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Bei ansehen →The Function Group LMON_SERVICES_MONITOR (Services for monitor main program) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package LMON. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | Services for monitor main program |
Package | LMON |
Function Group LMON_SERVICES_MONITOR contains 14 function modules.
LMON_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Check authorization for monitor use |
LMON_ELIMINATION_EXECUTE | Hides rows in monitor object hierarchy tree and ALV table |
LMON_MENU_ENABLE_CHECK | Check if the given method should be enabled in the object context menu |
LMON_METHOD_EXECUTE | Execute method upon one or more objects |
LMON_METHOD_GET | Returns record containing data of requested method |
LMON_METHOD_MSG_DISPLAY | Displays appropriate message upon method execution |
LMON_METHOD_MSG_INIT | Creates table of messages to be displayed at method execution |
LMON_METHODS_READ | Fill global table of services |
LMON_MULTIPLE_SELECTION_CHECK | Checks if multiple selection is allowed for requested movement |
LMON_NEXT_LEVEL_GET | Get object classes and objects of next level in Monitor tree |
LMON_OBJECTS_SELECTION_GET | Gets object selection made on selection screen and manages selection data |
LMON_ROOT_EXPORT | Export site ID to SAP memory for further reading by Alert Monitor |
LMON_ROOT_OBJECT_GET | Gets all available objects of given object class |