
SAP Message Class 5K

HR-CA: Nachrichten

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The Message Class 5K (HR-CA: Nachrichten) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB07.

Technical Information

Message Class 5K
Short Text HR-CA: Nachrichten
Package PB07


ID Language Text
001 D SIN NO. ist nicht korrekt laut Modulo-Check
002 D SIN NO. ist nicht eindeutig
003 D Alter nicht zwischen 18-70 Jahre, kein Anspruch auf CPP/QPP
004 D Commission Renumeration & Expense Beträge eingeben
005 D Postcode ist ungültig für Provinz
006 D Erste 2 Stellen des Kurztextes nicht gefunden in T005S
007 D SIN darf nur Ziffern enthalten
009 D Stelle nicht in T5K13 - Bitte über T513 pflegen
010 D Steuernummer für & & & & fehlt
011 D Eintragen 'Lieu of' Betrag
012 D Eintragen 'Lieu of' Prozent
013 D UIC-Steuerkennung nicht aktiv
014 D UIC-einjährige Formel aktiv
015 D Steuerauthorität nicht gefunden
016 D Eingegebene Steuerauthoriät gilt nicht für aktuellen Subtyp
017 D Erst Bundessteuerdaten (Nationalsteuerdaten) hinzufuegen
025 D Kein Monatsarbeitszeitplan für Zeitraum & zu &
026 D Kein Eintrittsdatum für Personalnummer & gefunden
027 D Leistungskennzeichen für & & & & fehlt
000 E & & & &
001 E Social Insurance Number is invalid
002 E Social Insurance Number is not unique
003 E Age is not between 18 and 70 years - no eligibility for CPP/QPP
004 E Enter commission remuneration & expense amounts
005 E Postal code is invalid for province
006 E First 2 characters of short text not found in T005S
007 E SIN consists of digits only
008 E Unable to open SAPscript form &
009 E Job not found. Maintain this job in table T513
010 E RCT/RQT number is missing for & & & &
011 E Enter lieu of amount
012 E Enter lieu of percent
013 E UIC tax is not active
014 E UIC annual tax formula activated
015 E Tax authority not found
016 E Tax authority not valid for subtype
017 E Federal tax information should be added first (subtype 1)
018 E Specify one amount or one percentage only
019 E Identical entries are not allowed
020 E Enter a tax authority or province code
021 E Enter either a formula number or an exemption indicator, but not both
022 E Enter a taxation period
023 E Unable to write SAPscript form &
024 E Unable to close SAPscript form &
025 E No shift schedule for time period & to &
026 E No entry date found for personnel number &
027 E Benefits modifier missing for & & & &
028 E Unable to assign/output & data values to the form &
029 E Must enter 'T', 'P' or 'C' for run-type
030 E Postal code must consist of 6 characters (ANA NAN)
031 E Enter 'Y' or 'N' only
032 E & CPP basic exemption and rate not found, maintain via T5KTC
033 E & QPP basic exemption and rate not found, maintain via T5KTC
034 E EI employee premium rate for & not found, maintain via T5KTC
035 E EI employer premium rate for & not found, maintain via T5KTC
036 E Period modifier & not defined. Maintain this data in the IMG
037 E Tax entry & not found in table & for period &-&
038 E & provincial data will be deleted
039 E Provincial data has not been reviewed
040 E Additional tax is not a multiple of five dollars
041 E Information has not been reviewed for Quebec
042 E Provincial data is not applicable
043 E Quebec information will be deleted
044 E Specify both estimated remuneration and expenses
045 E Taxation year is out of range (&..&)
046 E Invalid return type code
047 E Invalid data type code
048 E Alpha portion of transmitter number is invalid
049 E Numeric portion of transmitter number is out of range (000000..999999)
050 E Reference month is out of range (1..12)
051 E Reference month and year are out of range (&..&/&)
052 E Last pay period is either not closed or does not exist for &/&
053 E Specify employee subgroup for &
054 E Pers. area/subarea &/& not found. Maintain this data in T001P
055 E Tax exemption indicators will be changed
056 E Production run already exists for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3
057 E Production run for &1 &2 for tax unit reporting &3 filed
058 E Production run does not exist for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3
059 E No corresponding run exists for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3
060 E No data was selected to be displayed
061 E Select a valid run to process
062 E Select a print copy to output
063 E You have selected a runid &1 as a run parameter, but it will be ignored
064 E Invalid run type
065 E Select a form for processing
066 E Invalid configuration for table &1 for tax year &2
