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Bei ansehen →The Function Group WB2_PROFIT_SIM_CALC_FUNC2 (Profit Simulation: Sample F/Ms(Standard)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WB2B. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | WB2_PROFIT_SIM_CALC_FUNC2 |
Short Text | Profit Simulation: Sample F/Ms(Standard) |
Package | WB2B |
Function Group WB2_PROFIT_SIM_CALC_FUNC2 contains 21 function modules.
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT70 | Reserved for future function in SAP. |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT71 | Sales price calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT72 | Purchase price calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT73 | Balance Sales and Purchase price |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT74 | Sales expense calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT75 | Purchase price calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT76 | Estimated profit calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT77 | Balance Sales and Purchase expense |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT78 | Reserved for future function in SAP. |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT79 | Reserved for future function in SAP. |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT90 | A/P expense calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT91_B2B | Estimated profit in direct shipment |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT91_STOCK | Estimated profit in stock |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT92 | Sales body calcualtion |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT93 | Sales discount/surcharge calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT94 | Sales subtotal calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT95 | Purchase body calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT96 | Purchase discount/surcharge calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT97 | Purchase subtotal calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT98 | Inventory calculation |
WB2_CALCULATE_PROFIT99 | A/R expense calculation |