

CIM-Rückmeldung: Rückmeldekey über Funktionsbausteine mit Dialog

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The Function Module CO_RU_CONFIRMATION (CIM-Rückmeldung: Rückmeldekey über Funktionsbausteine mit Dialog) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group CORU within the package CORU.

Technical Information

Short Text CIM-Rückmeldung: Rückmeldekey über Funktionsbausteine mit Dialog
Function Group CORU
Package CORU
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ADD_ONLY_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Ind: Only update dependent INTTABs
ADD_POST_ONLY_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Ind: Only save (other parameters ineffective!)
AKTYP_IMP LIKE RC27S-AKTYP 'H' Activity category A-Add, C-Delete, D-Display
AKTYP_PIC_IMP LIKE RC27S-AKTYP SPACE Activity category if confirmation already exists
AUTYP_IMP LIKE T490-AUTYP 0 Order category
CALL_FROM_LIST LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL 'X' Aufruf aus Deatilbild (keine Vorgangsnavigation)
CAUFVD_IMP LIKE CAUFVD Dialogstruktur Auftragskopf
COMMIT_FLAG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Indicator that you should save immediately
CPROT_FLG LIKE TCORU-CPROT SPACE Indicator that cost log is displayed
DELETE_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Indicator, confirmation delete again from INTTAB
GPROT_FLG LIKE TCORU-CPROT SPACE Indicator: Display error log for goods movements
KAPAR_IMP LIKE CORUF-KAPAR Capacity category of individual capacity
NO_BACK_FLUSH_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Indicator, no backflushing
NO_DIALOG_FLAG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Indicator: Dialog is suppressed
NO_GOODS_RECEIPT_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Indicator: No automatic goods receipt
NO_MSG_QM_CHAR LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Keine QM-Meldung 'Merkmalsdaten fehlen'
OPER_KEY LIKE COOPRKEY log. key of operation (alt. to CONF_NR)
ORD_FLG_IMP LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Kennzeichen: Aufruf aus Auftrag
POST_ONLY_FLG LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL SPACE Ind: Only save (other parameters ineffective!)
RMZHL_IMP LIKE AFRUD-RMZHL 0 Confirmation counter
RMZHL_UPD LIKE AFRUD-RMZHL 0 Confirmation counter in change mode
RUECK_IMP LIKE AFRUD-RUECK 0 Completion confirmation number
SPLIT_IMP LIKE CORUF-SPLIT Split number of individual capacity
SUPPRESS_GOODSMOV TYPE XFLAG Kennzeichen, daß keine WB ermittelt werden sollen
SUPPRESS_SUGGESTION LIKE RC27X-FLG_SEL No default values desired for confirmation

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
AFRUD_EXP LIKE AFRUD Confirmation (initial, possibly with default data)
AFVGD_EXP LIKE AFVGD Operation data for confirmation
AFVGD_SOP_EXP LIKE AFVGD Suboperation data for confirmation
AKTYP_EXP LIKE RC27S-AKTYP Activity category
CAUFVD_EXP LIKE CAUFVD Dialog structure order header
FIRST_AUFNR LIKE CAUFVD-AUFNR First updated order number
KBEDD_EXP LIKE KBEDD Indiv. capacity
N_ITEMS_OK_BACK_FLUSH LIKE SY-TABIX Number of retrograde components, successfully taken
N_ITEMS_TOTAL_BACK_FLUSH LIKE SY-TABIX Number of retrograde components total
TCORU_EXP LIKE TCORU Confirm. parameters
UVORN_EXP LIKE AFVGD-UVORN Sub-operation/element

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
CONFIRMATION_NOT_ALLOWED Confirmation not allowed
CONF_CANCELED Confirmation already cancelled
CONF_DATA_FALSE Completion confirmation data is incorrect
CONF_DATE_IN_FUTURE Actual dates in future (only when calling up with HR)
CONVERSION_ERROR Error when converting to alternative unit of measure
DIFFERENT_KEY Key data is not well matched
INTERRUPT_BY_USER Abnormal termination of process after a message
KEY_NOT_DEFINED Key is not defined
MATERIAL_DATA_NOT_FOUND Material master does not exist
MISSING_AUTHORITY Missing authorization
NEW_STATUS_NOT_POSSIBLE new status may not be set
NOT_ALLOWED Cancellation not allowed
NOT_FOUND Confirmation does not exist or already deleted
OPERATION_NOT_FOUND (Sub-)operation does not exist
OPERATION_NOT_SELECTABLE Operation cannot be selected because of parameter setting
ORDER_ALREADY_LOCKED Order already blocked
ORDER_CATEGORY_NOT_VALID Order type not allowed
ORDER_DATA_NOT_FOUND Order data not available
ORDER_DELETED Order deleted
ORDER_NOT_FOUND Order does not exist
ORDER_WITHOUT_OPERATION Order has no operations
PREDEC_NOT_CONFIRMED Predecessor of operation not confirmed
SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND Sequence does not exist
SPLIT_NOT_FOUND Individual capacity not found
STANDARD_CONF_NOT_POSSIBLE Standard confirmation not possible
TABLE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Table entry not found
UNIT_CONVERSION_NOT_POSSIBLE Error when converting units of measure
WORK_CENTER_NOT_FOUND Work center not found
WRONG_AKTYP Wrong activity type