067 E No valid SAPscript form assigned to tax form &1 for tax year &2
068 E Production run not filed for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3
069 E No personnel number selection allowed with the selected run parameters
070 E No employees were selected for possible amendments
071 E Amendment/Cancelled run not filed for &1 &2 for tax unit reporting &3
072 E No run information available for run &1
073 E Unable to create new run
074 E Unable to set status (&1) for run &2
075 E Unable to set attribute (&1: &2) for run &3
076 E Insert a blank disk into the drive
077 E Cannot write file &1. Insert a blank disk into the drive to continue
078 E Magnetic Media Filing is indicated, but no TemSe file will be created
079 E TemSe file does not match standard format
080 E Cluster extraction error: &1 &2 &3
081 E No relevant data found in T512E
082 E Personnel area &1 not found in T500P
083 E Employer data from &1 to &2 not found in P0001
084 E Company code &1 not found in T001
085 E Error accessing data from T5KTC
086 E Valid transmitter numbers for T4 and T4A must begin with 'MM'
087 E Insert a blank, formatted disk into the &1 drive
088 E Label the floppy 'Disk &1 of &2'
089 E Impact printing is not available for RL-1 / RL-2
090 E MRQ form number required for Magnetic Media Filing
091 E Invalid length for MRQ form number
092 E Number of slips per summary must lie between 1 and 10,000
093 E Employee &1 has invalid SIN number '000 000 000'
094 E Specify a payroll area
095 E Magnetic Media file was not saved properly
096 E TemSe filename has not been provided, or is not of the correct format
097 E Valid Relevé transmitter numbers must begin with 'NP'
098 E No existing values were found for this field
099 E Error retrieving F4 values
100 E File destination not found: &1
101 E SAP form number required when printing with SAP tax forms
102 E TemSe file was created, filename: &
103 E No values available for the specified adjustment date
104 E Specified combination not allowed
105 E Select an option
106 E Cannot append results to run &1. Run has been filed or voided
107 E Invalid file source &1
108 E Invalid Magnetic Media form type
109 E Enter a correction date
110 E &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for run &3
111 E No overlaps between the T4 and T4A were found for this selection
112 E Cannot open TemSe file &1
113 E & provincial total credits amount is 0. Verify that this is correct
114 E & provincial total credits will be updated
115 E Provincial total credits for &1 not found in &2
116 E Prov.of employment has been changed. Verify Prov.of residence &
117 E Disk creation successful. File path: &1
118 E Enter a valid tax year
119 E Select a Magnetic Media file to read from
120 E Select a TemSe file to generate Magnetic Media data
121 E Enter a transmitter number
122 E Enter a transmitter name
123 E Enter a transmitter address
124 E Enter a transmitter city
125 E Enter a transmitter province
126 E Enter a transmitter country
127 E Enter a transmitter postal code
128 E Enter a technical contact name
129 E Enter a technical contact phone number with area code
130 E Enter an accounting contact name
131 E Enter an accounting contact phone number with area code
132 E Select a form for processing
133 E Choose 'E' for English or 'F' for French
134 E Choose 'F' for French or 'A' for English
135 E Insert Magnetic Media disk &1 of &2
136 E Invalid WCB Business Number, check your entry
137 E Enter the WCB Business Number
138 E WCB Business Number will be cleared
139 E Please enter a reference date for tax data display
140 E Number Range Interval RP_CBSID not valid for Company code &1
141 E Error in TemSe database, TemSe file was not created
142 E Error while opening TemSe file &1
143 E Error while reading TemSe file &1
144 E Error while closing TemSe file &1
145 E You are not authorized to write &1
146 E You are not authorized to read &1
147 E Invalid designated group value
149 E The XML file is empty
150 E Another ROE is already being processed for this employee in Run ID &1
151 E You cannot amend ROE forms with Run ID 0
152 E Entry &1 not found in table &2
153 E Select Run ID to &1
154 E Error updating table &1
155 E Error retrieving employee's final pay period information
156 E ROE Serial No. &1 already issued for the period from &2 to &3
157 E Reporting period from &1 to &2 is invalid
158 E Overlapping ROEs detected for ROE period from &1 to &2
159 E Error locating Run ID &1 in table &2
160 E Pay period type &1 not supported for ROE
161 E Invalid Other Monies Code &1 will not be reported
