
SAP Function Group J1AL

Inflation MM: Replacement Cost Valuation

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The Function Group J1AL (Inflation MM: Replacement Cost Valuation) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package J1AI. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group J1AL
Short Text Inflation MM: Replacement Cost Valuation
Package J1AI

Function Modules

Function Group J1AL contains 15 function modules.

DEQUEUE_MATERIAL_MASTER Dequeue Materialmaster
J_1A_CHECK_FOR_POSTING_CURRENT Check if price has to be posted also for current period or not (MR21)
J_1A_GET_DEL_COSTS_FOR_CONTRAC Get delivery costs for contracts
J_1A_GET_DEL_COSTS_FOR_INFOREC Get delivery costs for purchase info records
J_1A_GET_MARKET_PRICE Market price determination
J_1A_GOODISSUE_AC_MODIFICATION Map material account to inflation account for goods issue revaluation
J_1A_IDX_AND_GIP_ALV ALV function for J_1aidx2 (Ind1 and GIP)
J_1A_INF_INT_ALV Interface betw. reports and J_1A_MM_INF_ALV. Prepare all data for ALV
J_1A_INFLATION_AC_MODIFICATION Determine inflation account for material gain/loss account (RCV)
J_1A_INFLATION_PRICE_UPDATE Perform price update in material master via MR21 or Material Ledger
J_1A_ME_GET_CONTRACT_CONDITION Reads contract conditions from the database for printout
J_1A_ME_GET_INFORECORD_COND Read all conditions for the info record for change to the order unit
J_1A_MM_INF_ALV ALV for Inflation in MM - Call ALV-Standard-Interface
J_1A_RECALC_REPL_COST_PRICE Recalculation of replacement cost price because of price unit changes