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Bei ansehen →The Message Class 14 (Nachrichten des Taskhandlers) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package STSK.
Message Class | 14 |
Short Text | Nachrichten des Taskhandlers |
Package | STSK |
ID | Language | Text |
001 | D | Fataler Fehler (Modus abgebrochen) |
002 | D | Fehler während der Initialisierung (Modus abgebrochen) |
003 | D | Fehler bei Datenempfang (Modus abgebrochen) |
004 | D | Fehler beim Senden von Daten (Modus abgebrochen) |
005 | D | Interner TSKH-Fehler (Modus abgebrochen) |
006 | D | Kein freier Block gefunden (Modus abgebrochen) |
007 | D | Roll-In mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
008 | D | Roll-Out mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
009 | D | SAP-Commit mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
010 | D | Semaphor-Operation mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
011 | D | Signal empfangen (Modus abgebrochen) |
012 | D | Work-Prozeß wurde automatisch durchgestartet |
013 | D | Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank (Modus abgebrochen) |
014 | D | Roll-Initialisierung mißlungen |
015 | D | Page-Initialisierung mißlungen |
016 | D | OS-spezifische Initialisierung mißlungen |
017 | D | SAP-Initialisierung mißlungen |
018 | D | SAP-Roll-Back mißlungen |
019 | D | Rekursiver SAP-Exit-Aufruf |
020 | D | Modus wurde von System-Administrator gelöscht |
021 | D | Terminal/Message-Output-Overflow |
022 | D | CPIC-Output-Overflow |
023 | D | Workprozeß durchgestartet (Modus abgebrochen) |
024 | D | dummy |
025 | D | Benutzer nicht mehr angemeldet |
026 | D | Maximale Anzahl interner Modi erreicht |
027 | D | Maximale Anzahl Modi wurde erreicht |
028 | D | Modus & ist in Bearbeitung |
029 | D | Modus & existiert schon |
030 | D | Ungültige Modus-Nr. & |
031 | D | Modus & existiert nicht |
032 | D | Fehler beim Aufbau eines fernen Modus |
033 | D | Funktion wird z.Z. nicht unterstützt |
034 | D | Modus wurde 'eingefangen' |
035 | D | Timeout beim Aufbau eines asynchronen Dialoges |
036 | D | dummy |
037 | D | dummy |
038 | D | dummy |
039 | D | dummy |
040 | D | Conversation wiederhergestellt (reconnect) |
041 | D | Modus wurde gelöscht |
042 | D | R/3-Server wurde beendet |
043 | D | Workprozess hat sich erneut mit der Datenbank verbunden |
044 | D | Fehler im Security Network Layer (SNC) |
045 | D | Es dürfen nur mit SNC gesicherte Verbindungen aufgebaut werden |
046 | D | Fehler im Extended Memory Layer (EM) |
047 | D | Die aktuelle Transaktion wurde zurückgesetzt |
048 | D | Transaktion aus 'PRIV'-Modus nach Timeout zurückgesetzt |
049 | D | Modus wurde nach Verlust der Sperrtabelle zurückgesetzt |
050 | D | Bitte anmelden |
051 | D | Kein remoter Dialog möglich |
052 | D | Maximale Laufzeit überschritten |
053 | D | Kein Request-Handler installiert |
054 | D | Fehlverhalten des Request-Handlers |
055 | D | Fehlerhafter Plugin-Handle |
056 | D | Transaktion aus 'DEBUG'-Modus (nach Timeout) zurückgesetzt |
057 | D | Ressourcen konnten nicht ermittelt werden |
058 | D | Ressourcen konnten nicht gesichert werden |
059 | D | Fehler beim Prozessieren von Java-Programmen |
060 | D | Benutzer-Session (HTTP/SMTP/..) nach Timeout abgebaut |
061 | D | Benutzer-Session/Modus vom System abgebaut |
062 | D | dummy |
063 | D | dummy |
064 | D | dummy |
065 | D | dummy |
066 | D | dummy |
067 | D | dummy |
068 | D | dummy |
069 | D | dummy |
070 | D | dummy |
071 | D | dummy |
072 | D | dummy |
073 | D | dummy |
074 | D | dummy |
075 | D | dummy |
076 | D | dummy |
077 | D | dummy |
078 | D | dummy |
079 | D | dummy |
080 | D | dummy |
081 | D | dummy |
082 | D | dummy |
083 | D | dummy |
084 | D | dummy |
085 | D | dummy |
086 | D | dummy |
087 | D | dummy |
088 | D | dummy |
089 | D | dummy |
090 | D | dummy |
091 | D | dummy |
092 | D | dummy |
093 | D | dummy |
094 | D | dummy |
095 | D | dummy |
096 | D | dummy |
097 | D | dummy |
098 | D | dummy |
099 | D | dummy |
100 | D | Kein Benutzer-Trace für & gefunden |
101 | D | Bitte eine Auswahl vornehmen |
102 | D | Kommunikationsfehler mit Server & : & |
103 | D | Systemfehler auf Server & : & |
104 | D | Keine Berechtigung für Prozeß/Programm-Administration |
105 | D | Keine Berechtigung für Verbuchungsadministration |
106 | D | Keine Modi vorhanden (Benutzer bereits abgemeldet?) |
107 | D | Server fährt bereits mit aktivem Trace |
108 | D | Hostnamenpuffer für Server & zurückgesetzt |
109 | D | Hostnamenpuffer für alle Server zurückgesetzt |
110 | D | Hostnamenpuffer für Server & konnte(n) nicht zurückgesetzt werden |
111 | D | Max. Anzahl der User im Debug-Modus wurden erreicht |
112 | D | &1 gelesen (&2 Zeilen) |
113 | D | *** ACHTUNG: Verbuchung ist nicht aktiv *** |
114 | D | Pufferung der Server-Liste aktiviert |
115 | D | Pufferung der Server-Liste deaktiviert |
116 | D | Pufferung der Server-Liste zurückgesetzt |
