
SAP Function Group HRCARGB

Company car GB popup

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The Function Group HRCARGB (Company car GB popup) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB08. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRCARGB
Short Text Company car GB popup
Package PB08

Function Modules

Function Group HRCARGB contains 32 function modules.

HR_EXIT_0442_PAI_2100_GB Country exit PAI for screen 2100
HR_EXIT_0442_PAI_2200_GB GB country exit for IT0442 screen 2200 PAI
HR_EXIT_0442_PAI_2300_GB GB country exit for IT0442 screen 2200 PAI
HR_EXIT_0442_PBO_2200_GB Country exit in the PBO of screen 2200
HR_EXIT_0442_PBO_2300_GB Company Car exit PBO of screen 2300
HR_EXIT_0442_PBO_INIT_GB GB country exit for initial country processing 0442
HR_EXIT_CC_UCOMM_GB User exit for country specific user commands
HR_GB_0442_TAX_YEAR Determine tax year dates for 0442 calc
HR_GB_CC_CALC_CAR_PRICE Calculate the car price
HR_GB_CC_CO2_BEN Company car GB taxable benefit calculation (CO2)
HR_GB_CC_COMPARE Company Car GB compare
HR_GB_CC_END_PAYROLL Payroll compnay car GB last steps
HR_GB_CC_FILL_YR_DET Company car GB fill car_det for timeframe
HR_GB_CC_FSC Company car GB fuel scale charge calculation
HR_GB_CC_FULL_BENEFIT Full company car benefit calculation
HR_GB_CC_FULL_BENEFIT_P11D Company car taxable benefit used in the P11D report
HR_GB_CC_PERIOD Company car GB benefit calculation by period
HR_GB_CC_UNAVAILABILITY_CHECK Check for length of unavailabilty on infotype
HR_GB_CC_YEAR Company car GB benefit calculation P0442 from infotype
HR_GB_CV_FSC Company car GB fuel scale charge calculation
HR_GB_CV_FULL_BENEFIT Full company car benefit calculation
HR_GB_CV_FULL_BENEFIT_P11D Company car taxable benefit used in the P11D report
HR_GB_CV_PERIOD Company car GB benefit calculation by period
HR_GB_CV_YEAR Company car GB benefit calculation P0442 from infotype
HR_GB_CVAN_BEN Company car GB taxable benefit calculation (CO2)
HR_GB_POPUP_VAN_SHR Popup for van sharing
HR_GB_UNAVAILABILITY_CHECK Check for minimum 30 days unavailable
HR_IMPUTE_CC_CALC_GB Company car GB benefit calculation P0442 first exit
HR_IMPUTE_CC_END_GB Company car GB benefit calculation P0442 second exit
HR_POPUP_VC_T51C1 Popup to maintain car attributes view cluster
HR_SPLIT_MODEL_AMOUNT_GB Split amount using the payment model
HR_UPDATE_VC_T5GC1 Update the view cluster VC_T5GC1