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Bei ansehen →The Function Group S38A (ABAP/4 program analysis (of load)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SABP. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | S38A |
Short Text | ABAP/4 program analysis (of load) |
Package | SABP |
Function Group S38A contains 26 function modules.
CHECK_LOAD | Checks that source and load versions of a program match |
DETERMINE_ACCESS_INFO | Determine access type for each parameter of a command |
DISPLAY_CONV | liste aller konvertierungen in programm |
FIND_NAME_IN_TRIG | Find event in the trigger table. |
GET_DATA_PROPERTIES | The attributes of a data control block are provided. |
GET_DD_FIELD | Reads the name of a Dictionary field from the nametab |
GET_DICTIONARY_FIELDS | Provides all Dictionary fields used in a program |
GET_INCLUDES | Provides all include files of a program |
GET_LINE_REFERENCE_FOR_CONT | The include name and the line number of a command are provided |
GET_LITERAL | Provides the long text from the literal table for an given index |
GET_NAME_OF_DATA | The name of a field is provided |
GET_NEXT_COMMAND | The next ABAP command is read from the processing table. |
GET_PERFORM_INFO | Index of the first processing control block of a subroutine |
GET_SYMBOL | The symbolic name of a field is provided |
GET_TABLE_REFERENCES | Provides all the structures referenced by INCLUDE STRUCTURE or LIKE |
GET_TABLES | Supplies all tables used in program (TABLES, SEGMENTS, INCLUDE STRUCT |
GET_TRIG_COMMAND | The name of an event is supplied |
GET_UNUSED_VARIABLES | Returns the variables of a program not used |
GET_VALUE_OF_DATA | The contents of a field are provided |
INIT_LINE_REFERENCE_FOR_CONT | Initialization of the line reference counter |
PROGRAM_INFO | Provides the header information (structure RHEAD) of a program |
READ_TEXT_ELEMENTS | Reads all numbered texts of a program |
RETURN_NAME_OF_EVENT | Provides the name of an event for a given short text |
RSEXTERN | Environment analyzer |