117 | D | Keine Server-Liste erhalten |
118 | D | Öffnen der Datei & mißlungen |
119 | D | Server & aktiv |
120 | D | Server & nicht aktiv |
121 | D | Fehler bei Funktionsbaustein & : SY-SUBRC=& |
122 | D | Hostnamenpuffer für Message Server zurückgesetzt |
123 | D | Hostnamenpuffer für ICM zurückgesetzt |
124 | D | Zurücksetzen des ICM-Hostnamenpuffer fehlgeschlagen (rc=&1) |
125 | D | Ungültiger / unerlaubter Rfc-Benutzer |
126 | D | Trace wurde aktiviert |
127 | D | Trace wurde deaktiviert |
128 | D | Keine Instanzen in der Servergruppe definiert |
129 | D | Ungültiger Wert beim Ermitteln der Servergruppen |
130 | D | Es sind keine Information zur Verbindung &1 verfügbar |
131 | D | Es sind keine Information zur Verbindung &1 auf &2/&3 verfügbar |
132 | D | dummy |
133 | D | dummy |
134 | D | dummy |
135 | D | dummy |
136 | D | dummy |
137 | D | dummy |
138 | D | dummy |
139 | D | dummy |
140 | D | dummy |
141 | D | dummy |
142 | D | dummy |
143 | D | dummy |
144 | D | dummy |
145 | D | dummy |
146 | D | dummy |
147 | D | dummy |
148 | D | dummy |
149 | D | dummy |
150 | D | Sie haben keine Berechtigung für die Funktion & |
151 | D | Datei auf lokale Datei &1 gesichert (&2 Bytes) |
152 | D | Datei &1 kann nicht geöffnet werden |
153 | D | Fehler beim Schreiben der Datei &1 |
154 | D | Aktion wurde vom Benutzer abgebrochen |
155 | D | Keine Berechtigung zum Ausführen der Aktion |
156 | D | Unerwarterter Fehler ist aufgetreten |
157 | D | &1 Dateien ohne Fehler übertragen (&2 fehlerhaft oder abgebrochen) |
158 | D | &1 Datei(en) nach &2 übertragen |
159 | D | lokales Speichermedium ist voll |
160 | D | Download wird von diesem GUI nicht unterstützt |
161 | D | Keine Berechtigung zum Anlegen der Datei &1 |
162 | D | Fehler bei Komprimierung: &1 |
163 | D | SAPCAR-Datei &1 übertragen |
164 | D | Komprimierungstools SPCAR nicht gefunden |
165 | D | dummy |
166 | D | dummy |
167 | D | dummy |
168 | D | dummy |
169 | D | dummy |
170 | D | dummy |
171 | D | dummy |
172 | D | dummy |
173 | D | dummy |
174 | D | dummy |
175 | D | dummy |
176 | D | dummy |
177 | D | dummy |
178 | D | dummy |
179 | D | dummy |
180 | D | dummy |
181 | D | dummy |
182 | D | dummy |
183 | D | dummy |
184 | D | dummy |
185 | D | dummy |
186 | D | dummy |
187 | D | dummy |
188 | D | dummy |
189 | D | dummy |
190 | D | dummy |
191 | D | dummy |
192 | D | dummy |
193 | D | dummy |
194 | D | dummy |
195 | D | dummy |
196 | D | dummy |
197 | D | dummy |
198 | D | dummy |
199 | D | dummy |
200 | D | dummy |
201 | D | dummy |
202 | D | dummy |
203 | D | dummy |
204 | D | dummy |
205 | D | dummy |
206 | D | dummy |
207 | D | dummy |
208 | D | dummy |
209 | D | dummy |
210 | D | dummy |
211 | D | dummy |
212 | D | dummy |
213 | D | dummy |
214 | D | dummy |
215 | D | dummy |
216 | D | dummy |
217 | D | dummy |
218 | D | dummy |
219 | D | dummy |
220 | D | dummy |
221 | D | dummy |
222 | D | dummy |
223 | D | dummy |
224 | D | dummy |
225 | D | dummy |
226 | D | dummy |
227 | D | dummy |
228 | D | dummy |
229 | D | dummy |
230 | D | dummy |
231 | D | dummy |
232 | D | dummy |
233 | D | dummy |
234 | D | dummy |
235 | D | dummy |
236 | D | dummy |
237 | D | dummy |
238 | D | dummy |
239 | D | dummy |
240 | D | dummy |
241 | D | dummy |
242 | D | dummy |
243 | D | dummy |
244 | D | dummy |
245 | D | dummy |
246 | D | dummy |
247 | D | dummy |
248 | D | dummy |
249 | D | dummy |
250 | D | dummy |
251 | D | dummy |
252 | D | dummy |
253 | D | dummy |
254 | D | dummy |
255 | D | dummy |
256 | D | dummy |
257 | D | dummy |
258 | D | dummy |
259 | D | dummy |
260 | D | dummy |
261 | D | dummy |
262 | D | dummy |
263 | D | dummy |
264 | D | dummy |
265 | D | dummy |
266 | D | dummy |
267 | D | dummy |
268 | D | dummy |
269 | D | dummy |
270 | D | dummy |
271 | D | dummy |
272 | D | dummy |
273 | D | dummy |
274 | D | dummy |
275 | D | dummy |
276 | D | dummy |
277 | D | dummy |
278 | D | dummy |
279 | D | dummy |
280 | D | dummy |
281 | D | dummy |
282 | D | dummy |
283 | D | dummy |
284 | D | dummy |
285 | D | dummy |
286 | D | dummy |
287 | D | dummy |
288 | D | dummy |
289 | D | dummy |
290 | D | dummy |
291 | D | dummy |
292 | D | dummy |
293 | D | dummy |
294 | D | dummy |
295 | D | dummy |
296 | D | dummy |
297 | D | dummy |
298 | D | dummy |
299 | D | dummy |
300 | D | dummy |
301 | D | dummy |
302 | D | dummy |
303 | D | dummy |
304 | D | dummy |
305 | D | dummy |
306 | D | dummy |
307 | D | dummy |
308 | D | dummy |
309 | D | dummy |
310 | D | dummy |
311 | D | dummy |
312 | D | dummy |
313 | D | dummy |
314 | D | dummy |
315 | D | dummy |
316 | D | dummy |
317 | D | dummy |
318 | D | dummy |
319 | D | dummy |
320 | D | dummy |
321 | D | dummy |
322 | D | dummy |
323 | D | dummy |
324 | D | dummy |
325 | D | dummy |
326 | D | dummy |
327 | D | dummy |
328 | D | dummy |
329 | D | dummy |
330 | D | dummy |
331 | D | dummy |
332 | D | dummy |
333 | D | dummy |
342 | D | dummy |