162 E ROE logical file path and file name have not been defined
163 E The Expected Date Of Recall was set to default value &1
164 E No employees valid for processing in Run ID &1
165 E Employee number &1 not valid for processing
166 E Error retrieving employee ROE data from PCL4
167 E Error writing employee ROE data to PCL4
168 E No name format configured for Contact Person
169 E No ROE records formatted for export
170 E File download error
171 E File upload error
172 E HRDC Laser Print application not launched automatically
173 E No. of exported employees does not match no. of records in import file
174 E Incorrect or corrupted import file
175 E ROE serial number &1 already used
176 E No valid ROE Serial Number was returned from HRDC
177 E Run ID &1: Test import - no records updated
178 E Select an entry to void
179 E Run &1 status must be set to void
180 E Run ID &1 with personnel number &2 status &3 cannot be deleted
181 E Status of Run ID &1 invalid for import
182 E Background processing only permitted with Application server
183 E Error retrieving payroll result in sequence number &1
184 E Run ID &1 status not updated. &2
185 E Run ID &1 set to status &2
186 E ROE amended successfully. Original ROE with S/N# &1 has been voided.
187 E HRDC software attributes not configured
188 E No ROE will be generated for the selection period from &1 to &2
189 E Amended ROE not required for the selection period from &1 to &2
190 E Data missing from ROE Block &1
191 E Status of Run Id set to EXPORTED.
192 E Run id &1 cannot be voided as amendment runs exist
193 E Maintain 3 char ISO code for country &1 in table T005 or feature 07ISO.&2
194 E Address in Infotype 0006 longer than specification for employee &1.
195 E Errors were encountered while processing. Check spool for list of errors.
196 E Errors were encountered while processing. Check the Error List.
197 E Box 8: Web ROE with SIN 000-000-000 will be rejected by HRSDC
198 E Street/House number for Business No. &1 longer than specification
199 E Employer Name &1 for Business No. &2, longer than specification
200 E An error occurred with the RFC destination
201 E The specified target year cannot precede the source year
202 E Due to errors during database update, no changes were made
203 E Tax form &1 for year &2 does not exist
204 E Enter a valid postal code
205 E &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Production run &3.
206 E &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Amendment run &3.
207 E &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Cancelled run &3.
208 E &4 - Basic personal amount not found in T511K and cannot be defaulted
209 E Main Contract is either empty or invalid
210 E Tax authorities &1 not maintained. Default tax authorities were entered
211 E Corresponding infotype record must exist for the entire period
212 E Existing record will be updated with CMA code &3
213 E Create new record with CMA code &3
214 E Create new record without CMA code
215 E No update required. Infotype 0224 does not contain a CMA code
216 E Record(s) committed to database
217 E Test mode - record(s) not committed to database
218 E TemSe object & already exists. Object has not been created
219 E Error inserting new records into database table PA0077, old records lost
220 E Total non-indexed amount cannot exceed total credit amount
221 E Tax formula will be defaulted to Option 1
222 E No data stored in the selected period
223 E Data record has grouping value '&1' instead of '&2'
224 E &1 is missing for the Main Personnel Assignment '&2'
225 E Payroll not run for the employee &1. No form generated.
226 E Status for Payroll Area &1 is not set to EXIT. No form generated.
227 E Payroll results could not be retrieved for employee number &1.
228 E &1 rejected assigned to Business number &2 and &3 province(-ve Box value)
229 E Amendments for Laser ROE forms not allowed
230 E Initial Run had Tax Reporting Unit, Enter Tax Reporting Unit
231 E
232 E
250 E Tax calculation is not supported for date specified
251 E You cannot assign tax indicator R to tax authority QRES
252 E Country Name not maintained in table T005T. & will be used instead.
300 E Error while opening file &1&2&3
301 E Cannot create logical document reference for XML schema &1
302 E Data does not exist in PCL4 for run id &1
303 E Data does not exist in PCL4 for employee &1 and run id &2
304 E Encoding &1 cannot be set for XML file
305 E Attribute &1 cannot be set for element &2
306 E Error while converting data to XML
