
SAP Function Group SLDB

FMs for logical databases

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The Function Group SLDB (FMs for logical databases) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package SLDBV. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group SLDB
Short Text FMs for logical databases
Package SLDBV

Function Modules

Function Group SLDB contains 25 function modules.

LDB_CHECK_PROG_NAMES Check whether program name belongs to a logical database
LDB_CONVERT_DBPROG_2_LDBNAME Name of database program -> Name of corresponding logical database
LDB_FIELD_SEL_NODES Returns table of a table from LDB reserved for field selection
LDB_FIELD_SEL_NODES_DISPLAY Displays tables with field selection in a dialog box
LDB_FIELD_SEL_TABS Returns table of a table from LDB reserved for field selection
LDB_INFO Structure RSLDBTABS. dynamic and field selections for an LDB
RS_DISABLE_SPAGPA_ON_CURR_DYNP Ausschalten SPA/GPA für Subscreens im Batch
RS_ENABLE_SPAGPA_ON_CURR_DYNP Einschalten der SPA/GPA im Batch für Subscreens
RS_EXTERNAL_SELSCREEN_STATUS Selection screen: Own GUI status, defined in function group
RS_INT_EXPORT_SELPARS_2_MEM Interne Verwendung: Export der SELECT-OPTIONS/PARAMETER ins Memory
RS_INT_SELSCREEN_VERSION_F4 Sendet F4-Popup für Selektionsbildversionen. Interne Verwendung.
RS_SELOPT_NO_INTERVAL_CHECK Intervallprüfung bei Select-Options ausschalten
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION Returns the version of the current selection screen (called via LDB)
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION_EXISTS Prüft, ob eine logische Datenbank eine mitgegebene Sel.-bild-version hat.
RS_SELSCREEN_VERSION_SH_EXIT Suchhilfe-Exit Selektionsbildversionen einer LDB
RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS Sets own GUI status on selection screens
RS_SUBMIT_INFO Gives information about the mode of the current SUBMIT
SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT Make use of SELECT-OPTIONS easier on the selection screen
SELOPTS_AND_PARAMS Returns internal table containing select-options and params for a program
SELSCREEN_FUNCTION_TEXTS_GET Liefert die Inhalte der dynamischen Drucktastentexte auf Selektionsbildern
SELTAB_2_SELOPTS Versorgt SELECT-OPTIONS / PARAMETERS eines Programms aus interner Tabelle