
SAP Function Module RM_NROB_INSERT

RM: Einzelfunktion Anlegen Nummernkreisobjekt

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The Function Module RM_NROB_INSERT (RM: Einzelfunktion Anlegen Nummernkreisobjekt) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group JBRN within the package JBR.

Technical Information

Function Module RM_NROB_INSERT
Short Text RM: Einzelfunktion Anlegen Nummernkreisobjekt
Function Group JBRN
Package JBR
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
P_OBJECT LIKE TNRO-OBJECT Name des Nummernkreisobjekts

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
OBJECT_RC LIKE Returncode der Objekterzeugung

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
OBJECT_ERRORS LIKE INOER Fehlerinformationen (Objekt)


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
OBJECT_INSERT_ERROR Fehler beim Erzeugen des NrKrObj
OBJECT_SAVE_ERROR Fehler beim Speichern des NrKrObj