307 E Cannot create directory &1
308 E Error while downloading file to &1&2&3
309 E XML file has been downloaded to &1&2&3
310 E Cannot create root element &1 for XML file &2
311 E Cannot create logical document reference for XML file &1
312 E Cannot determine root element for XML schema &1
313 E Test run successfully completed, database has not changed
314 E Enter a valid transmitter number (format MMNNNNNN), for example, MM888888
315 E Enter a valid province, territory or state, for example, QC, YT, NY or ZZ
316 E Enter a valid three-letter transmitter country code, for example, CAN
317 E Enter transm. province code ZZ, transmitter country is not Canada or USA
318 E Download file path was not specified. Cannot download the file
319 E Due to incompatible frontend platform, XML file validation has terminated
320 E Error occured while creating the validating file, Validation terminated
321 E XML file validation completed, No errors found
322 E XML file validation completed, XML file contains errors
323 E Due to incompatible application server platform,validation has terminated
324 E XML file stored on an incompatile platform, validation has terminated
325 E XML schema stored on an incompatile platform, validation has terminated
326 E Enter a valid transmitter number (format NPVVVVVV), for example, NP888888
328 E Footnote overflow, please note the pernr.
400 E ***** 400 - 600: Reserved area for Canadian garnishment *****************
401 E Only one of those two fields may be entered
402 E Enter an operator
403 E Check the box in the special rule when using &1
404 E Enter the unit in the special rule when making any entries
405 E Enter the field description in the special rule when using &1
406 E Enter some operands
407 E Enter either a percentage and a unit or no percentage limit at all
408 E Enter either an amount and a unit or no amount limit at all
409 E Enter an amount per dependant
410 E Enter the missing limit
411 E Enter a relationship, since both limits are given
412 E Enter either a normal rule or a special rule, but not both
413 E Enter both the non-exempt amount model and the relationship model
414 E It is recommended to make the calculation rule a required entry
415 E Make entries in all fields
416 E Select a debt with the debt category set to 'garnishee fee'
417 E Enter a garnishee fee rule
418 E Enter the amount of the ongoing payment
419 E Enter the unit of the ongoing payment
420 E Ongoing payments should not be specified for one-time garnishments
421 E Enter the amount for the one-time garnishment
422 E No supplemental data is required
423 E It is not allowed to specify a pay schedule
424 E The number of dependants is specified but apparently not needed
425 E Clear selection(s) from field(s)
426 E The garnishment order & starts at &
427 E The garnishment order & ends at &
428 E Create garnishment order & first
429 E Set the status of the order & to '&'
430 E Specify a release date that comes after the receipt date
431 E Enter a correspondence language
432 E Enter the initial balance
433 E The garnishment order is not released. Delete the release date
434 E Specify a receipt date no later than the current date
435 E Select the single cheque indicator if cheque is payable to plaintiff
436 E Enter a vendor
437 E Delete the initial balance, input is prohibited
438 E Enter the ongoing payment or pay schedule
439 E Delete the ongoing payment or pay schedule, input is prohibited
440 E Report for country grouping & not yet released
442 E Enter an amount
443 E Enter the treatment
444 E The date of relevance should not be larger than the adjustment date
445 E This value is not allowed in the case of a stopped payment
446 E Enter either ongoing payment or pay schedule, but not both
447 E The payroll time unit has changed. Adjust the pay schedule accordingly
448 E Delete entries from the supplement screen
449 E Changes concerning the pay schedule. Unused entries will be deleted
450 E Delete adjustments before you delete the debt
451 E Delete debts and adjustments before you delete the order
452 E No evaluation run found for &
462 E entered is valid only for first 60 days of &
463 E
600 E ************* 600 - 899 Reserved area for South Africa *****************
601 E ID number is missing
602 E ID-number does not match RSA rules
603 E ID-number and birth-date do not correspond
604 E Total contribution amount and percentage may not both be entered
610 E Ethnic origin invalid
611 E Military status invalid
612 E SI-type not valid - check possible entries
