Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Message Class 5K (HR-CA: Nachrichten) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB07.
Message Class | 5K |
Short Text | HR-CA: Nachrichten |
Package | PB07 |
ID | Language | Text |
001 | D | SIN NO. ist nicht korrekt laut Modulo-Check |
002 | D | SIN NO. ist nicht eindeutig |
003 | D | Alter nicht zwischen 18-70 Jahre, kein Anspruch auf CPP/QPP |
004 | D | Commission Renumeration & Expense Beträge eingeben |
005 | D | Postcode ist ungültig für Provinz |
006 | D | Erste 2 Stellen des Kurztextes nicht gefunden in T005S |
007 | D | SIN darf nur Ziffern enthalten |
009 | D | Stelle nicht in T5K13 - Bitte über T513 pflegen |
010 | D | Steuernummer für & & & & fehlt |
011 | D | Eintragen 'Lieu of' Betrag |
012 | D | Eintragen 'Lieu of' Prozent |
013 | D | UIC-Steuerkennung nicht aktiv |
014 | D | UIC-einjährige Formel aktiv |
015 | D | Steuerauthorität nicht gefunden |
016 | D | Eingegebene Steuerauthoriät gilt nicht für aktuellen Subtyp |
017 | D | Erst Bundessteuerdaten (Nationalsteuerdaten) hinzufuegen |
025 | D | Kein Monatsarbeitszeitplan für Zeitraum & zu & |
026 | D | Kein Eintrittsdatum für Personalnummer & gefunden |
027 | D | Leistungskennzeichen für & & & & fehlt |
000 | E | & & & & |
001 | E | Social Insurance Number is invalid |
002 | E | Social Insurance Number is not unique |
003 | E | Age is not between 18 and 70 years - no eligibility for CPP/QPP |
004 | E | Enter commission remuneration & expense amounts |
005 | E | Postal code is invalid for province |
006 | E | First 2 characters of short text not found in T005S |
007 | E | SIN consists of digits only |
008 | E | Unable to open SAPscript form & |
009 | E | Job not found. Maintain this job in table T513 |
010 | E | RCT/RQT number is missing for & & & & |
011 | E | Enter lieu of amount |
012 | E | Enter lieu of percent |
013 | E | UIC tax is not active |
014 | E | UIC annual tax formula activated |
015 | E | Tax authority not found |
016 | E | Tax authority not valid for subtype |
017 | E | Federal tax information should be added first (subtype 1) |
018 | E | Specify one amount or one percentage only |
019 | E | Identical entries are not allowed |
020 | E | Enter a tax authority or province code |
021 | E | Enter either a formula number or an exemption indicator, but not both |
022 | E | Enter a taxation period |
023 | E | Unable to write SAPscript form & |
024 | E | Unable to close SAPscript form & |
025 | E | No shift schedule for time period & to & |
026 | E | No entry date found for personnel number & |
027 | E | Benefits modifier missing for & & & & |
028 | E | Unable to assign/output & data values to the form & |
029 | E | Must enter 'T', 'P' or 'C' for run-type |
030 | E | Postal code must consist of 6 characters (ANA NAN) |
031 | E | Enter 'Y' or 'N' only |
032 | E | & CPP basic exemption and rate not found, maintain via T5KTC |
033 | E | & QPP basic exemption and rate not found, maintain via T5KTC |
034 | E | EI employee premium rate for & not found, maintain via T5KTC |
035 | E | EI employer premium rate for & not found, maintain via T5KTC |
036 | E | Period modifier & not defined. Maintain this data in the IMG |
037 | E | Tax entry & not found in table & for period &-& |
038 | E | & provincial data will be deleted |
039 | E | Provincial data has not been reviewed |
040 | E | Additional tax is not a multiple of five dollars |
041 | E | Information has not been reviewed for Quebec |
042 | E | Provincial data is not applicable |
043 | E | Quebec information will be deleted |
044 | E | Specify both estimated remuneration and expenses |
045 | E | Taxation year is out of range (&..&) |
046 | E | Invalid return type code |
047 | E | Invalid data type code |
048 | E | Alpha portion of transmitter number is invalid |
049 | E | Numeric portion of transmitter number is out of range (000000..999999) |
050 | E | Reference month is out of range (1..12) |
051 | E | Reference month and year are out of range (&..&/&) |
052 | E | Last pay period is either not closed or does not exist for &/& |
053 | E | Specify employee subgroup for & |
054 | E | Pers. area/subarea &/& not found. Maintain this data in T001P |
