
SAP Function Group QPAP

Plan selection and read (inspection lot)

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The Function Group QPAP (Plan selection and read (inspection lot)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package QL. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group QPAP
Short Text Plan selection and read (inspection lot)
Package QL

Function Modules

Function Group QPAP contains 12 function modules.

QPAP_COMPARE_TABLES Vergleich zweier Tabellen auf Feldebene
QPAP_DATA_TO_QAPO Fill special QAPO fields
QPAP_FETCH_QAPOTAB Transfer of all operations to an inspection lot or object number
QPAP_GET_PRT_DATA Holen Fertigungshilfsmitteldaten zum Prüflos aus aktuellem Gedächtnis
QPAP_GET_QAPO_KEY_DATA Determine operation key fields for an operation node
QPAP_GET_QAPO_PLNKN Determine the current plan node number using the plan requirements
QPAP_PLAN_READ Read data for inspection lot
QPAP_PLAN_SELECT QSS plan selection with QSS-relevant selection criteria
QPAP_QAPO_READ_FROM_DB QM: read operations for an order
QPAP_REFRESH_DATA Remove data for an inspection lot from the function group memory
QPAP_SELECT_OPERATION_DATA QM: Read operations and sequential data from the database (QM view)