

Call the modules for changing the allocation table

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The Function Module WSTN2_CHANGE_ALLOC_PP (Call the modules for changing the allocation table) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group WSTN2 within the package WSTRN.

Technical Information

Short Text Call the modules for changing the allocation table
Function Group WSTN2
Package WSTRN
Module Type Remote-Enabled

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
IT_ALLOC_DC TYPE WSTN_AUVZ_TAB Table type for distribution centers in allocation
IT_ALLOC_DC_DW TYPE WSTN_AUVW_TAB Table type for delivery waves DC in allocation
IT_ALLOC_GROUPS TYPE WSTN_AUFG_TAB Table type for plant groups in allocation
IT_ALLOC_ITEMS_CHG TYPE WSTN_AUPO_TAB Table type for allocation items
IT_ALLOC_ITEMS_DEL TYPE WSTN_AUPO_TAB Table type for allocation items
IT_ALLOC_ITEMS_INS TYPE WSTN_AUPO_TAB Table type for allocation items
IT_ALLOC_PLANTS TYPE WSTN_AUFI_TAB Table type for plants in allocation
IT_ALLOC_STRUC_DW TYPE WSTN_RW14A_TAB Table type for structure of delivery waves in allocation
IV_COMMIT TYPE RW00A-VBUKZ SPACE commit work in allocation posting module
IV_CREATE_PO_ASAP TYPE CHAR1 'X' Call report for creating po items when po exists already
IV_EXTEND_PO TYPE CHAR1 'X' Extend existing po if possible
IV_GENERIC_COMPLETE TYPE RW00A-AKTSW SPACE One variant incomplete - refuse all for generic
IV_ITEM_COMPLETE TYPE RW00A-VBUKZ SPACE Accept only complete items
IV_KNA1_CHECK TYPE RW00A-VBUKZ 'X' Check KNA1 data of plants
IV_PREFETCH_WRF1 TYPE AUPO-MANUE 'X' Plant data (Retail sites)
IV_UPDATE_TASK TYPE RW00A-VBUKZ SPACE call alloc posting module in update task

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ET_ALLOC_ITEMS TYPE WSTN_AUPO_TAB Table type for allocation items
ET_MESSAGES TYPE TSMESG Message table message collector
EV_RETURN_CODE TYPE SYSUBRC Return Value, Return Value After ABAP Statements

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

This function module does not define any TABLE parameters.


This function module does not define any Exceptions.