Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The Function Module HR_YEA_GETDETAIL () is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group PYEA within the package PB41.
Function Module | HR_YEA_GETDETAIL |
Short Text | |
Function Group | PYEA |
Package | PB41 |
Module Type | Remote-Enabled |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
EMPLOYEENUMBER | LIKE | P41_P0542-PERNR | Personnel number | |
LOCKINDICATOR | LIKE | P41_P0542-SPRPS | Lock indicator for HR master record | |
OBJECTID | LIKE | P41_P0542-OBJPS | Object identification | |
RECORDNUMBER | LIKE | P41_P0542-SEQNR | Number of infotype record | |
SUBTYPE | LIKE | P41_P0542-SUBTY | Subtype | |
VALIDITYBEGIN | LIKE | P41_P0542-BEGDA | Valid from date | |
VALIDITYEND | LIKE | P41_P0542-ENDDA | Valid to date |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
30DEDUCTIONDONATIONAMOUNT | LIKE | P41_P0542-30DEDUCTIONDONATIONAMOUNT | 30% deduction donation amount | |
ANNLPAYHOUSELOAN | LIKE | P41_P0542-ANNLPAYHOUSELOAN | Annual repayment for housing loan | |
COMPANYSTOCK | LIKE | P41_P0542-COMPANYSTOCK | Company stock | |
CULTLEDUCEXPSDEP | LIKE | P41_P0542-CULTLEDUCEXPSDEP | Cultural & educational expenses for employee's d | |
CULTLEDUCEXPSEMP | LIKE | P41_P0542-CULTLEDUCEXPSEMP | Cultural & educational expenses for employee | |
DATEAPPLNHOUSFEE | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATEAPPLNHOUSFEE | Date of application for housing fee | |
DATEAPTAPPLOTXCR | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATEAPTAPPLOTXCR | Date of accepted application for overseas tax cr | |
DATEGETAPPLOTXCR | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATEGETAPPLOTXCR | Date of getting application for overseas tax cre | |
DATEOTHERINSURES | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATEOTHERINSURES | Date of submitting application for other insuran | |
DATESUBMITMEDEXP | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATESUBMITMEDEXP | Date of submitting application for medical expen | |
DATFORCLANDEDEXP | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATFORCLANDEDEXP | Date of application for cultural & educational e | |
DATOFACQTNORRENT | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATOFACQTNORRENT | Date of acquisition or renting a house | |
DATSUBRECEIPTDON | LIKE | P41_P0542-DATSUBRECEIPTDON | Date of submitting receipt for donation | |
DEPENDANTNAME01 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME01 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME02 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME02 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME03 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME03 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME04 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME04 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME05 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME05 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME06 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME06 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME07 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME07 | Dependant's name | |
DEPENDANTNAME08 | LIKE | P41_P0809-DEPENDANTNAME08 | Dependant's name | |
DESDO | LIKE | P41_P0542-DESDO | Other designation donation | |
DIRECTCARDEXPENSE | LIKE | P41_P0542-DIRECTCARDEXPENSE | Expense for direct card | |
DONATTOAPPDASSNS | LIKE | P41_P0542-DONATTOAPPDASSNS | Donations to appointed associations | |
DONATTOPRIVSCHLS | LIKE | P41_P0542-DONATTOPRIVSCHLS | Donations to private school | |
DUPLICATEEXPENSE | LIKE | P41_P0542-DUPLICATEEXPENSE | Duplicate Expense (Medical Expense) | |
DURATIONINMONTHS | LIKE | P41_P0542-DURATIONINMONTHS | Duration months of employeement abroad | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE01 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE01 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE02 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE02 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE03 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE03 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE04 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE04 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE05 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE05 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE06 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE06 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE07 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE07 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONEXPENSE08 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONEXPENSE08 | Dependant's educational expenses | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL01 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL01 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL02 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL02 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL03 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL03 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL04 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL04 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL05 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL05 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL06 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL06 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL07 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL07 | Dependant's education level | |