343 | D | |
344 | D | |
345 | D | |
346 | D | |
347 | D | |
348 | D | |
350 | D | dummy |
351 | D | dummy |
352 | D | dummy |
353 | D | dummy |
354 | D | dummy |
355 | D | dummy |
356 | D | dummy |
357 | D | dummy |
358 | D | dummy |
359 | D | dummy |
360 | D | dummy |
361 | D | dummy |
362 | D | dummy |
363 | D | dummy |
364 | D | dummy |
400 | D | Kein freier Dialog-Prozeß vorhanden |
401 | D | Maximale Anzahl interner Modi erreicht |
402 | D | Fehler beim Aufbau der CPIC-Verbindung |
403 | D | Eye-Catcher des Nummernkreispuffers wurde zerstört |
404 | D | Fehler beim Aufbau eines fernen Modus |
405 | D | Aktives Programm wird abgebrochen (Bitte warten) |
406 | D | Aktives Programm konnte nicht abgebrochen werden |
407 | D | Übernahme der Sitzung eines fremden Benutzers ist unzulässig |
408 | D | Alte Sitzung konnte nicht übernommen werden |
409 | D | Bitte Cursor in eine Spalte positionieren |
410 | D | Funktion wird z.Z. nicht unterstuetzt |
411 | D | Maximale Anzahl Modi wurde erreicht |
412 | D | Modus & ist in Bearbeitung |
413 | D | Modus & existiert schon |
414 | D | Modi ist für Benutzer gesperrt |
415 | D | Ungültige Modus-Nr. & |
416 | D | Modus & existiert nicht |
417 | D | Keine Modi vorhanden (Benutzer gelöscht?) |
418 | D | Modus wurde nach Verlust der Sperrtabelle zurueckgesetzt |
419 | D | Workprozess & gesperrt ( & ) |
420 | D | Workprozess & freigegeben ( & ) |
421 | D | Roll-Free-Fehler |
422 | D | Page-Free-Fehler |
423 | D | Shared-Memory-Fehler |
424 | D | Semaphor-Lock-Fehler |
425 | D | Semaphor-Release-Fehler |
426 | D | Roll-In Fehler |
427 | D | Sitzung beendet |
428 | D | Reserviert für Taskhandler |
429 | D | Bitte über das Systemmenue oder OK-Code /nend abmelden |
430 | D | Timeout beim Aufbau eines asynchronen Dialoges |
431 | D | Unzulässige Terminalausgabe bei Hintergrundverarbeitung |
432 | D | Keine Berechtigung für Benutzeradministration |
433 | D | Keine Berechtigung für Prozeß/Programm-Administration |
434 | D | Keine Berechtigung für Verbuchungsadministration |
435 | D | &&& |
436 | D | Der Host-Name darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten |
437 | D | Der Host-Name ist zu lang (Max. Länge: & Bytes) |
438 | D | Es existiert bereits ein Eintrag mit Host-Name & |
439 | D | Bitte sichern oder abbrechen |
440 | D | Unzulässige Datenmenge empfangen |
441 | D | CPIC-Funktion ist nicht zulässig |
442 | D | Timeout beim Verbindungsaufbau |
443 | D | Verbindungsaufbau zu R/3 mißlungen |
444 | D | Verbindung abgebaut |
445 | D | Kein Speicher verfügbar |
446 | D | VB-Debugging ist nur im gleichen Mandanten möglich |
447 | D | Keine Berechtigung für die Administration des Nummernkreispuffers |
448 | D | Keine Fehler bei der Überprüfung des Nummernkreispuffers gefunden |
508 | D | dummy |
509 | D | dummy |
517 | D | dummy |
522 | D | dummy |
523 | D | dummy |
524 | D | dummy |
525 | D | dummy |
526 | D | dummy |
527 | D | dummy |
609 | D | Bitte eine Auswahl vornehmen |
640 | D | Interner Fehler des SAP-Gateways |
641 | D | Fataler Fehler (Modus abgebrochen) |
642 | D | Fehler während der Initialisierung (Modus abgebrochen) |
643 | D | Fehler bei Datenempfang (Modus abgebrochen) |
644 | D | Fehler beim Senden von Daten (Modus abgebrochen) |
645 | D | Interner TSKH-Fehler (Modus abgebrochen) |
646 | D | Kein freier Block gefunden (Modus abgebrochen) |
647 | D | Roll-In mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
648 | D | Roll-Out mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
649 | D | SAP-Commit mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
650 | D | Semaphor-Operation mißlungen (Modus abgebrochen) |
651 | D | Signal empfangen (Modus abgebrochen) |
652 | D | Work-Prozeß wurde automatisch durchgestartet |
653 | D | Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank (Modus abgebrochen) |
654 | D | Roll-Initialisierung mißlungen |
655 | D | Page-Initialisierung mißlungen |
656 | D | OS-spezifische Initialisierung mißlungen |
657 | D | SAP-Initialisierung mißlungen |
658 | D | SAP-Roll-Back mißlungen |
659 | D | Rekursiver SAP-Exit-Aufruf |
660 | D | Modus wurde von System-Administrator gelöscht |
661 | D | Terminal/Message-Output-Overflow |
662 | D | CPIC-Output-Overflow |
663 | D | Workprozeß durchgestartet (Modus abgebrochen) |
700 | D | dummy |
701 | D | dummy |
702 | D | dummy |
703 | D | dummy |
704 | D | dummy |
705 | D | dummy |
706 | D | dummy |
707 | D | dummy |
708 | D | dummy |
710 | D | dummy |
711 | D | dummy |
712 | D | dummy |
713 | D | dummy |
715 | D | dummy |
716 | D | dummy |
717 | D | dummy |
718 | D | dummy |
720 | D | dummy |
721 | D | dummy |
722 | D | dummy |
723 | D | dummy |
724 | D | dummy |
725 | D | dummy |
726 | D | dummy |
727 | D | dummy |
728 | D | dummy |
730 | D | dummy |
731 | D | dummy |
732 | D | dummy |
740 | D | dummy |
741 | D | dummy |
742 | D | dummy |
743 | D | dummy |
744 | D | dummy |
745 | D | dummy |
