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Bei ansehen →The Function Group HRWPC_RQ_UTILITIES (Global utilities for all forms) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HRWPC_RQ_UTILITIES |
Short Text | Global utilities for all forms |
Package | PWPC_MAN_RECR_US_46CFF |
Function Group HRWPC_RQ_UTILITIES contains 27 function modules.
HRWPC_RQ_CHECK_POS_CHANGE | Check for position change |
HRWPC_RQ_CREATE_RQ_OBJECT | Create the Requisition Object |
HRWPC_RQ_DEFAULT_AD_TEXT | Defaulting advertisement text based on the position or job data |
HRWPC_RQ_DELETE_QUAL_AND_TASK | Qualifikation von Planstelle (IT1001 - A031) |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_BASIC_POS_DATA | Fill the basic Position infotype data |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_BY_POS | Initializing Data When Position is Selected |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_ERRORS | Fill Error in the SPECIAL_DATA Structure |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_FLSA | Check FLSA flag of an US job id |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_FORM_HEADER | Initializing Header Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_PD_IT_DATA | iView displaying Position/Job PD IT Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FILL_QUAL_AND_TASK | Qualifikation von Planstelle (IT1001 - A031) |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_INST | Add More Instrument on the Form Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_POS | Add More Positions on the Form Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_ADD_MORE_TEAM | Add More Recruitment Team on the Form Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_DELETE_INST | Delete All Instrument Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_DELETE_TEAM | Delete All Recruitment Team Data |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_REFRESH | 'Refresh' (user command) for the Requisition Form |
HRWPC_RQ_FORM_SEARCH | Search Capability on the Form Data |
HRWPC_RQ_GET_ACTION_CODE | Given a Notification Object ID, returns special_data field w/ form action |
HRWPC_RQ_GET_PLANNED_COMP | Planned Compensation IT1005 for Position or Job |
HRWPC_RQ_GET_REQ_OBJECT_ID | Given a Notification Object ID, returns Requisition Object ID |
HRWPC_RQ_ISR_FORM | iView displaying the Standard and Customer Forms |
HRWPC_RQ_POST_REQUISITION | Call Core Requisition post functionality with extra MSS data |
HRWPC_RQ_SHOW_SYS_STATUS | Read System Statuses of the Notification Object |
HRWPC_RQ_UPDATE_RQ_OBJECT | Create the Requisition Object |
HRWPC_RQ_UPDATE_RQ_SUBTY_4004 | Updates RQ obj infty 1002 subtype 4004 (Notif obj ID) |