055 | E | Tax exemption indicators will be changed |
056 | E | Production run already exists for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3 |
057 | E | Production run for &1 &2 for tax unit reporting &3 filed |
058 | E | Production run does not exist for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3 |
059 | E | No corresponding run exists for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3 |
060 | E | No data was selected to be displayed |
061 | E | Select a valid run to process |
062 | E | Select a print copy to output |
063 | E | You have selected a runid &1 as a run parameter, but it will be ignored |
064 | E | Invalid run type |
065 | E | Select a form for processing |
066 | E | Invalid configuration for table &1 for tax year &2 |
067 | E | No valid SAPscript form assigned to tax form &1 for tax year &2 |
068 | E | Production run not filed for &1 &2 for tax reporting unit &3 |
069 | E | No personnel number selection allowed with the selected run parameters |
070 | E | No employees were selected for possible amendments |
071 | E | Amendment/Cancelled run not filed for &1 &2 for tax unit reporting &3 |
072 | E | No run information available for run &1 |
073 | E | Unable to create new run |
074 | E | Unable to set status (&1) for run &2 |
075 | E | Unable to set attribute (&1: &2) for run &3 |
076 | E | Insert a blank disk into the drive |
077 | E | Cannot write file &1. Insert a blank disk into the drive to continue |
078 | E | Magnetic Media Filing is indicated, but no TemSe file will be created |
079 | E | TemSe file does not match standard format |
080 | E | Cluster extraction error: &1 &2 &3 |
081 | E | No relevant data found in T512E |
082 | E | Personnel area &1 not found in T500P |
083 | E | Employer data from &1 to &2 not found in P0001 |
084 | E | Company code &1 not found in T001 |
085 | E | Error accessing data from T5KTC |
086 | E | Valid transmitter numbers for T4 and T4A must begin with 'MM' |
087 | E | Insert a blank, formatted disk into the &1 drive |
088 | E | Label the floppy 'Disk &1 of &2' |
089 | E | Impact printing is not available for RL-1 / RL-2 |
090 | E | MRQ form number required for Magnetic Media Filing |
091 | E | Invalid length for MRQ form number |
092 | E | Number of slips per summary must lie between 1 and 10,000 |
093 | E | Employee &1 has invalid SIN number '000 000 000' |
094 | E | Specify a payroll area |
095 | E | Magnetic Media file was not saved properly |
096 | E | TemSe filename has not been provided, or is not of the correct format |
097 | E | Valid Relevé transmitter numbers must begin with 'NP' |
098 | E | No existing values were found for this field |
099 | E | Error retrieving F4 values |
100 | E | File destination not found: &1 |
101 | E | SAP form number required when printing with SAP tax forms |
102 | E | TemSe file was created, filename: & |
103 | E | No values available for the specified adjustment date |
104 | E | Specified combination not allowed |
105 | E | Select an option |
106 | E | Cannot append results to run &1. Run has been filed or voided |
107 | E | Invalid file source &1 |
108 | E | Invalid Magnetic Media form type |
109 | E | Enter a correction date |
110 | E | &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for run &3 |
111 | E | No overlaps between the T4 and T4A were found for this selection |
112 | E | Cannot open TemSe file &1 |
113 | E | & provincial total credits amount is 0. Verify that this is correct |
114 | E | & provincial total credits will be updated |
115 | E | Provincial total credits for &1 not found in &2 |
116 | E | Prov.of employment has been changed. Verify Prov.of residence & |
117 | E | Disk creation successful. File path: &1 |
118 | E | Enter a valid tax year |
119 | E | Select a Magnetic Media file to read from |
120 | E | Select a TemSe file to generate Magnetic Media data |
121 | E | Enter a transmitter number |
122 | E | Enter a transmitter name |
123 | E | Enter a transmitter address |
124 | E | Enter a transmitter city |
125 | E | Enter a transmitter province |
126 | E | Enter a transmitter country |
127 | E | Enter a transmitter postal code |
128 | E | Enter a technical contact name |