001 | E | Fatal error, session terminated |
002 | E | Error during initialization, session terminated |
003 | E | Error receiving data, session terminated |
004 | E | Error sending data, session terminated |
005 | E | Internal TSKH error, session terminated |
006 | E | No free block found, session terminated |
007 | E | Roll-in failed, session terminated |
008 | E | Roll-out failed, session terminated |
009 | E | SAP commit failed, session terminated |
010 | E | Semaphore operation failed, session terminated |
011 | E | Signal received, mode cancelled |
012 | E | Work process automatically re-started |
013 | E | No connection to database, session terminated |
014 | E | Roll initialization failed |
015 | E | Page initialization failed |
016 | E | OS-specific initialization failed |
017 | E | SAP initialization failed |
018 | E | SAP rollback failed |
019 | E | Recursive SAP exit call |
020 | E | Session was deleted by system administrator |
021 | E | Terminal/message output overflow |
022 | E | CPIC output overflow |
023 | E | Work process re-started, session terminated |
024 | E | Consignee is not available |
025 | E | User no longer logged on |
026 | E | Maximum number of internal sessions reached |
027 | E | Maximum number of sessions reached |
028 | E | Session & is still active |
029 | E | Session & already exists |
030 | E | Invalid session no. & |
031 | E | Session & does not exist |
032 | E | Error setting up a remote session |
033 | E | Function not currently supported |
034 | E | Session 'captured' |
035 | E | Asynchronous dialog setup timeout |
036 | E | Carrier not found |
037 | E | Carrier is not active |
038 | E | Shipment partially archived, Delivery note -$- is missing |
039 | E | No more packages in the delivery note |
040 | E | Conversation reconnected |
041 | E | Session deleted |
042 | E | R/3 Server ended |
043 | E | Work process reconnected to database |
044 | E | Security Network Layer (SNC) error |
045 | E | Only SNC connections can be created |
046 | E | Extended Memory Layer (EM) error |
047 | E | The current transaction was reset |
048 | E | Transaction from 'PRIV' session reset after timeout |
049 | E | Session was reset after loss of the lock table |
050 | E | Log on |
051 | E | No remote dialog possible |
052 | E | Maximum runtime exceeded |
053 | E | No request handler installed |
054 | E | Incorrect behavior by request handler |
055 | E | Incorrect plug-in handle |
056 | E | Transaction from 'DEBUG' mode (after timeout) reset |
057 | E | Resources could not be identified |
058 | E | Resources could not be saved |
059 | E | Error occurred when processing Java programs |
060 | E | User session (HTTP/SMTP/..) closed after timeout |
061 | E | User session closed by system |
062 | E | Same means of transport selected |
063 | E | Specify means of transport |
064 | E | No dividing up of packages |
065 | E | Deletion not allowed, already quantity on means of transport |
066 | E | Document -$- is no delivery note |
067 | E | No items to be delivered are loadable |
068 | E | next line item NR must be higher. |
069 | E | Reset not allowed |
070 | E | Error in table 185: inconsistent module component |
071 | E | TAB185 >$< P14FCODE for MC >$< not yet prepared |
072 | E | Next main item number exceeds the value 9999 |
073 | E | Next sub-item number exceeds the value 9999 |
074 | E | Line selection > $ < is incorrect |
075 | E | Line item > $ < is already available |
076 | E | Line item >$/$< is not available |
077 | E | the main item of a batch split is not independently changeable |
078 | E | Trading unit price segment $ is not available |
079 | E | The trading unit price segment $ is deleted |
080 | E | Storage location specification ignored, is already available |
081 | E | Trading unit specification ignored, since nonsense or already available |
082 | E | Material with the locking reason $ |
083 | E | please specify either article to be returned or order/delivery plan. |
084 | E | no extension, since WA or invoice are already done |
085 | E | Extension is not allowed since order or ratio. in table 183l |
086 | E | According to tab.180C, for order type $ deliv.note type $ is not allowed |
087 | E | Article $ $ $ $ is not available |
088 | E | Company code not maintained in table PRV |
089 | E | Article $ $ $ $ is not active |
090 | E | The article $ $ $ $ not maintained by the sale |
091 | E | Article $ $ $ $, status are not active |
092 | E | VEART -$- not in table 183V |
093 | E | Material type/variant $ $ not allowed according to tab. 184, group $ |
094 | E | for batch split items. no quantity of zero is allowed, delete line item. |
095 | E | Number of possible plants exhausted in TA17 ---> ?N |
096 | E | no consolidation, incorrect call module VGLKO |
097 | E | No delivery notes selected |
098 | E | Error during allocation of the next positions-/sub items-number |
099 | E | Company code/plant/warehouse/: $ not in table 001W |
