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Bei ansehen →The Message Class 5V (HR: Messages for Belgium) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PB12.
Message Class | 5V |
Short Text | HR: Messages for Belgium |
Package | PB12 |
ID | Language | Text |
000 | D | 000 bis 999 Bereich reserviert fuer RP : BELGIEN |
001 | D | The personnel register number has to be numeric! |
002 | D | The personnel register number is generated automatically! |
003 | D | The personnel register number must not be zero! |
004 | D | The employee's government register number is incorrect (modulo 97 test)! |
005 | D | Replaced employee identical to maintained one ! |
006 | D | The Pension number is wrong ! JJMM/99999, date of birth: & ! |
007 | D | Replaced employee & left company on & ! |
008 | D | Replaced employee & still in service ! |
009 | D | Modulo 97/96 test on SI-identity number unsuccesfull ! |
010 | D | Impossible combination for fields 'Single parent' and 'Marital status' ! |
011 | D | Enter a tax amount only for type of tax calculation 2 or 6 ! |
012 | D | Enter a tax percentage only for type of tax calculation 3, 4, 5 or 7 ! |
013 | D | Make your choice between spouse counts for tax and spouse low income ! |
014 | D | Number & out P0021-2/-8 Family = & / & |
015 | D | Information differs from infotype 21! |
016 | D | Marital status differs from marital status on infotype 0002 ! |
017 | D | More than one city/town with the same postal code & ! |
018 | D | The identity card number is incorrect (modulo 97 test) ! |
019 | D | Seniority Date is required ! |
020 | D | Diesen Infotyp bitte nur pflegen ueber Infotyp & : & |
021 | D | Screen reconstructed depending on input. |
022 | D | The number of disabled children exceeds the number of children at charge. |
023 | D | The no. of disabled other persons exceeds the no. of other persons-costs. |
024 | D | The employer's SI-category defined in feature RSZCA = & |
025 | D | Work commission defined in feature BEGPC = & |
026 | D | Hours/week ('Work commission') in feature BEUWG = & |
027 | D | No family-data in period & to &. |
028 | D | Activity not allowed for Personal area/subarea, defined in feature RSZKE. |
029 | D | Language different from possible Regional-language in the Address data ! |
030 | D | The form & doesn't exist in table T512P for language & |
031 | D | The form & is already used in document & sequence number & |
032 | D | No selection made ! |
033 | D | You have no authorisation for the selected mode. |
034 | D | Unsuccesful reading of table T5BTM with & & & & |
035 | D | Unsuccesful reading table T5BTS with key & & & |
036 | D | Shift & should be generated. |
037 | D | Choosing the Person category (1=worker/2=administrator/3=retiree) |
038 | D | Choosing Residential code (B=Belgium/E=elsewhere) |
039 | D | Choosing Tax deduction class (A/B) |
040 | D | No Validity begin or end date for Tax scale given |
041 | D | Impossible to calculate Tax scale. See selection. |
042 | D | Select one of the categories. |
043 | D | Table &: & entrees to update, & entrees to add. Press enter to confirm. |
044 | D | Upper and lower income limits must be filled! |
045 | D | Lower income limit & smaller than upper income limit & |
046 | D | The end validity date of the tax scale must be specified! |
047 | D | Please enter a value |
048 | D | Tape & & records downloaded to file : & & bytes |
049 | D | Attention, 0 bytes transferred ! |
050 | D | Only values 'X' or ' ' are allowed for Parameter CLUSTER ! |
051 | D | File already created for & |
052 | D | Period should be between 1 and 4 ! |
053 | D | Year should be between 1990 and 9999 ! |
054 | D | Position your cursor on an employee category (EEC) |
055 | D | Combination employee / employer category already exists from & to & |
056 | D | Performing update database for cluster & |
057 | D | No valid value found in table T511K for constant & between & and & ! |
058 | D | No valid entries found in & between & and & |
059 | D | No entry in table & for key & & & |
060 | D | Updating Cluster & in database |
061 | D | Cluster directory key & not found in & |
062 | D | Number of records downloaded into & is & (& bytes) |
063 | D | No records down/uploaded |
064 | D | Data for period & & downloaded in file & (& records) |
065 | D | No BEGPC and/or BESTE found for employer cat. & and employee cat. & |
066 | D | Cluster already exists: creation not allowed => you are REJECTED |
067 | D | Employment status is & for personal number &. |
068 | D | Employee group & and subgroup & not defined for personal number &. |
069 | D | Number of bytes uploaded from & : & bytes. |
070 | D | Rejected. There are no working days found for work schedule rule &. |
071 | D | Records updated in cluster & |
072 | D | Belcotax fiche 281.& is not yet implemented. |