129 | E | Enter a technical contact phone number with area code |
130 | E | Enter an accounting contact name |
131 | E | Enter an accounting contact phone number with area code |
132 | E | Select a form for processing |
133 | E | Choose 'E' for English or 'F' for French |
134 | E | Choose 'F' for French or 'A' for English |
135 | E | Insert Magnetic Media disk &1 of &2 |
136 | E | Invalid WCB Business Number, check your entry |
137 | E | Enter the WCB Business Number |
138 | E | WCB Business Number will be cleared |
139 | E | Please enter a reference date for tax data display |
140 | E | Number Range Interval RP_CBSID not valid for Company code &1 |
141 | E | Error in TemSe database, TemSe file was not created |
142 | E | Error while opening TemSe file &1 |
143 | E | Error while reading TemSe file &1 |
144 | E | Error while closing TemSe file &1 |
145 | E | You are not authorized to write &1 |
146 | E | You are not authorized to read &1 |
147 | E | Invalid designated group value |
149 | E | The XML file is empty |
150 | E | Another ROE is already being processed for this employee in Run ID &1 |
151 | E | You cannot amend ROE forms with Run ID 0 |
152 | E | Entry &1 not found in table &2 |
153 | E | Select Run ID to &1 |
154 | E | Error updating table &1 |
155 | E | Error retrieving employee's final pay period information |
156 | E | ROE Serial No. &1 already issued for the period from &2 to &3 |
157 | E | Reporting period from &1 to &2 is invalid |
158 | E | Overlapping ROEs detected for ROE period from &1 to &2 |
159 | E | Error locating Run ID &1 in table &2 |
160 | E | Pay period type &1 not supported for ROE |
161 | E | Invalid Other Monies Code &1 will not be reported |
162 | E | ROE logical file path and file name have not been defined |
163 | E | The Expected Date Of Recall was set to default value &1 |
164 | E | No employees valid for processing in Run ID &1 |
165 | E | Employee number &1 not valid for processing |
166 | E | Error retrieving employee ROE data from PCL4 |
167 | E | Error writing employee ROE data to PCL4 |
168 | E | No name format configured for Contact Person |
169 | E | No ROE records formatted for export |
170 | E | File download error |
171 | E | File upload error |
172 | E | HRDC Laser Print application not launched automatically |
173 | E | No. of exported employees does not match no. of records in import file |
174 | E | Incorrect or corrupted import file |
175 | E | ROE serial number &1 already used |
176 | E | No valid ROE Serial Number was returned from HRDC |
177 | E | Run ID &1: Test import - no records updated |
178 | E | Select an entry to void |
179 | E | Run &1 status must be set to void |
180 | E | Run ID &1 with personnel number &2 status &3 cannot be deleted |
181 | E | Status of Run ID &1 invalid for import |
182 | E | Background processing only permitted with Application server |
183 | E | Error retrieving payroll result in sequence number &1 |
184 | E | Run ID &1 status not updated. &2 |
185 | E | Run ID &1 set to status &2 |
186 | E | ROE amended successfully. Original ROE with S/N# &1 has been voided. |
187 | E | HRDC software attributes not configured |
188 | E | No ROE will be generated for the selection period from &1 to &2 |
189 | E | Amended ROE not required for the selection period from &1 to &2 |
190 | E | Data missing from ROE Block &1 |
191 | E | Status of Run Id set to EXPORTED. |
192 | E | Run id &1 cannot be voided as amendment runs exist |
193 | E | Maintain 3 char ISO code for country &1 in table T005 or feature 07ISO.&2 |
194 | E | Address in Infotype 0006 longer than specification for employee &1. |
195 | E | Errors were encountered while processing. Check spool for list of errors. |
196 | E | Errors were encountered while processing. Check the Error List. |
197 | E | Box 8: Web ROE with SIN 000-000-000 will be rejected by HRSDC |
198 | E | Street/House number for Business No. &1 longer than specification |
199 | E | Employer Name &1 for Business No. &2, longer than specification |
200 | E | An error occurred with the RFC destination |
201 | E | The specified target year cannot precede the source year |
202 | E | Due to errors during database update, no changes were made |