EDUCATIONLEVEL08 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EDUCATIONLEVEL08 | Dependant's education level | |
EEHOUSINGSAVINGAMOUNT | LIKE | P41_P0542-EEHOUSINGSAVINGAMOUNT | Employee housing saving amount | |
EXPENSECURRENCY01 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY01 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY02 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY02 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY03 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY03 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY04 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY04 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY05 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY05 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY06 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY06 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY07 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY07 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSECURRENCY08 | LIKE | P41_P0809-EXPENSECURRENCY08 | Dependant's educational expenses currency | |
EXPENSEPAIDBYCREDITCARD | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPENSEPAIDBYCREDITCARD | Expense paid by dependant's credit card | |
EXPFORCREDITCARD | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPFORCREDITCARD | Expense for credit card | |
EXPTAMTFORGNEMP1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPTAMTFORGNEMP1 | Exampted amount for foreign employee in previous | |
EXPTAMTFORGNEMP2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPTAMTFORGNEMP2 | Exampted amount for foreign employee in previous | |
EXPTAMTFORGNEMP3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPTAMTFORGNEMP3 | Exampted amount for foreign employee in previous | |
EXPTAMTFORGNEMP4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPTAMTFORGNEMP4 | Exampted amount for foreign employee in previous | |
EXPTAMTFORGNEMP5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-EXPTAMTFORGNEMP5 | Exampted amount for foreign employee in previous | |
FEEPDOTHRINSURES | LIKE | P41_P0542-FEEPDOTHRINSURES | Fee payed for other insurances except for Medica | |
FIELDENGDEDUCTN1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-FIELDENGDEDUCTN1 | Field engineer deduction | |
FIELDENGDEDUCTN2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-FIELDENGDEDUCTN2 | Field engineer deduction | |
FIELDENGDEDUCTN3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-FIELDENGDEDUCTN3 | Field engineer deduction | |
FIELDENGDEDUCTN4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-FIELDENGDEDUCTN4 | Field engineer deduction | |
FIELDENGDEDUCTN5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-FIELDENGDEDUCTN5 | Field engineer deduction | |
FUNERAL | LIKE | P41_P0542-FUNERAL | Congratulations and condo-lences: funeral | |
HANDICAPMEDEXP | LIKE | P41_P0542-HANDICAPMEDEXP | Medical expenses for the handicapped | |
HANDICAPPEDFEE | LIKE | P41_P0542-HANDICAPPEDFEE | Educational expense for the handicapped | |
HSHLD | LIKE | P41_P0542-HSHLD | Householder Indicator | |
INDIF | LIKE | P41_P0542-INDIF | Income Reduction for Job Keeping | |
INDPL | LIKE | P41_P0542-INDPL | Individual Paid Lease | |
INSLN | LIKE | P41_P0542-INSLN | Interest payment for housing loan (15M) | |
INTERESTHOUSINGLOAN15 | LIKE | P41_P0542-INTERESTHOUSINGLOAN15 | Interest payment for housing loan (15 years) | |
INVESTEDMDSMVTCO | LIKE | P41_P0542-INVESTEDMDSMVTCO | Fee invested for medium & small & venture compan | |
INVESTPREVIOUSYEAR | LIKE | P41_P0542-INVESTPREVIOUSYEAR | Investment in Previous Years | |
INVESTTHISYEAR | LIKE | P41_P0542-INVESTTHISYEAR | Investment in Current Year | |
KRAMTOFPPDTXABRD | LIKE | P41_P0542-KRAMTOFPPDTXABRD | Korean amount of pre-payed tax in overseas | |
LEGALDONATIONS | LIKE | P41_P0542-LEGALDONATIONS | Legal donations | |
LONGTERMSTOCKSAV | LIKE | P41_P0542-LONGTERMSTOCKSAV | long term stock saving | |
LONGTERMSTOCKSAVPREV | LIKE | P41_P0542-LONGTERMSTOCKSAVPREV | long term stock savings for previous year | |
LTSF1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-LTSF1 | Long-Term Stock Fund Investment in 1st Year | |