073 | D | No data found in cluster & for the selection specified. |
074 | D | Changes saved. New values are valid from & until 31.12.9999. |
075 | D | No record for this scale. |
076 | D | In table & , there is no entry & &. |
077 | D | Use this value only in case of a married employee. |
078 | D | & & & & |
079 | D | Please enter a value between 1 and 3! |
080 | D | Display only for calendar year & &. |
081 | D | Wrong selection: retiree and self-employed |
082 | D | Fill in the reference month in format YYYYMM. |
083 | D | Feature & is not properly maintained |
088 | D | No event with early retirement in P0000 |
089 | D | NO & with & available |
095 | D | Please create a record in infotype & first ! |
098 | D | Fill in & or & |
099 | D | & is not consistent with & |
100 | D | Option temporarily out of order. |
101 | D | The lenght of field & must be &. |
102 | D | Fill in & |
103 | D | The employee is a minor: no garnishment authorized! |
105 | D | Do NOT mark the 'resident' field when '% foreigners' is filled! |
106 | D | The currency & is not a valid currency. |
108 | D | All data was already declared. |
109 | D | No employees were selected. |
110 | D | Personal areas with different languages are selected! |
111 | D | Please fill in infotype 41 : Probationary period. |
112 | D | This information is not relevant. The employee is Belgian. |
113 | D | This fields should stay empty. The contrat is not limited. |
114 | D | No personal area/subarea for sender & |
117 | D | Fields 'Working at home' and 'working place address' can not be combined. |
118 | D | Select statement: No entry found in table & fields: & &, & &, & &, & & |
119 | D | Field 'Total' can not be combined with 'Single HP' or 'Double HP' |
120 | D | Inconsistency in payroll area & & |
121 | D | & Payroll has not been closed for payroll area: &, for period & |
122 | D | Date of marriage has to be after the date of birth |
123 | D | Check & & in Payroll: inconsistent &. Key & |
124 | D | & No Level 4 information available for this employee. Key & & & |
125 | D | Only one of the 4 fields can be crossed for the same contract type |
126 | D | Please could you split the amount in amounts less than 9 999 999 FB |
127 | D | The left 6 characters of this field must be numerical. |
128 | D | Please tick the disability chkbox or enter a percentage smaller than & %. |
129 | D | Please clear the disability chkbox or enter a percentage bigger than & %. |
130 | D | There is no disability constant defined. |
131 | D | The disability percentage is over 100%. |
132 | D | The disability checkbox is ticked. Please enter a percentage. |
000 | E | 000 to 999 - reserved for HR: Belgium |
001 | E | The personnel register number has to be numeric! |
002 | E | The personnel register number is generated automatically! |
003 | E | The personnel register number must not be zero! |
004 | E | The employee's government register number is incorrect (modulo 97 test)! |
005 | E | Replaced employee identical to maintained one |
006 | E | The Pension number is wrong ! JJMM/99999, date of birth: & ! |
007 | E | Replaced employee & left company on & |
008 | E | Replaced employee & still in service |
009 | E | Modulo 97/96 test on SI-identity number unsuccesfull ! |
010 | E | Impossible combination for fields 'Single parent' and 'Marital status' ! |
011 | E | Enter a tax amount only for type of tax calculation 2 or 6 ! |
012 | E | Enter a tax percentage only for type of tax calculation 3, 4, 5 or 7 ! |
013 | E | Make your choice between spouse counts for tax and spouse low income ! |
014 | E | Number & out P0021-2/-8 Family - & / & |
015 | E | Information differs from infotype 21! |
016 | E | Marital status differs from marital status on infotype 0002 ! |
017 | E | More than one city/town with the same postal code & ! |
018 | E | The identity card number is incorrect (modulo 97 test) ! |
019 | E | Seniority Date is required ! |
020 | E | Maintain this infotype only via infotype & : & |
021 | E | Screen reconstructed depending on input |
022 | E | The number of disabled children exceeds the number of children at charge. |
023 | E | The no. of disabled other persons exceeds the no. of other persons-costs. |
024 | E | The employer's SI-category defined in feature RSZCA - & |
025 | E | Labour Commission defined in feature BEGPC - & |
026 | E | Hours/week (Labour Commission) def. in feature BEUWG - & |
027 | E | No family-data in period & to &. |
028 | E | Activity not allowed for Personal area/subarea, defined in feature RSZKE. |
029 | E | Language different from possible Regional-language in the Address data |
030 | E | The form & doesn't exist in table T512P for language & |
031 | E | The form & is already used in document & sequence number & |
