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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Function Module MRTRS300_MASTER_RECIPE_READ (RMS-MRTRS : Read Master Recipe data into internal table in C?BT) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group MRTRS300 within the package RMSTRS.
Function Module | MRTRS300_MASTER_RECIPE_READ |
Short Text | RMS-MRTRS : Read Master Recipe data into internal table in C?BT |
Function Group | MRTRS300 |
Package | RMSTRS |
Module Type | Normal Module |
These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
IS_RC271 | TYPE | RC271 | Felder im Planselektionsdynpro | |
IS_RC27M | TYPE | RC27M | Materialstammview Arbeitsplan | |
IS_RC27S | TYPE | RC27S | Steuerleiste fuer Dialogsteuerung in der Dialogbearbeitung |
These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.
Parameter Name | Type | Associated Type | Default Value | Short Text |
ES_PLKOB | TYPE | PLKOB | Struktur für Plan -Kopfbelegtabelle | |
ET_LTEXT | TYPE | MRTRSTY_LTXT | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für lang Texte | |
ET_MAPL | TYPE | MRTRSTY_MAPL | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Zuordnung Material-Planalternati | |
ET_MKAL | TYPE | MRTRSTY_MKAL | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Fertigungsversionen zum Material | |
ET_OPERATION | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLPO_OPR | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Operation | |
ET_PHASE | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLPO_PH | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Phase | |
ET_PLFT | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLFT | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Prozeßvorgaben | |
ET_PLFV | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLFV | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für ProzVorgMerkmale/Teilop.-Paramet | |
ET_PLMK | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLMK | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Prüfplanmerkmale | |
ET_PLMW | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLMW | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für MAPL-abhängige Spez.Prüfmkvorabe | |
ET_PLMZ | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLMZ | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Materialbereitstellung | |
ET_RELATION | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLAB | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Anordnungsbeziehungen | |
ET_RESCLAS | TYPE | MRTRSTY_RESCLAS | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für Resource Selection Criteria | |
ET_SEC_RESOURCE | TYPE | MRTRSTY_PLPO_SRES | RMS-MRTRS : Tabellentyp für die Planvorgänge - Sec Resource | |
XS_RC271 | TYPE | RC271 | Felder im Planselektionsdynpro | |
XS_RC27M | TYPE | RC27M | Materialstammview Arbeitsplan | |
XS_RC27S | TYPE | RC27S | Steuerleiste fuer Dialogsteuerung in der Dialogbearbeitung |
This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.
This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.
These are the Exceptions of this function module.
Exception Name | Short Text |
EXISTING | Master Recipe already exist |
FOREIGN_LOCK | Master Recipe group is currently locked |
INTERNAL_ERROR | Error occurs while reading Master Recipe data |
KEY_INVALID | Key field, PLNNR, is invalid |
KEY_NOT_QUALIFIED | Key field, PLNNR, is not provided |
KEY_NUMBER_INVALID | Internal numbering of PLNNR is not allowed |
NOT_FOUND | Master Recipe does not exist |