100 | E | No user trace found for & |
101 | E | Please make a selection |
102 | E | Communication error with server & : & |
103 | E | System error on server & : & |
104 | E | No authorization for process/program administration |
105 | E | No authorization for update administration |
106 | E | No sessions available (user already logged off?) |
107 | E | Server trace already active |
108 | E | Host name buffer for server & reset |
109 | E | Host name buffers for all servers reset |
110 | E | Host name buffer for server & could not be reset |
111 | E | Max. number of debugging mode users reached |
112 | E | &1 read (&2 lines) |
113 | E | *** CAUTION: Update is not active *** |
114 | E | Server list buffering activated |
115 | E | Server list buffering deactivated |
116 | E | Server list buffering reset |
117 | E | No list of servers received |
118 | E | Unable to open file & |
119 | E | Server & active |
120 | E | Server & not active |
121 | E | Error with function module & : SY-SUBRC-& |
122 | E | Host name buffer for message server reset |
123 | E | Host name buffer for ICM reset |
124 | E | Attempt to reset ICM host name buffer has failed (rc-&1) |
125 | E | RFC user is invalid / not allowed |
126 | E | Trace activated |
127 | E | Trace deactivated |
128 | E | No instances defined in server group |
129 | E | Invalid value found when identifying server groups |
130 | E | No information available for connection &1 |
131 | E | No information available for connection &1 on &2/&3 |
132 | E | The AUPS group $ not correlatable, since manual intervention, UPOS $ |
133 | E | AUPS group $: UPOS $ delivery items. deleted automatically, check |
134 | E | AUPS group $: The UPOS $ ratio - 0 calculated, correlation cancelled |
135 | E | Document locked, please try later |
136 | E | Min. delivery quantity $ dropped below |
137 | E | outstanding quant. in order items. < min. quant. to be delivered $ |
138 | E | No delivery items are packageable and/or packed |
139 | E | Entered quantity of greater total quantity |
140 | E | Same package selected |
141 | E | Error in READ segment |
142 | E | Error in WRITE segment |
143 | E | DUPREC in INSERT segment |
144 | E | Error in INSERT segment ---> ?N |
145 | E | Error in DELETE segment |
146 | E | Element counter > Maximum value |
147 | E | During selection with 'J', the full quantity of $ is taken |
148 | E | Error in SET supply element |
149 | E | dummy |
150 | E | You are not authorized to use function & |
151 | E | File saved to local file &1 (&2 bytes) |
152 | E | File &1 cannot be opened |
153 | E | Error when writing file &1 |
154 | E | Action canceled by user |
155 | E | You are not authorized to perform this action |
156 | E | Unexpected error has occurred |
157 | E | &1 files transferred without errors (&2 with errors or cancelled) |
158 | E | &1 file(s) transferred to &2 |
159 | E | Local storage medium is full |
160 | E | Download not supported by this GUI |
161 | E | No authorization to create file &1 |
162 | E | Error while compressing: &1 |
163 | E | SAPCAR file &1 transferred |
164 | E | Compression tools SPCAR not found |
165 | E | Storage location of the article $ is missing |
166 | E | The article $ is not handled in batches |
167 | E | Batch split applies, this is not changable |
168 | E | Line item over-supplied, plan: $ is: $ |
169 | E | no partial delivery allowed |
170 | E | implicit delivery not yet GI - posted, refused |
171 | E | negative availability: $ $ $ -> ?N |
172 | E | Quantity of - zero is not permitted |
173 | E | is already GI posted |
174 | E | Quantity difference, total batches: $ Actual quantity: $ |
175 | E | if quantity, also enter batch number |
176 | E | negative availability for batch $ - $ $ $ |
177 | E | The batch $ is not changeable, if necessary. delete line item explicitly |
178 | E | The batch $ is stated twice |
179 | E | Trading unit specif. is compulsory in article handled in trading units |
180 | E | Document type $ not in table 003 |
181 | E | desired document number does not belong to the external number range |
182 | E | desired document number is already assigned |
183 | E | Error during external number assignment |
184 | E | Order is already marked as completely delivered |
185 | E | SSTEP variation not allowed (module 'MSTPI') |
186 | E | The customer $ is locked for the delivery, because of $ |
187 | E | No line item is deliverable because: <$> -> ?N |
188 | E | Document should be completely delivered, this is not the case |
189 | E | Shipment type is missing |
190 | E | Numbering is not possible |
191 | E | Selection number could not be assigned ----> ?N |
192 | E | NRFD when starting with despatch due date index, termination |
193 | E | Collective processing already runs, user <$> ---> ?N |
194 | E | order is processed: $ |
195 | E | Area for quantity correlation is too small ---> ?N |
196 | E | |