032 | E | No selection made |
033 | E | You have no authorisation for the selected mode. |
034 | E | Unsuccesful reading of table T5BTM with & & & & |
035 | E | Unsuccesful reading table T5BTS with key & & & |
036 | E | Shift & should be generated. |
037 | E | Choosing the employee category (1-worker/2-administrator/3-retiree) |
038 | E | Choosing Residential code (B-Belgium/E-elsewhere) |
039 | E | Choosing Tax deduction class (A/B) |
040 | E | No Validity begin or end date for Tax scale given |
041 | E | Impossible to calculate Tax scale. See selection. |
042 | E | Select one of the categories. |
043 | E | Table &: & entrees to update, & entrees to add. Press enter to confirm |
044 | E | Upper and lower income limits must be filled! |
045 | E | Lower income limit & smaller than upper income limit & |
046 | E | The end validity date of the tax scale must be specified! |
047 | E | Please enter a value |
048 | E | Tape & & records downloaded to file : & & bytes |
049 | E | Attention, 0 bytes transferred ! |
050 | E | Only values 'X' or ' ' are allowed for Parameter CLUSTER ! |
051 | E | File already created for & |
052 | E | Period should be between 1 and 4 ! |
053 | E | Year should be between 1990 and 9999 ! |
054 | E | Position your cursor on an employee category (EEC) |
055 | E | Combination employee / employer category already exists from & to & |
056 | E | Performing update database for cluster & |
057 | E | No valid value found in table T511K for constant & between & and & ! |
058 | E | No valid entries found in & between & and & |
059 | E | No entry in table & for key & & & |
060 | E | Updating Cluster & in database |
061 | E | Cluster directory key & not found in & |
062 | E | Number of records downloaded into & is & (& bytes) |
063 | E | No records down/uploaded |
064 | E | Data for period & & downloaded in file & (& records) |
065 | E | No BEGPC and/or BESTE found for employer cat. & and employee cat. & |
066 | E | Cluster already exists: creation not allowed -> you are REJECTED |
067 | E | Employment status is & for personal number &. |
068 | E | Employee group & and subgroup & not defined for personal number &. |
069 | E | Number of bytes uploaded from & : & bytes. |
070 | E | Rejected. There are no working days found for work schedule rule &. |
071 | E | Records updated in cluster & |
072 | E | Belcotax fiche 281.& is not yet implemented. |
073 | E | No data found in cluster & for the selection specified. |
074 | E | Changes saved. New values are valid from & until 31.12.9999. |
075 | E | No record for this scale. |
076 | E | In table & , there is no entry & &. |
077 | E | Use this value only in case of a married or legal cohabitation employee. |
078 | E | & & & & |
079 | E | Please enter a value between 1 and 3! |
080 | E | Display only for calendar year & &. |
081 | E | Wrong selection: retiree and self-employed |
082 | E | Fill in the reference month in format YYYYMM. |
083 | E | Feature & is not properly maintained |
084 | E | Spouse income description differs from infotype 21 |
085 | E | Entry date could not be found. |
086 | E | Address is larger than 26 characters |
088 | E | No event with early retirement in P0000 |
089 | E | NO & with & available |
090 | E | Check data on partner:legal cohabitation |
091 | E | Check martital status |
092 | E | Please enter partner's income information. |
093 | E | 'Disabled partner' only possible when EE is married / leg. cohabitating |
094 | E | Existing partner's income for EE having no spouse / partner |
095 | E | Please create a record in infotype & first ! |
096 | E | Legal cohabitation impossible when EE is married |
098 | E | Fill in & or & |
099 | E | & is not consistent with & |
100 | E | Option temporarily out of order. |
101 | E | The length of field & must be &. |
102 | E | Fill in & |
103 | E | The employee is a minor: no garnishment authorized! |
105 | E | Do NOT mark the 'resident' field when '% foreigners' is filled! |
106 | E | The currency & is not a valid currency. |
107 | E | No values available for this selection. |
108 | E | All data was already declared. |
109 | E | No employees were selected. |
110 | E | Personal areas with different languages are selected! |
111 | E | Please fill in infotype 41 : Probationary period. |
112 | E | This information is not relevant. The employee is Belgian. |
113 | E | This fields should stay empty. The contrat is not limited. |
114 | E | No personnel area/subarea for sender & |
116 | E | Missing organizational assignment for personal area &/subarea & |
117 | E | Fields 'Working at home' and 'Workplace address' cannot be combined. |
118 | E | Select statement: No entry found in table & fields: & &, & &, & &, & & |
119 | E | Field 'Total' can not be combined with 'Single HP' or 'Double HP' |
