
SAP Function Group SDBORA

Oracle-Specifc Functions

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The Function Group SDBORA (Oracle-Specifc Functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SOMO. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SDBORA
Short Text Oracle-Specifc Functions
Package SOMO

Function Modules

Function Group SDBORA contains 23 function modules.

SDBORA_GET_DBA_FREE_SPACE Oracle: dba_free_space
SDBORA_GET_DBA_SEGMENTS Oracle: get info from dba_segments
SDBORA_GET_MAX_NUMEXTENTS Oracle: get the maximum number of extents of all segments
SDBORA_GET_MIN_TSP_FREE_PCT list for each tablespace: total and free space, %, extent count, etc.
SDBORA_GET_NEXT_EXT_LIST Oracle: get list of next extent sizes and their counts
SDBORA_GET_NEXT_EXT_LIST1 Oracle: get list of next extent sizes and their counts
SDBORA_GET_NEXTEXT_IN_TSP Oracle: for each seg in tsp, get next_extent and ext num. 'til max_extents
SDBORA_GET_PARAM_VALUE gets v$parameter.value given v$
SDBORA_GET_REDOLOG_SIZE gets v$parameter.value given v$
SDBORA_GET_SEGS_FREEEXT Oracle: get info from dba_segments
SDBORA_GET_SEGS_IN_TSP Oracle: get info from dba_segments
SDBORA_GET_SEGS_MAXEXT_LIST Oracle: get info from dba_segments
SDBORA_GET_SEGS_MAXEXT_MIN Oracle: get info from dba_segments
SDBORA_GET_TSP_FREE_SPACE list for each tablespace: total and free space, %, extent count, etc.
SDBORA_GET_TSPNAMES Oracle: get tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces
SDBORA_LAST_ANALYZE_DAYS_AGO How many days ago did 'sapdba -analyze PSAP%' run?
SDBORA_LAST_CHECKOPT_DAYS_AGO How many days ago did 'sapdba -checkopt PSAP%' run?
SDBORA_LIST_MANYEXTENTS Oracle: get the maximum number of extents of all segments
SDBORA_SAPR3_SEGS_PCTINCREASE Oracle: dba_segments (only SAPR3 schema with pct_increase <> 0)
SDBORA_SPACE_AEXTM_COLL Oracle: get smallest number of allocatable extents limited by max_extents
SDBORA_SPACE_MAXEXT_COLL Oracle: get the maximum number of extents of all segments
SDBORA_SPACE_PINCR_CT Oracle: dba_segments (only SAPR3 schema with pct_increase <> 0)