
SAP Function Group J1BH

SD General functions

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The Function Group J1BH (SD General functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package J1BA. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group J1BH
Short Text SD General functions
Package J1BA

Function Modules

Function Group J1BH contains 16 function modules.

J_1B_SD_BI_CFOP_DET CFOP Determination for Retroactive Billing
J_1B_SD_CFOP CFOP Determination in SD
J_1B_SD_CFOP_CHANGE CFOP (Re-)Determination in SD for modified parameters
J_1B_SD_CFOP_DELETE Delete Internal tables when Item is deleted
J_1B_SD_CFOP_EXPORT_PARTNER Export CFOP internal table for CFOP determination when partner changes
J_1B_SD_CFOP_IMPORT_PARTNER Import CFOP internal table for CFOP determination when partner changes
J_1B_SD_CFOP_INIT Init Internal tables
J_1B_SD_CFOP_REDET CFOP Redetermination
J_1B_SD_NFTYPE_DET Nota Fiscal Type Determination
J_1B_SD_SCREEN_CONTROL Country-specific screen control for SD fields
J_1B_SD_TAXCODE Tax Code Determination in SD
J_1B_SD_TAXLAW Tax Law Determination in SD
J_1BAA_READ Buffered Read of Nota Fiscal Type Table
J_1BSA_COMPONENT_ACTIVE_SHPP Country-specific component active check for shipping points
J_1BSDICA_READ Buffered Read of SD Item Category