120 | E | Inconsistency in payroll area & & |
121 | E | & Payroll has not been closed for payroll area: &, for period & |
122 | E | Date of marriage has to be after the date of birth |
123 | E | Check & & in Payroll: inconsistent &. Key & |
124 | E | & No Level 4 information available for this employee. Key & & & |
125 | E | Only one of the 4 fields can be crossed for the same contract type |
126 | E | Please split the amount in amounts less than 99999.99 |
127 | E | The left 6 characters of this field must be numerical. |
128 | E | Please tick the disability chkbox or enter a percentage smaller than & %. |
129 | E | Please clear the disability chkbox or enter a percentage bigger than & %. |
130 | E | There is no disability constant defined. |
131 | E | The disability percentage is over 100%. |
132 | E | The disability checkbox is ticked. Please enter a percentage. |
133 | E | No declaration data for company & & |
134 | E | Reduction code & is not maintained in table &. |
135 | E | Checkbox P0505-SHPSI can only be marked if an amount for hol. pay exists |
136 | E | No valid decimal, only 0,25, 0,50 or 0,75 are allowed |
137 | E | The corresponding amount in the payroll currency should be < 99999.99 |
138 | E | Corresponding DMFA reduction code for reduction code & is not maintained |
140 | E | Begin and end date of certificate are not in the same calendar year |
150 | E | Default currency cannot be determined by the system. |
151 | E | Scroll down to see more |
152 | E | Choose a line from the pers. nunmbers' list |
160 | E | Garnishment-relevant child is (older than) 25 years on the &. |
161 | E | The employer address was not found. |
170 | E | Infotype Personal Data (0002) is missing |
180 | E | 180 - 189 for Company Car Advantage |
181 | E | Currency stored for the CO2 coefficient in T5BFB is not converted |
182 | E | Pollution category cannot be determined |
183 | E | Maintain CO2 Emission (CO2EM) field in Company Car (0442) infotype |
184 | E | Enter a pollution category that is consistent with the fuel type |
185 | E | Enter a pollution category |
186 | E | Pollution category has been automatically determined |
187 | E | No CO2 coefficient defined in table T5BFB for pollution category & |
201 | E | Please select a declaration. |
202 | E | & of the declaration in the current status is not allowed. |
203 | E | No details available for this declaration |
204 | E | A declaration with status Rejected exists. Please delete this first. |
220 | E | Declaration has status Released, no update allowed |
221 | E | Declaration already exists with Seqno/status: & & Please first delete it |
222 | E | Corrective declaration not allowed. Corr. decl. has already been created. |
223 | E | Problem with update of directory table. |
224 | E | Problem during update of CX/WX cluster |
225 | E | No corresponding entry in directory table. |
226 | E | Problem during update of Status tables. |
227 | E | No corresponding entry in directory table. |
228 | E | Declaration could not be stored in database. |
229 | E | Selection date & must be greater than enddate of quarter &. |
230 | E | Data in record & with indicator & could not be converted. |
231 | E | No records selected |
232 | E | Please select an item in the tree |
233 | E | Can not expand anymore... |
235 | E | Please enter a selection date payroll results |
236 | E | Wage Types &1 and &2 for dismissal allowance are inconsistent |
237 | E | Number of working days not defined for dismissal period |
238 | E | Leaving date not found. |
239 | E | Number and Unit are mandatory for dismissal allowances (Infotype 0015). |
240 | E | Requested person occurs more than once! |
241 | E | Requested person has no declaration info. |
242 | E | Selected declaration could not be found in cluster. |
243 | E | Dismissal allowance for & could not be calculated |
289 | E | Either an amount (total or monthly) or a percentage can be saved |
290 | E | Messages 291-299 reserved for infotype Additional payments Belcotax 3207 |
291 | E | No entry in table T5BX4 for BV281 &1, LGART &2, ENDDA &3 and BEGDA &4 |
292 | E | No entry in table T5BX4 for Fiche &1, Wage Type &2 using AMOUNT. |
293 | E | No entry in table T5BX4 for Fiche &1, Wage Type &2 using NUMBER. |
294 | E | No entry in table T5BX4 for Fiche &1, Wage Type &2 using RATE. |
300 | E | The maximum limit of 999 days per period has been exceeded. |
301 | E | Enter a valid SIS card number |
310 | E | The leaving date must be greater or equal to the hiring date |
311 | E | Enter a hiring date |
312 | E | Do not enter a hiring date, only a leaving date |
313 | E | You must enter a leaving date |
314 | E | Do not enter a leaving date |
315 | E | Do not enter any date (neither an entry date, nor a leaving date) |
316 | E | Select a declaration type |
