
SAP Function Group FPAYM00

Payment medium: Example module

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The Function Group FPAYM00 (Payment medium: Example module) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BFIBL_PAYM. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group FPAYM00
Short Text Payment medium: Example module

Function Modules

Function Group FPAYM00 contains 13 function modules.

FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_00 Payment Medium: Interface 00 - Fill Sort Field
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_05 Payment Medium: Interface 05 - Fill Additional Free Format Fields
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_06 Payment Medium: Interface 06 - Filling of Customer Free Format Fields
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_10 Payment Medium: Interface 10 - Check Format Parameters
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_11 Payment Medium: Interface 11 - Check Customer Format Parameters
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_20 Payment Medium: Interface 20 - Start / File Header
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_21 Payment Medium: Interface 21 - Start (User-Exit)
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_25 Payment Medium: Interface 25 - File Close/Open
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_30 Payment Medium: Interface 30 - Order / Transaction Record
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_31 Payment Medium: Interface 31 -Order (User-Exit)
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_40 Payment Medium: Interface 40 - End / File Trailer
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_41 Payment Medium: Interface 41 - End (User-Exit)
FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_DETAILS Payment medium: Interface - fill note to payee