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Bei ansehen →The Function Module CMS_MAP_SEC_GET_MLT (GET MLT: Fetch details for all given securities accounts) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group CMS_MAP_SEC within the package CMS_SEC.
Function Module | CMS_MAP_SEC_GET_MLT |
Short Text | GET MLT: Fetch details for all given securities accounts |
Function Group | CMS_MAP_SEC |
Package | CMS_SEC |
Module Type | Remote-Enabled |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
I_STR_SEC_REQD_DATA | TYPE | CMS_STR_SEC_REQD_DATA_MAP | Data to be fetched for the Securities account | |
I_TAB_SEC_ACC_GUID | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_ACC_PKY | Securities Primary key |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
E_TAB_CALC_DETAIL | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_AST_CALC_MAP | Securities asset details | |
E_TAB_MAS_CALC_DETAIL | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_MAS_CALC_MAP | MAP: Calculations results of main asset (header only) | |
E_TAB_NOTES | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_TXT_LINES_MAP | MAPI : Get MLT : Securities notes | |
E_TAB_RETURN | TYPE | BAPIRET2_T | Return parameter table | |
E_TAB_SAS_CALC_DETAIL | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_SAS_CALC_MAP | MAP : Calculations results of the subassets | |
E_TAB_SEC_ACC | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_ACC_MAP_GET | MAPI : Securities accounts : GET | |
E_TAB_SEC_ACC_BP | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_ACC_BP_MAP_GET | MAPI : Securities account - get | |
E_TAB_SEC_ACC_DOC | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_ACC_DOC_MAP_GET | MAPI : Securities account - Documents - GET | |
E_TAB_SEC_ACC_POS | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_ACC_POS_MAP_GET | MAPI : Securities account | |
E_TAB_SEC_SYS_STAT | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_SYS_STAT_MAP | MAPI : Get MLT : Securities system status | |
E_TAB_SEC_USR_STAT | TYPE | CMS_TAB_SEC_USR_STAT_MAP | MAPI : Get MLT : Securities : User status |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
This function module does not define any Exceptions.