

Get payroll results from RG cluster

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The Function Module HR_GB_GET_PAYROLL_RESULTS (Get payroll results from RG cluster) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group RPG0 within the package PC08.

Technical Information

Short Text Get payroll results from RG cluster
Function Group RPG0
Package PC08
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
SEQNO TYPE PC261-SEQNR Sequential number

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
AHPS TYPE PC27X Advanced Holiday Pay
STATUS TYPE PC20J Status Indicator
VERSC TYPE PC202 Payroll Status Information
VERSION TYPE PC201_PAY Information on Creation

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
AB LIKE PC20I Cluster RD/B2: Table AB
ABC LIKE PC206 Cumulation of Absence Classes
ACCR LIKE PC23G Payroll Result: Month End Accruals
ALP LIKE PC20E Alternative Payment Table ALP
ARRRS LIKE PC22Z Payroll Results: Arrears Table
AVERAGE LIKE PC2AVERA Frozen Average Values in Payroll Result
BENTAB LIKE PC27S Benefits payroll results international
BT LIKE PC209 Payroll Results: Bank Transfers
C0 LIKE PC20A Cost Distribution
C1 LIKE PC25X Cost Distribution Table C1
CAR LIKE PC23U Payroll Results: GB Company Cars (mileage based calculation)
CARCO2 LIKE PC2C0 Payroll Results: GB Company Cars (CO2 based calculation)
CNIC LIKE PC2N2 Cumulated NI Contributions
COSTS LIKE PC2X0 Distribution of Employer's Cost (Payroll Function XDEC)
COURT LIKE PC22O Types of Court Order (GB)
CRT LIKE PC208 Payroll Results: Cumulated Results Table
DDNTK LIKE PC23E Payroll Results: Deductions Not Effected
DFT LIKE PC20F Payroll Results: Differences for Gross/Net Payroll
EXCEP LIKE PC23N Cluster RG: Exceptions (GB)
FUND LIKE PC2FUND Accounting Structure for Funds Management
GRT LIKE PC207 Payroll Results: Results Table
LS LIKE PC20G Payroll Results: Subsequent Time Tickets
MODIF LIKE PC214 HR-PAY: Modifiers
MSA LIKE PC27J Maternity and Sickness Absences (GB)
MSAX LIKE PC28J MSA Changes Across EOY
NIC LIKE PC2N1 National Insurance Contributions
NIRA LIKE PC2N3 NI and Rebate Arrears
PENS LIKE PC22P Pension Funds (GB)
RT LIKE PC207 Payroll Results: Results Table
V0 LIKE PC20C Variable Assignment
VCP LIKE PC20D Payroll Results: Leave Deduction
WEARN LIKE PC2N4 NI: payment history of affected wagetype
WPBP LIKE PC205 Payroll Results: Work Center/Basic Pay


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
NO_PAYROLL_RESULTS No RG cluster results found for cluster key