317 | E | Do not enter an entry date |
318 | E | Choose either status 'Formally accepted by SI' or 'Accepted by SI' |
319 | E | Enter the corrected hiring or leave date (or both) |
320 | E | The Dimona number must be different from the receipt number |
321 | E | The receipt number exists already as a previously used Dimona number |
322 | E | The receipt number must be different from the Dimona number |
323 | E | Dimona no cannot be used anymore, corresponding declaration cancelled |
324 | E | The receipt number exists already for a previous declaration |
325 | E | The Dimona number does not exist in any previous declaration |
326 | E | The leaving date has already been reported for & |
327 | E | Hiring date is &, the leaving date cannot be earlier! |
328 | E | Hiring date must be earlier or equal to & |
329 | E | Leaving date must be earlier or equal to & |
330 | E | The hiring and leaving dates have not been changed |
331 | E | The date(s) overlap with the period declared by Dimona number & |
332 | E | The receipt number was copied to the Dimona number field |
333 | E | Use a leaving declaration |
334 | E | SI number & does not exist for any employer |
335 | E | The Dimona number exists already as a receipt number |
336 | E | Please enter the SI employer number |
337 | E | The leaving date must be greater or equal & |
338 | E | No changes made regarding the previously declared entry date & |
339 | E | No changes made regarding the previously declared leaving date & |
340 | E | SI number & was corrected with value & |
341 | E | Could not read infotype 0100 on & |
342 | E | Could not read infotype 0109 on & |
343 | E | Could not determine if student or not |
350 | E | Please fill in at least one of these fields: pers. nr., rsz nr. |
351 | E | Division by zero in form & |
400 | E | No institution group defined with the code & |
401 | E | The registration number & is not valid !!! |
402 | E | Table T5B1V has to be customized before running the program. |
403 | E | Inserting of the address in the BAS failed. |
404 | E | General error when inserting address |
440 | E | No persons matching the selection |
499 | E | File name help function not possible |
500 | E | Activity risk with code & does not have a text in the logon language |
501 | E | Invalid labour comission for this employee |
502 | E | Invalid activity with risk for this employee |
503 | E | Selected employee grouping does not have entries in table T503 |
504 | E | Do not enter any personnel number for the replaced person |
505 | E | Maintain the employee promotion category field |
506 | E | Empl. prom. should not be filled when corresponding reduction not asked |
507 | E | Perno of repl. pers. exists although corresp. red. not selected |
508 | E | Error during the balance method calculation |
509 | E | The wt & it's not used in any of the payment frequency groups |
510 | E | Error during calculations for the wt & in group & |
511 | E | Error in matching split & for the table & |
512 | E | Couldn't compute fld 00047. HR_BE_DMFA_COMPUTE_00047 returned code & |
513 | E | No corresponding WPBP split in IT for wagetype & between & and &. |
514 | E | Could not import last payroll results (table SV and/or SVEVL) |
515 | E | For this red., the empl. prom. should be empty |
516 | E | Wrong employment promotion for the specified reduction |
517 | E | Could not read feature BEUWG |
518 | E | Could not read feature BEUWR |
519 | E | The personnel number of the replaced person has to be entered. |
520 | E | Perno of applicant. filled in although corresp. red. not selected |
521 | E | Error during the educational leave calculation |
522 | E | Employee age over limit of &1y for ER SI deduction. |
523 | E | Limit the infotype. Reduction valid only until &1. |
524 | E | No wage type assigned for reduction & in table &, for supp.appl &. |
525 | E | Person & not active on &. Change of National ID number not possible. |
526 | E | & is not the start date of a quarter. Change of INSS not possible. |
530 | E | Retrieval of company data failed with code &. |
531 | E | Retrieval of company details failed. |
532 | E | Nace code could not be read for organisational unit & |
533 | E | No entries in field IBAN or BIC for company &1. Entries are mandatory. |
600 | E | Function HR_BE_DMFA_LOW_WAGES returned code & |
601 | E | Function HR_BE_LOW_WAGES returned code & |
700 | E | Employee health insurance does not exist. |
701 | E | Specify an official language for this company and subarea |
702 | E | Official language is not valid, select a valid legal language |
703 | E | Language for the subarea &1 &2 is incomplete, check table T5B1P |
704 | E | Language for company &1 is incomplete, check table T5B1S |
705 | E | Language specified is inconsistent with the one determined by the system |