203 | E | Tax form &1 for year &2 does not exist |
204 | E | Enter a valid postal code |
205 | E | &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Production run &3. |
206 | E | &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Amendment run &3. |
207 | E | &1 forms for &2 employees were processed for Cancelled run &3. |
208 | E | &4 - Basic personal amount not found in T511K and cannot be defaulted |
209 | E | Main Contract is either empty or invalid |
210 | E | Tax authorities &1 not maintained. Default tax authorities were entered |
211 | E | Corresponding infotype record must exist for the entire period |
212 | E | Existing record will be updated with CMA code &3 |
213 | E | Create new record with CMA code &3 |
214 | E | Create new record without CMA code |
215 | E | No update required. Infotype 0224 does not contain a CMA code |
216 | E | Record(s) committed to database |
217 | E | Test mode - record(s) not committed to database |
218 | E | TemSe object & already exists. Object has not been created |
219 | E | Error inserting new records into database table PA0077, old records lost |
220 | E | Total non-indexed amount cannot exceed total credit amount |
221 | E | Tax formula will be defaulted to Option 1 |
222 | E | No data stored in the selected period |
223 | E | Data record has grouping value '&1' instead of '&2' |
224 | E | &1 is missing for the Main Personnel Assignment '&2' |
225 | E | Payroll not run for the employee &1. No form generated. |
226 | E | Status for Payroll Area &1 is not set to EXIT. No form generated. |
227 | E | Payroll results could not be retrieved for employee number &1. |
228 | E | &1 rejected assigned to Business number &2 and &3 province(-ve Box value) |
229 | E | Amendments for Laser ROE forms not allowed |
230 | E | Initial Run had Tax Reporting Unit, Enter Tax Reporting Unit |
231 | E | |
232 | E | |
250 | E | Tax calculation is not supported for date specified |
251 | E | You cannot assign tax indicator R to tax authority QRES |
252 | E | Country Name not maintained in table T005T. & will be used instead. |
300 | E | Error while opening file &1&2&3 |
301 | E | Cannot create logical document reference for XML schema &1 |
302 | E | Data does not exist in PCL4 for run id &1 |
303 | E | Data does not exist in PCL4 for employee &1 and run id &2 |
304 | E | Encoding &1 cannot be set for XML file |
305 | E | Attribute &1 cannot be set for element &2 |
306 | E | Error while converting data to XML |
307 | E | Cannot create directory &1 |
308 | E | Error while downloading file to &1&2&3 |
309 | E | XML file has been downloaded to &1&2&3 |
310 | E | Cannot create root element &1 for XML file &2 |
311 | E | Cannot create logical document reference for XML file &1 |
312 | E | Cannot determine root element for XML schema &1 |
313 | E | Test run successfully completed, database has not changed |
314 | E | Enter a valid transmitter number (format MMNNNNNN), for example, MM888888 |
315 | E | Enter a valid province, territory or state, for example, QC, YT, NY or ZZ |
316 | E | Enter a valid three-letter transmitter country code, for example, CAN |
317 | E | Enter transm. province code ZZ, transmitter country is not Canada or USA |
318 | E | Download file path was not specified. Cannot download the file |
319 | E | Due to incompatible frontend platform, XML file validation has terminated |
320 | E | Error occured while creating the validating file, Validation terminated |
321 | E | XML file validation completed, No errors found |
322 | E | XML file validation completed, XML file contains errors |
323 | E | Due to incompatible application server platform,validation has terminated |
324 | E | XML file stored on an incompatile platform, validation has terminated |
325 | E | XML schema stored on an incompatile platform, validation has terminated |
326 | E | Enter a valid transmitter number (format NPVVVVVV), for example, NP888888 |
328 | E | Footnote overflow, please note the pernr. |
400 | E | ***** 400 - 600: Reserved area for Canadian garnishment ***************** |
401 | E | Only one of those two fields may be entered |
402 | E | Enter an operator |
403 | E | Check the box in the special rule when using &1 |
