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Bei ansehen →The Function Group HRPAYBE_READINSTITUTIONS (Functions to read institution data) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB12. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | Functions to read institution data |
Package | PB12 |
Function Group HRPAYBE_READINSTITUTIONS contains 10 function modules.
HR_BE_READ_BUKRS | Reads BUKRS (=company code) from the Institution |
HR_BE_READ_COMPANY | Returns a company class object, does internal caching of classes |
HR_BE_READ_COMPANY_ID | Reads company ID based on a registration number |
HR_BE_READ_COMPS_FROM_COMID | Returns a list of companies based on Company ID |
HR_BE_READ_EEGRM | Read employee grouping modifier |
HR_BE_READ_INSTITUTION_CODES | Retrieve all Institutions belonging to the given group |
HR_BE_READ_PERS_AREA_SUBAREAS | Reads the WERKS and the BTRTL from the Institution |
HR_BE_READ_REGNO | Reads the institutions numbers |
HR_BE_READ_SUBAREA | Returns a subarea object, it does internal caching |
HR_BE_READ_SUBAREAS | Retrieve all existing Subareas |