197 | E | Delivery without relevant item in collective processing not allowed |
198 | E | Error when creating document for update, supposedly roll area too small |
199 | E | No consolidation, inequality in: $ (table 180K) |
200 | E | Customer not equal to, old: $ - new: $ |
201 | E | The order $ allows no consolidation |
202 | E | The customer $ allows no consolidation |
203 | E | Shipment addresses (consignee) are unequal |
204 | E | Order types are unequal |
205 | E | a manual shipment address applies, please check |
206 | E | no consolidation, incorrect call module VGLKO |
207 | E | no consolidation, since relevant posting string parts are different |
208 | E | Full/partial-delivery agreements different |
209 | E | no consolidation since different payers |
210 | E | a batch split is unwanted according to order item |
211 | E | either enter order or vendor scheduling agreement number |
212 | E | Batch split is impossible, reasons --- ?N |
213 | E | Batch split is impossible, reasons --- ?N |
214 | E | no batch split is allowed according to order |
215 | E | For the following reasons, line items were rejected: $ ---> ?N |
216 | E | no split makes sense, since line item is already deleted |
217 | E | In the specified area no line items were found |
218 | E | Quantity to be delivered not integral - consider truss quantity unit $ |
219 | E | Quantity unit $ not in table 006 |
220 | E | Quantity unit $ allows no decimal places |
221 | E | Payer $ $ is not available |
222 | E | Payer has no more loan |
223 | E | Document has no active line item, termination ?N |
224 | E | Document has no active line item, document is deleted ---> ENTER |
225 | E | Means of transport -$- already available |
226 | E | Following new picking number was allocated: $ |
227 | E | Incorrect selection number or error log are empty |
228 | E | Error during READ log file |
229 | E | Error log is empty |
230 | E | Shipment type not in table 173 |
231 | E | Train stat. acc. to change which shipment type det. again, please check |
232 | E | Please change route if neces. because of new specs (country, zip code) |
233 | E | Selection number is not from today, protocol file still available? |
234 | E | Error in RTABC TYPE SET on table 102S |
235 | E | Criterion <$> is not intended. |
236 | E | All table entries are processed, end of the transaction |
237 | E | The document includes no active line items with quantity of > Zero |
238 | E | Doc. without act.line it., doc. cannot be del., since still in shipment |
239 | E | Shipments $ - $ added |
240 | E | No shipments added |
241 | E | Shipment type group not in table 173G |
242 | E | Line item $ $ is not deliverable because: <$> -> ?N |
243 | E | No picking location found ---- ?N |
244 | E | dummy |
245 | E | dummy |
246 | E | No batch split after package processing, post first !!! |
247 | E | No further orders selected ----> N |
248 | E | Package already loaded, Packing is not allowed !!! |
249 | E | Key -$- not in table 199P |
250 | E | Actual quantity is smaller than packed quantity: $ |
251 | E | Exploration date $ for batch $ reached or smaller dispatch date. |
252 | E | The availability date $ for the trading unit/batch $ not achieved |
253 | E | desired picking number is not open ---> ?N |
254 | E | without batch specification no quantity specification makes sense |
255 | E | Line item number specification is inconsistent |
256 | E | The shipment $ is locked, please wait |
257 | E | Article -$-: GEBKZ. Order item: Not equal to $, MARC $, refused |
258 | E | Document is not an order, therefore not deliverable |
259 | E | dummy |
260 | E | The RL status of the delivery was changed as follows: <$> |
261 | E | Action is not permitted since RL is active |
262 | E | RL was already active, see RL quantity |
263 | E | Please consider the RL actions already done |
264 | E | Batch split not alloed, since RL already active, if nec. delete items |
265 | E | Ueberliefer. HPOS is not allowed, PLAN: $ IST: $ |
266 | E | Main items over-supplied, PLAN: $ IST: $ |
267 | E | Plant in the delivery note $ not equal to plant in the shipment $ |
268 | E | dummy |
269 | E | dummy |
270 | E | Credit limit exceeded around $ $ |
271 | E | Ein legal dunning proceedings run against the payer |
272 | E | Customer is not active (A- or B-segment) |
273 | E | Customer is marked for the deletion (A-segment) |
274 | E | Customer is marked for the deletion (B-segment) |
275 | E | Payer is not active (A- or B-segment) |
276 | E | Payer is marked for the deletion (A-segment) |
277 | E | Payer is marked for the deletion (B-segment) |
278 | E | No data transfer is possible, since main item is not recognized |
279 | E | Table 180Y is unknown |
280 | E | Key TAB185: $ --> DYNPRO: $ MODUL-KOMP: FC$E REP: $ |
281 | E | Dynpro variant: MMODF is additional: <$> -> ?N |
282 | E | Dynpro variant: MMODD: <$> |
283 | E | Items $ $ quantity to be delivered: $ invoice quantity: $ |