404 | E | Enter the unit in the special rule when making any entries |
405 | E | Enter the field description in the special rule when using &1 |
406 | E | Enter some operands |
407 | E | Enter either a percentage and a unit or no percentage limit at all |
408 | E | Enter either an amount and a unit or no amount limit at all |
409 | E | Enter an amount per dependant |
410 | E | Enter the missing limit |
411 | E | Enter a relationship, since both limits are given |
412 | E | Enter either a normal rule or a special rule, but not both |
413 | E | Enter both the non-exempt amount model and the relationship model |
414 | E | It is recommended to make the calculation rule a required entry |
415 | E | Make entries in all fields |
416 | E | Select a debt with the debt category set to 'garnishee fee' |
417 | E | Enter a garnishee fee rule |
418 | E | Enter the amount of the ongoing payment |
419 | E | Enter the unit of the ongoing payment |
420 | E | Ongoing payments should not be specified for one-time garnishments |
421 | E | Enter the amount for the one-time garnishment |
422 | E | No supplemental data is required |
423 | E | It is not allowed to specify a pay schedule |
424 | E | The number of dependants is specified but apparently not needed |
425 | E | Clear selection(s) from field(s) |
426 | E | The garnishment order & starts at & |
427 | E | The garnishment order & ends at & |
428 | E | Create garnishment order & first |
429 | E | Set the status of the order & to '&' |
430 | E | Specify a release date that comes after the receipt date |
431 | E | Enter a correspondence language |
432 | E | Enter the initial balance |
433 | E | The garnishment order is not released. Delete the release date |
434 | E | Specify a receipt date no later than the current date |
435 | E | Select the single cheque indicator if cheque is payable to plaintiff |
436 | E | Enter a vendor |
437 | E | Delete the initial balance, input is prohibited |
438 | E | Enter the ongoing payment or pay schedule |
439 | E | Delete the ongoing payment or pay schedule, input is prohibited |
440 | E | Report for country grouping & not yet released |
442 | E | Enter an amount |
443 | E | Enter the treatment |
444 | E | The date of relevance should not be larger than the adjustment date |
445 | E | This value is not allowed in the case of a stopped payment |
446 | E | Enter either ongoing payment or pay schedule, but not both |
447 | E | The payroll time unit has changed. Adjust the pay schedule accordingly |
448 | E | Delete entries from the supplement screen |
449 | E | Changes concerning the pay schedule. Unused entries will be deleted |
450 | E | Delete adjustments before you delete the debt |
451 | E | Delete debts and adjustments before you delete the order |
452 | E | No evaluation run found for & |
462 | E | Labour-spon.fund entered is valid only for first 60 days of & |
463 | E | |
600 | E | ************* 600 - 899 Reserved area for South Africa ***************** |
601 | E | ID number is missing |
602 | E | ID-number does not match RSA rules |
603 | E | ID-number and birth-date do not correspond |
604 | E | Total contribution amount and percentage may not both be entered |
610 | E | Ethnic origin invalid |
611 | E | Military status invalid |
612 | E | SI-type not valid - check possible entries |
613 | E | Medical Aid not valid - check possible entries |
614 | E | Exemption reason may only be specified if there is no contribution |
615 | E | Exemption reason not valid - check possible entries |
616 | E | For no contribution only exemption reason may be specified |
617 | E | See table T5W1K for valid data (possible entries) |
618 | E | No reference number has been specified |
619 | E | See table T5W1O for valid data (possible entries) |
620 | E | End date may not be less than begin date |
621 | E | Max earnings may not be less than min earnings |
624 | E | Total contribution and employee percentage must both be entered |
625 | E | Tax office invalid - check possible entries |
626 | E | Tax status invalid - check possible entries |
627 | E | Invalid tax status for males |
628 | E | Female as sole breadwinner - no directive received |
