
SAP Function Group PSCCALC

PSC Calculations

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The Function Group PSCCALC (PSC Calculations) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package GJPSC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group PSCCALC
Short Text PSC Calculations
Package GJPSC

Function Modules

Function Group PSCCALC contains 17 function modules.

PSC_CALC_COMBINED_TOTALS PSC Calculation Totals for Combined Products
PSC_CALCULATE_ADJUSTMENT PSC Calculation of Adjustments (Category A)
PSC_CALCULATE_COST PSC Calculation of Recovered Cost
PSC_CALCULATE_COST_CAP PSC Calculation of Cost Cap
PSC_CALCULATE_OTHER_COSTS PSC Calculation of Other Costs (Catergory C)
PSC_CALCULATE_PRODUCTION PSC Calculation of Production
PSC_CALCULATE_PRODUCTION_46B PSC Calculation of Production
PSC_CALCULATE_PROFIT PSC Calculation of Profit
PSC_CALCULATE_ROYALTY PSC Calculation of Royalty
PSC_CLEAR_GROUP_RES Store internal table GROUP_RES in FG-memory
PSC_GET_CALC_SCHEME_DETAIL PSC: Get details of the calculation scheme
PSC_GET_COST_INPUT Read costs from PSC ledger
PSC_GET_PROD_MONTH_BY_MONTH Get input data for production
PSC_GET_PRODUCTION_INPUT Get input data for production
PSC_GET_PRODUCTION_SINGLE Get input data for production
PSC_MOVE_COST PSC group cost movement
PSC_PASS_GROUP_RES Store internal table GROUP_RES in FG-memory