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Bei ansehen →The Function Group MEMGMT_DEVICETEMPLATE (Function Group for Device Template) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package ME_MGMT. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Short Text | Function Group for Device Template |
Package | ME_MGMT |
Function Group MEMGMT_DEVICETEMPLATE contains 10 function modules.
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_CHANGE | Change of DeviceTemplate |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_CREATE | DeviceTemplate creation |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_DELETE | ME: Deletion of a Device Template |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_GETDETAIL | Retrieve details of device template |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_GETLIST | Retrieves a list of Device Templates |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_GETROLES | new function module to get roles for F4 help |
MEMGMT_DEVTEMPLATE_MANAGE_IS | Integration IS with normal DC |
MEMGMT_DT_ASSIGNMENT_GETLIST | ME: Get possible assignemnt list |
MEMGMT_DT_CONDITION_GETLIST | ME: Get possible assignemnt list |
MEMGMT_DT_FROM_NODE_GETLIST | ME: Retrieves a list of DeviceTemplates from Hierarchy node (for user) |