LTSF2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-LTSF2 | Long-Term Stock Fund Investment in 2nd Year | |
LTSF3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-LTSF3 | Long-Term Stock Fund Investment in 3rd Year | |
MARRAGE | LIKE | P41_P0542-MARRAGE | Congratulations and condo-lences: marriage | |
MEDEXPAGEDANDHC | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDEXPAGEDANDHC | Medical expenses for aged and handicapped person | |
MEDEXPEMPDEPENDT | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDEXPEMPDEPENDT | Medical expense for the employee and dependents | |
MEDLABRINSURNCE1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDLABRINSURNCE1 | Medical/Labour insurance | |
MEDLABRINSURNCE2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDLABRINSURNCE2 | Medical/Labour insurance | |
MEDLABRINSURNCE3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDLABRINSURNCE3 | Medical/Labour insurance | |
MEDLABRINSURNCE4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDLABRINSURNCE4 | Medical/Labour insurance | |
MEDLABRINSURNCE5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-MEDLABRINSURNCE5 | Medical/Labour insurance | |
MRNTD | LIKE | P41_P0542-MRNTD | Total Monthly Rent Amount | |
NAMETAXPAYMCNTRY | LIKE | P41_P0542-NAMETAXPAYMCNTRY | Name of tax-payment country | |
NATUREMPLYMNTABD | LIKE | P41_P0542-NATUREMPLYMNTABD | Job of employeement abroad | |
NINVS | LIKE | P41_P0542-NINVS | Investment Since Jan. 2009 | |
NONHANDI_DEP_EDU_FEE | LIKE | P41_P0542-NONHANDI_DEP_EDU_FEE | Non-handicapped dependents' education expense | |
OTHPI | LIKE | P41_P0542-OTHPI | Other Pension Insurance | |
PCOMPPREPDINCTX1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDINCTX1 | Pre-payed income tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDINCTX2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDINCTX2 | Pre-payed income tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDINCTX3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDINCTX3 | Pre-payed income tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDINCTX4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDINCTX4 | Pre-payed income tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDINCTX5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDINCTX5 | Pre-payed income tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDRESTX1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDRESTX1 | Pre-payed resident tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDRESTX2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDRESTX2 | Pre-payed resident tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDRESTX3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDRESTX3 | Pre-payed resident tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDRESTX4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDRESTX4 | Pre-payed resident tax of previous company | |
PCOMPPREPDRESTX5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PCOMPPREPDRESTX5 | Pre-payed resident tax of previous company | |
PDCID | LIKE | P41_P0542-PDCID | Personal Deduction Changed Indicator | |
PLACEEMPLYMNTABD | LIKE | P41_P0542-PLACEEMPLYMNTABD | Place of employment abroad | |
PREMIUMFORHANDICAP | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREMIUMFORHANDICAP | Insurance premium for handicapped person | |
PREPAIDNONTAXOT1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDNONTAXOT1 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for overtime | |
PREPAIDNONTAXOT2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDNONTAXOT2 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for overtime | |
PREPAIDNONTAXOT3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDNONTAXOT3 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for overtime | |
PREPAIDNONTAXOT4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDNONTAXOT4 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for overtime | |
PREPAIDNONTAXOT5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDNONTAXOT5 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for overtime | |
PREPAIDTAXAMOUNT | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDTAXAMOUNT | Pre-paid tax amount in foreign currency | |
PREPAIDTAXCURRENCY | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPAIDTAXCURRENCY | Pre-paid tax currency in foreign currency | |
PREPDNONTXOVERS1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDNONTXOVERS1 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for EE in overseas | |
PREPDNONTXOVERS2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDNONTXOVERS2 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for EE in overseas | |
PREPDNONTXOVERS3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDNONTXOVERS3 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for EE in overseas | |
PREPDNONTXOVERS4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDNONTXOVERS4 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for EE in overseas | |
