
SAP Function Group QNMA

QM:Notification MiniApps, Release-Indep.

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The Function Group QNMA (QM:Notification MiniApps, Release-Indep.) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PLM_NOTIFICATIONS. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group QNMA
Short Text QM:Notification MiniApps, Release-Indep.

Function Modules

Function Group QNMA contains 11 function modules.

QNMA_CAPSULE_CREATE_NOTIF_ALM MiniApp: Meldung anlegen in PM/CS - Kapsel
QNMA_CAPSULE_CREATE_NOTIFICAT Portal: Meldung anlegen allgemein - Kapsel
QNMA_CAPSULE_MYNOTIF_ALM MiniApp: Statusanzeige für Meldungen (Alerts) in PM/CS - Kapsel
QNMA_GET_PRIO_FOR_NOTIF_TYPE QM: Get list of valid priorities for notification type
QNMA_MYNOTIFICATIONS_QM MiniApp: myNotifications in QM
QNMA_PORTAL_ALV_MYNOTIF_ALM Portal Data Viewer: myNotifications in PM/CS
QNMA_PORTAL_ALV_MYNOTIF_QM Portal Data Viewer: myNotifications in QM
QNMA_WRAPPER_NOTIF_CLOSE Wrapper-Baustein zum Abschließen einer Meldung aus dem Portal
QNMA_WRAPPER_NOTIF_CREATE Wrapper-Baustein zum Anlegen einer Meldung aus dem Portal
QNMA_WRAPPER_NOTIF_GET Wrapper-Baustein zum Lesen einer Meldung aus dem Portal
QNMA_WRAPPER_NOTIF_STAT_GET Wrapper-Baustein zum Lesen von Meldungsstatus aus dem Portal