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Bei ansehen →The Function Group J1BH (SD General functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package J1BA. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | J1BH |
Short Text | SD General functions |
Package | J1BA |
Function Group J1BH contains 16 function modules.
J_1B_READ_J1BSDICA | Obsolete: use J_1BSDICA_READ |
J_1B_SD_BI_CFOP_DET | CFOP Determination for Retroactive Billing |
J_1B_SD_CFOP | CFOP Determination in SD |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_CHANGE | CFOP (Re-)Determination in SD for modified parameters |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_DELETE | Delete Internal tables when Item is deleted |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_EXPORT_PARTNER | Export CFOP internal table for CFOP determination when partner changes |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_IMPORT_PARTNER | Import CFOP internal table for CFOP determination when partner changes |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_INIT | Init Internal tables |
J_1B_SD_CFOP_REDET | CFOP Redetermination |
J_1B_SD_NFTYPE_DET | Nota Fiscal Type Determination |
J_1B_SD_SCREEN_CONTROL | Country-specific screen control for SD fields |
J_1B_SD_TAXCODE | Tax Code Determination in SD |
J_1B_SD_TAXLAW | Tax Law Determination in SD |
J_1BAA_READ | Buffered Read of Nota Fiscal Type Table |
J_1BSA_COMPONENT_ACTIVE_SHPP | Country-specific component active check for shipping points |
J_1BSDICA_READ | Buffered Read of SD Item Category |