIT | Init the tables for detail area |
FMBWB_ALV_DETAIL_MODIFY | Create ALV Grid Control for detail area |
FMBWB_ALV_PERIOD_CREATE | Create ALV Grid Control for period screen |
FMBWB_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY | Display a document from external application |
FMBWB_DOCUMENT_INIT | Initialize the document tables from interface data |
FMBWB_DOCUMENT_LOAD | Load a document in the BWB - DataBase Format => User Interface Format |
FMBWB_DOCUMENT_PREPARE | Prepare document for exchange |
FMBWB_DOCUMENT_TEXT_INIT | Initialize the document tables from interface data |
FMBWB_FAMILY_LIST | Popup to display and select documents of the family |
FMBWB_HOLD_POPUP | Poputp for temporary number |
FMBWB_LAYOUT_DETERMINE_2 | Determine the layout to apply |
FMBWB_LAYOUT_REVERSE | Check layout validity for reversal |
FMBWB_NAVIGATION_CHANGE | Change Navigation Box for Budgeting Workbench |
FMBWB_NAVIGATION_CREATE | Create Navigation Box for Budgeting Workbench |
FMBWB_PERIOD_SCREEN | Management of the period screen |
FMBWB_PERIOD_SCREEN_GET | Get global data for management of the period screen |
FMBWB_PERIOD_SCREEN_SET | Set global data for management of the period screen |
FMBWB_PRINT_ADOBE | Print Entry document in Adobe forms |
FMBWB_PRINT_PDF_BASED_FORMS | Print Entry document in Adobe forms |
FMBWB_REVALUATION_CHECK | Check percentage for revaluation |
FMBWB_REVERSAL_LOAD | Load a reversal proposal in BWB - Kernel Format => User Interface Format |
FMBWB_REVERSAL_PREPARE | Prepare document for exchange |
FMBWB_SEARCH | Search for document |
FMBWB_SPREAD | Spread value |
FMBWB_WARNINGS_POPUP | Warnings occured. Popup to confirm posting |