PREPDNONTXOVERS5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDNONTXOVERS5 | Pre-paid non taxable amount for EE in overseas | |
PREPDPERSPENSSAV | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDPERSPENSSAV | Pre payed for personal pension savings | |
PREPDPERSPENSSAV2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREPDPERSPENSSAV2 | Payment for personal pension savings (from 2001.01.01) | |
PREVCOMPANY1NAME | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME1 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANY2NAME | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME2 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANY3NAME | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME3 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANY4NAME | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME4 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANY5NAME | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME5 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANYNAME1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME1 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANYNAME2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME2 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANYNAME3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME3 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANYNAME4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME4 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPANYNAME5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPANYNAME5 | Previous company name | |
PREVCOMPBONUS1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBONUS1 | Previous company's bonus | |
PREVCOMPBONUS2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBONUS2 | Previous company's bonus | |
PREVCOMPBONUS3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBONUS3 | Previous company's bonus | |
PREVCOMPBONUS4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBONUS4 | Previous company's bonus | |
PREVCOMPBONUS5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBONUS5 | Previous company's bonus | |
PREVCOMPBUSNSNO1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBUSNSNO1 | Previous conpany's business number | |
PREVCOMPBUSNSNO2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBUSNSNO2 | Previous conpany's business number | |
PREVCOMPBUSNSNO3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBUSNSNO3 | Previous conpany's business number | |
PREVCOMPBUSNSNO4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBUSNSNO4 | Previous conpany's business number | |
PREVCOMPBUSNSNO5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPBUSNSNO5 | Previous conpany's business number | |
PREVCOMPSALARY1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPSALARY1 | Previous company's salary | |
PREVCOMPSALARY2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPSALARY2 | Previous company's salary | |
PREVCOMPSALARY3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPSALARY3 | Previous company's salary | |
PREVCOMPSALARY4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPSALARY4 | Previous company's salary | |
PREVCOMPSALARY5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PREVCOMPSALARY5 | Previous company's salary | |
PRPDOTHRNOTXINC1 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PRPDOTHRNOTXINC1 | Pre-paid other non taxable income | |
PRPDOTHRNOTXINC2 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PRPDOTHRNOTXINC2 | Pre-paid other non taxable income | |
PRPDOTHRNOTXINC3 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PRPDOTHRNOTXINC3 | Pre-paid other non taxable income | |
PRPDOTHRNOTXINC4 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PRPDOTHRNOTXINC4 | Pre-paid other non taxable income | |
PRPDOTHRNOTXINC5 | LIKE | P41_P0542-PRPDOTHRNOTXINC5 | Pre-paid other non taxable income | |
RELDO | LIKE | P41_P0542-RELDO | Religious donation | |
REMOVAL | LIKE | P41_P0542-REMOVAL | Congratulations and condo-lences: removal | |
RETURN | LIKE | BAPIRETURN1 | Structure for return code | |
SFEHI | LIKE | P41_P0542-SFEHI | Health Insurance Premium for Self-Insured Employee | |
SFENP | LIKE | P41_P0542-SFENP | National Pension Premium for Self-Insured Employee | |
SMBFI | LIKE | P41_P0542-SMBFI | Small Buiness Fund Installment | |
SPOUSEFEE | LIKE | P41_P0542-SPOUSEFEE | Educational expense for employee's spouse | |
TAXCREDITEMPSTKS | LIKE | P41_P0542-TAXCREDITEMPSTKS | Fee for tax credit for employee stock saving | |
TOTLAMTHOUSESAVE | LIKE | P41_P0542-TOTLAMTHOUSESAVE | Accumulated amount of house savings | |
TOTLINCOFEMPABRD | LIKE | P41_P0542-TOTLINCOFEMPABRD | Total earned income of employeement abroad | |
TXCDTFORHFUNDINT | LIKE | P41_P0542-TXCDTFORHFUNDINT | Fee of tax credit for housing fund interest |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
This function module does not define any Exceptions.