629 | E | Number of children may only be entered if tax status is 'M' |
630 | E | Employment indicator invalid - check possible entries |
631 | E | Directive percentage entered - no directive received |
632 | E | Directive received - percentage must be entered |
633 | E | No of children entered does not correspond to personal data |
634 | E | No tax reference number has been entered |
635 | E | 'To Age' may not be less than 'From Age' |
636 | E | Unable to evaluate age group - no valid entry in T5W2C |
637 | E | Tax procedure invalid - check possible entries |
638 | E | Tax region invalid - check possible entries |
639 | E | Age group indicator invalid - check possible entries |
640 | E | No Subgroup selected |
641 | E | Tax year not valid |
642 | E | Taxable earning max may not be less than min value |
643 | E | Do you really want to close that tax year? |
644 | E | The current date is less than the end date of that tax year |
645 | E | It is not advised to do that |
646 | E | The tax reference number should be numerical |
647 | E | Minority Type will be set to 'Others' as its status is 'YES' |
648 | E | Additional Personal data exists even if Participation in survey is 'No' |
649 | E | Additional Personal data exists even if Release of data is 'No'. |
650 | E | No policy/membership number specified |
651 | E | Caution: duplicate policy number - to be ignored when delimiting records |
652 | E | Both Directive percentage and amount may not be set |
653 | E | Directive received was set automatically |
654 | E | Directive percentage or amount must be specified |
655 | E | No entry found in T549A for payroll subunit & |
656 | E | Tax year invalid |
657 | E | Invalid constant from & for & |
658 | E | Form type requested not available |
659 | E | Visible Minorities will be deselected as Visible Minority is set to 'No'. |
660 | E | Wage type description not in T512T |
661 | E | No infotype & record exists on & |
662 | E | Persons with Disabilities will be deselected as Disability is 'No'. |
663 | E | Release of data not possible as Survey Participation flag is 'No'. |
664 | E | Aboriginal Peoples Group will be deselected as Aboriginal is set to 'No'. |
665 | E | Choose 'A' for English or 'F' for French |
666 | E | Enter a Québec enterprise number |
700 | E | Error reading Infotype 0224. Conversion not possible |
701 | E | &4 - Business Logic error during data conversion |
702 | E | General error during data conversion |
703 | E | This employee had errors. Infotype record(s) not converted |
704 | E | No conversion errors found |
707 | E | &4 - Previously existing infotype records deleted |
709 | E | Test mode. Records not committed to database |
710 | E | &4 - Record(s) committed to database |
711 | E | &4 - End date extended to high date |
712 | E | Retroactive accounting has not been deactivated |
713 | E | &4 - Error during User Exit conversion |
714 | E | All existing tax infotypes will be deleted for selected employees |
715 | E | Employee checked - status OK |
716 | E | All selected employees checked - status OK |
717 | E | &4 - Existing infotype record(s) detected |
718 | E | &4 - Cannot delete existing infotype records. Manual deletion required |
719 | E | &4 - Province of Employment 'ZZ' cannot be converted |
720 | E | &4 - Employee requires additional &1 &4 record to be created |
732 | E | Choice only available for lines with garnishments |
733 | E | Gender and form of address (Mr./Ms.) are inconsistent |
734 | E | Social Insurance Number must consist of nine digits |
735 | E | Valid transmitter numbers for RL1 and RL2 must begin with 'NP' |
750 | E | Error finding Main Assignment. |
751 | E | &1 : &2 &3 &4 |
752 | E | &1 : Error retrieving employee ROE data from PCL4 |
753 | E | Assignment has been rejected. Refer to the error log. |
754 | E | &1 : Reporting period from &2 to &3 is invalid |
755 | E | &1 : Overlapping ROEs detected period &2 to &3. Pernr rejected |
756 | E | &1 : No earnings on Run date/As-of-date. |
777 | E | The Runid is not an Amendment run. |
778 | E | The Run does not contain any forms. |
779 | E | The Runid does not exist. |
780 | E | Pernr has no Tax forms in any of the Runs entered. |
781 | E | The Runid has been voided. |