613 E Medical Aid not valid - check possible entries
614 E Exemption reason may only be specified if there is no contribution
615 E Exemption reason not valid - check possible entries
616 E For no contribution only exemption reason may be specified
617 E See table T5W1K for valid data (possible entries)
618 E No reference number has been specified
619 E See table T5W1O for valid data (possible entries)
620 E End date may not be less than begin date
621 E Max earnings may not be less than min earnings
624 E Total contribution and employee percentage must both be entered
625 E Tax office invalid - check possible entries
626 E Tax status invalid - check possible entries
627 E Invalid tax status for males
628 E Female as sole breadwinner - no directive received
629 E Number of children may only be entered if tax status is 'M'
630 E Employment indicator invalid - check possible entries
631 E Directive percentage entered - no directive received
632 E Directive received - percentage must be entered
633 E No of children entered does not correspond to personal data
634 E No tax reference number has been entered
635 E 'To Age' may not be less than 'From Age'
636 E Unable to evaluate age group - no valid entry in T5W2C
637 E Tax procedure invalid - check possible entries
638 E Tax region invalid - check possible entries
639 E Age group indicator invalid - check possible entries
640 E No Subgroup selected
641 E Tax year not valid
642 E Taxable earning max may not be less than min value
643 E Do you really want to close that tax year?
644 E The current date is less than the end date of that tax year
645 E It is not advised to do that
646 E The tax reference number should be numerical
647 E Minority Type will be set to 'Others' as its status is 'YES'
648 E Additional Personal data exists even if Participation in survey is 'No'
649 E Additional Personal data exists even if Release of data is 'No'.
650 E No policy/membership number specified
651 E Caution: duplicate policy number - to be ignored when delimiting records
652 E Both Directive percentage and amount may not be set
653 E Directive received was set automatically
654 E Directive percentage or amount must be specified
655 E No entry found in T549A for payroll subunit &
656 E Tax year invalid
657 E Invalid constant from & for &
658 E Form type requested not available
659 E Visible Minorities will be deselected as Visible Minority is set to 'No'.
660 E Wage type description not in T512T
661 E No infotype & record exists on &
662 E Persons with Disabilities will be deselected as Disability is 'No'.
663 E Release of data not possible as Survey Participation flag is 'No'.
664 E Aboriginal Peoples Group will be deselected as Aboriginal is set to 'No'.
665 E Choose 'A' for English or 'F' for French
666 E Enter a Québec enterprise number
700 E Error reading Infotype 0224. Conversion not possible
701 E &4 - Business Logic error during data conversion
702 E General error during data conversion
703 E This employee had errors. Infotype record(s) not converted
704 E No conversion errors found
707 E &4 - Previously existing infotype records deleted
709 E Test mode. Records not committed to database
710 E &4 - Record(s) committed to database
711 E &4 - End date extended to high date
712 E Retroactive accounting has not been deactivated
713 E &4 - Error during User Exit conversion
714 E All existing tax infotypes will be deleted for selected employees
715 E Employee checked - status OK
716 E All selected employees checked - status OK
717 E &4 - Existing infotype record(s) detected
718 E &4 - Cannot delete existing infotype records. Manual deletion required
719 E &4 - Province of Employment 'ZZ' cannot be converted
720 E &4 - Employee requires additional &1 &4 record to be created
732 E Choice only available for lines with garnishments
733 E Gender and form of address (Mr./Ms.) are inconsistent
734 E Social Insurance Number must consist of nine digits
735 E Valid transmitter numbers for RL1 and RL2 must begin with 'NP'
750 E Error finding Main Assignment.
751 E &1 : &2 &3 &4
752 E &1 : Error retrieving employee ROE data from PCL4
753 E Assignment has been rejected. Refer to the error log.
754 E &1 : Reporting period from &2 to &3 is invalid
755 E &1 : Overlapping ROEs detected period &2 to &3. Pernr rejected
756 E &1 : No earnings on Run date/As-of-date.
777 E The Runid is not an Amendment run.
778 E The Run does not contain any forms.
779 E The Runid does not exist.
780 E Pernr has no Tax forms in any of the Runs entered.
781 E The Runid has been voided.