284 | E | The AUPS group $ not correlatable, ratio is too large ( > 9999) |
285 | E | Posting date too small |
286 | E | Posting date to small/not in table 009 |
287 | E | Transaction restarted for techn. reasons -> ?N |
288 | E | Aups group $ not deliverable, items rejected: $ ---> ?N |
289 | E | dummy |
290 | E | Requested letter of credit does not yet apply |
291 | E | Necessary export approval for line item $ $ does not apply |
292 | E | Necessary import license for line item $ $ does not apply |
293 | E | Article $, batch $ original specifications incomplete. |
294 | E | Line item $ $ original specifications incomplete |
295 | E | Original specifications are incomplete |
296 | E | Country of consignee changed, check preference, final destination. etc. |
297 | E | .... reserved fm s41 |
298 | E | Please maintain either foreign country of origin or state |
299 | E | Line item $ $ original specifications are inconsistent |
300 | E | No means of transport in shipment |
301 | E | Shipping date: from larger than to |
302 | E | Delivery note not allowed for shipment, LFS type -$- |
303 | E | Package -$- already available |
304 | E | At present only -$- delivery notes selectable (global locktable) |
305 | E | Already allocations are available |
306 | E | Delivery note not taken into account (locomotive. Locktab is full) |
307 | E | Selection ended,since maximum weight/volume reached -->?N |
308 | E | dummy |
309 | E | dummy |
310 | E | When automatically deducting, the processing of subitems is impossible |
311 | E | Table for automatic deducting is too small -> inform system admin. |
312 | E | Order demands full delivery, line item selection makes sense? |
313 | E | Increasing after decreasing is not possible in one step, please post |
314 | E | Not all line items are deletable, deletion is ignored |
315 | E | Entered pack type not equal to type available -$- |
316 | E | Error during the distribution of increasing, termination ---> ?N |
317 | E | Structure error when distributing RL quantity |
318 | E | dummy |
319 | E | dummy |
320 | E | Expiration date letter of credit today/on shipping date reached/expired |
321 | E | Expiration date export permit Line item: $ $ reached/expired |
322 | E | Expiration date import license line item: $ $ reached/expired |
323 | E | dummy |
324 | E | dummy |
325 | E | Maximum number of line items achieved tab. PRV, remainder ignored |
326 | E | Max.nber line items reached acc. to tab PRV, split created nevertheless |
327 | E | Max.nber line items reached, no further line items possible |
328 | E | Dispatch type sequence changed, please check export data, picking number |
329 | E | Delivery can only be deleted when freight discounts deleted |
330 | E | Please complete manual carrier address (name, city) |
331 | E | Change shipment type or route, please check picking number |
332 | E | Termination: Error during automatic deducting, --- ?N |
333 | E | Termination: Delivery note structure destroyed ---> ?N |
342 | E | VAT indicator -$- not in TAB007X |
350 | E | Error during order selection: Duplicate BUZEI in Insert LFAS |
351 | E | Error during order selection: FEX in Insert LFAS |
352 | E | Error during order selection: No selection possibilities |
353 | E | Error during order selection: Line item lost |
354 | E | Error during order selection: Line item cannot be written back |
355 | E | Error during order selection: You have made no selection |
356 | E | No order selection for procedure with automatic deducting |
357 | E | Error during order selection: FEX in READ LFAS |
358 | E | Error during order selection: FEX in WRITE LFAS |
359 | E | Error during order selection: FEX in Delete LFAS |
360 | E | Table of the packaging line items is full (she module P14VPINT) |
361 | E | Please specify order or FCODE 'AB' |
362 | E | Please specify article or FCODE 'AB' |
363 | E | Only changable over package processing |
364 | E | Package/means of transport type is compulsory |
400 | E | No free dialog process available |
401 | E | Maximum number of internal sessions reached |
402 | E | Error establishing CPIC connection |
403 | E | Eye catcher of the number range buffer corrupted |
404 | E | Error setting up a remote session |
405 | E | Active program is being terminated (please wait) |
406 | E | Active program could not be terminated |
407 | E | You cannot take over another user's session |
408 | E | Old session could not be adopted |
409 | E | Position the cursor in a column |
410 | E | Function not currently supported |
411 | E | Maximum number of sessions reached |
412 | E | Session & is still active |
413 | E | Session & already exists |
414 | E | Sessions locked for users |
415 | E | Invalid session no. & |
416 | E | Session & does not exist |
417 | E | No sessions available. User may have been deleted |
418 | E | Session was reset after loss of locks table. |
419 | E | Work process & locked ( & ) |
420 | E | Work process & released ( & ) |
