
SAP Function Group WNA2

Retrospective Compilation of Statistics

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The Function Group WNA2 (Retrospective Compilation of Statistics) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package WBON. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group WNA2
Short Text Retrospective Compilation of Statistics
Package WBON

Function Modules

Function Group WNA2 contains 15 function modules.

MM_ARRANG_COND_FOR_CHANGE_DOCU Determination of all docs. for condition subj. to statistics recompilation
MM_ARRANG_FOR_CHANGE_STATISTIC Process change pointers for subsequent compilation of statistics
MM_ARRANG_FOR_UPDATE_STATISTIC Compile LIS structures from pointer processing (subsequent changes)
MM_ARRANG_INDEX_DISPLAY Display documents affected by changes in conditions
MM_ARRANG_INDEX_DISPLAY_MUL Prepare document index data for outputting to screen
MM_ARRANG_POINTER_ANALYSE Analyse der Änderungspointer für nachträglichen Statistkaufbau Absprachen
MM_ARRANG_POINTER_COMMIT_SEND Commit zum Verbuchen der LIS-Änderungen und Änderungspointerreorg. setzen
MM_ARRANG_POINTER_DATA_REFRESH Interne Tabellen der Pointerverarbeitung zurücksetzen nachträg. LIS-Aufbau
MM_ARRANG_POINTER_REORG Reorganisieren der Pointertabelle für abgearbeitete Konditionen
MM_ARRANG_POINTER_SELECT Reading of change pointers for subsequent compilation of statistics
MM_ARRANG_PREPARE_TKOMV_CHANGE Ändern der Preisfindungsdaten für Statistikkorrekturen Absprachen
MM_ARRANG_TKOMV_TRANSFER Preisdaten zum nachtr. Statistikaufbau bereistellen, für Pricing complete
MM_ARRANG_TKOMV_TRANSFER_COMP Adoption of new rebate price determ. data after merging and evaluation
MM_ARRANG_TKOMV_TRANSFER_PO Prepare adoption of new price determination data and merging
MM_ARRANG_TRANS_PUR_PRICE_DATA Preisfindungsdaten aus der Bestellung abholen, nach Pricing complete ü. FB