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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Function Module ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM (Address Format According to Post Office Guidelines) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group SADR within the package SZAD.
Short Text | Address Format According to Post Office Guidelines |
Function Group | SADR |
Package | SZAD |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ADDRESS_1 | LIKE | ADRS1 | Transfer structure: Address data (type 1) | |
ADDRESS_2 | LIKE | ADRS2 | Transfer structure: Address data (type 2) | |
ADDRESS_3 | LIKE | ADRS3 | Transfer structure: Address data (type 3) | |
ADDRESS_NUMBER | LIKE | ADRC-ADDRNUMBER | SPACE | Address number (data are read directly) |
ADDRESS_TYPE | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_TYPE | SPACE | Address type: 1,2,3 or ' '(default) |
ADRSWA_IN | LIKE | ADRS | Structure: Address data/control parameter (type ' ') | |
COUNTRY_NAME_IN_RECEIVER_LANGU | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | SPACE | Flag: Output country in recipient language |
IV_LANGU_CREA | TYPE | T002-SPRAS | SPACE | Language Key |
IV_NATION | LIKE | ADRC-NATION | SPACE | International Version for Formatting |
IV_NATION_SPACE | TYPE | T_BOOLE | SPACE | Flag: Use international version SPACE in all cases |
LANGUAGE_FOR_COUNTRY_NAME | LIKE | T002-SPRAS | SPACE | Country name language |
LINE_PRIORITY | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-PRIORITY | SPACE | Line suppresion sequence |
NO_UPPER_CASE_FOR_CITY | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | SPACE | Flag: No upper case letters for District and Country |
NUMBER_OF_LINES | LIKE | ADRS-ANZZL | 10 | Max. line length for the formatting (type 1,2,3) |
PERSON_NUMBER | LIKE | ADRP-PERSNUMBER | SPACE | Person number (data are read directly) |
RECEIVER_LANGUAGE | LIKE | T002-SPRAS | SPACE | Recipient language (for type 1,2,3) |
SENDER_COUNTRY | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-SEND_CNTRY | SPACE | Sender country (for type 1,2,3) - important ! |
STREET_HAS_PRIORITY | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-STREETPRIO | SPACE | Flag: Street has priority over PO Box |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ADDRESS_DATA_CARRIER | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_DC | Data carrier address (type 1,2,3) | |
ADDRESS_DATA_CARRIER_0 | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_DC | Second line for the data medium (type 1,2,3) | |
ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | Address not found (when entering address no.) | |
ADDRESS_PRINTFORM | LIKE | ADRS_PRINT | Formatted address (type 1,2,3) | |
ADDRESS_PRINTFORM_TABLE | TYPE | SZADR_PRINTFORM_TABLE | Formatted address in table form | |
ADDRESS_SHORT_FORM | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_SHORT | Short form of the formatted address (type 1,2,3) | |
ADDRESS_SHORT_FORM_S | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_SHORT | Short form incl. street (type 1,2,3) | |
ADDRESS_SHORT_FORM_WO_NAME | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-ADDR_SHORT | Short Form Street and City (Type 1,2,3) | |
ADRSWA_OUT | LIKE | ADRS | Transfer record: formatted address (type ' ') | |
EV_NATION | LIKE | ADRC-NATION | Actual version used if IV_NATION was transmitted | |
NAME_IS_EMPTY | LIKE | SZAD_FIELD-FLAG | Flag: Name fields empty, no formatting | |
NUMBER_OF_USED_LINES | LIKE | ADRS-ANZZL | Number of lines occupied (type 1,2,3) |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
This function module does not define any Exceptions.