421 | E | Roll-free error |
422 | E | Pag-free error |
423 | E | Shared memory error |
424 | E | Semaphore lock error |
425 | E | Semaphore release error |
426 | E | Roll-in error |
427 | E | Session ended |
428 | E | Reserved for task handler |
429 | E | Log off via the System menu or /nend in OK line |
430 | E | Timeout for setting up an asynchronous dialog |
431 | E | Invalid output to terminal from background processing |
432 | E | No authorization for user administration |
433 | E | No authorization for process/program administration |
434 | E | No authorization for update administration |
435 | E | &&& |
436 | E | The host name cannot contain blanks |
437 | E | The host name is too long (max. length: & bytes) |
438 | E | There is already an entry with host name & |
439 | E | Save your data or cancel |
440 | E | Unpermitted data volume received |
441 | E | CPIC function not allowed |
442 | E | Timeout during connection setup |
443 | E | R/3 connection error |
444 | E | Connection terminated |
445 | E | No memory available |
446 | E | Update task debugging is only possible in the same client |
447 | E | No authorization for administering the number range buffer |
448 | E | No error found in number range buffer check |
508 | E | Initial record layout -$- not available |
509 | E | Availability check forced for order related. Stock management. |
517 | E | Screen control element: $ not in table 182D, please check |
521 | E | Please check consignee |
522 | E | Please check carrier |
523 | E | please enter manual address or number |
524 | E | Only S (carrier) or W (consignee) is permissible |
525 | E | During manual address change no number is permissible |
526 | E | Please check manual address |
527 | E | Means of transport processing not allowed according to table 183V |
609 | E | Please make a selection |
640 | E | Internal SAP gateway error |
641 | E | Fatal error, session terminated |
642 | E | Error during initialization, session terminated |
643 | E | Error receiving data, session terminated |
644 | E | Error sending data, session terminated |
645 | E | Internal TSKH error, session terminated |
646 | E | No free block found, session terminated |
647 | E | Roll-in failed, session terminated |
648 | E | Roll-out failed, session terminated |
649 | E | SAP commit failed, session terminated |
650 | E | Semaphore operation failed, session terminated |
651 | E | Signal received, mode cancelled |
652 | E | Work process automatically re-started |
653 | E | No connection to database, session terminated |
654 | E | Roll initialization failed |
655 | E | Page initialization failed |
656 | E | OS-specific initialization failed |
657 | E | SAP initialization failed |
658 | E | SAP rollback failed |
659 | E | Recursive SAP exit call |
660 | E | Session was deleted by system administrator |
661 | E | Terminal/message output overflow |
662 | E | CPIC output overflow |
663 | E | Work process re-started, session terminated |
700 | E | Error preparing roll area - termination |
701 | E | Material type - $ - not in table 134 |
702 | E | Material posting string - $ - not in table 195 |
703 | E | Module -SAPIB12- not loadable, termination |
704 | E | Error in availability invoice, identifier - $ |
705 | E | dummy |
706 | E | If T184a Sond.Verf.<>N then T195 ORDMC-N and DISME-N and HVFST-' '. |
707 | E | Text element -$- not defined |
708 | E | Table of the texts available too small (module 'PRVCPYTU') |
710 | E | Argument for picking no.-allocation -$- not in table 003 |
711 | E | Number range $ for file BTRV is missing (picking no. allocation) |
712 | E | Error in determining picking no.: $, please check number range |
713 | E | Error during ALLOC/INSERT in file BTRV |
715 | E | Special stock plant cannot be determed, Key for 001v: $ |
716 | E | Module component -$- not defined in P14CPYSK |
717 | E | Module component -$- not defined in P14CPYUK |
718 | E | Entry -$- not in table 180U |
720 | E | Product status - $ - no more in table 149 |
721 | E | Article $ , product status: - $ - locked |
722 | E | Article $ , product status: - $ - please note |
723 | E | No customer authorization |
724 | E | No vendor authorization |
725 | E | No material acces authorization |
726 | E | No business authorization |
727 | E | No plant authorization |
728 | E | Invalid date $ |
730 | E | Locktab full, please wait a moment,then press Enter |
731 | E | Caution, picking list in the printout, changes limited |
732 | E | Pick no. -$- locked |
740 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during reading log record |
741 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during ALLOC |
742 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during INSERT |
743 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during READ |
744 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during WRITE |
745 | E | RESTART BTRV: Error during DELETE |