
SAP Function Module TABLEPROC_0PXK

erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene

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The Function Module TABLEPROC_0PXK (erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group 0PXK within the package PCAL.

Technical Information

Function Module TABLEPROC_0PXK
Short Text erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene
Function Group 0PXK
Package PCAL
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
CORR_NUMBER LIKE E070-TRKORR ' ' Correction number for changes made
FCODE LIKE 'RDED' Desired module function
VIEW_ACTION LIKE 'S' Table action: disp./change/transp. (S/U/T)

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
LAST_ACT_ENTRY LIKE Index of the cursor position in the display table
UCOMM LIKE Last user command in view maintenance
UPDATE_REQUIRED LIKE Flag: entries changed, save necessary

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
CORR_KEYTAB LIKE E071K Tabelle mit den Keys der zu transport. Einträge
DBA_SELLIST LIKE VIMSELLIST Selection criteria for database access
DPL_SELLIST LIKE VIMSELLIST Selection criteria for display
EXCL_CUA_FUNCT LIKE VIMEXCLFUN Table of GUI functions not to be activated
EXTRACT LIKE Table of currently displayed data
TOTAL LIKE Table containing all data read from database
X_HEADER LIKE VIMDESC Check block table for the table
X_NAMTAB LIKE VIMNAMTAB Check block table for table fields


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
MISSING_CORR_NUMBER Missing correction number
SAVING_CORRECTION_FAILED Error when saving the corrections