Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Message Class C9 (Objektzuordnungen Planalternative-Object) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package CP.
Message Class | C9 |
Short Text | Objektzuordnungen Planalternative-Object |
Package | CP |
ID | Language | Text |
001 | D | ==================== Material =========================================== |
002 | D | Bitte zuerst Arbeitsplan selektieren |
003 | D | Plangruppenzähler & nicht definiert. Bitte Eingabe überprüfen |
004 | D | Rezept & nicht definiert. Bitte Eingabe prüfen |
005 | D | Zu Selektionskriterien ist kein Plan gültig |
006 | D | Zuordnung des Materials zum Normalarbeitsplan ist bereits vorhanden |
007 | D | Plan $ ist nicht gültig |
008 | D | Bitte Plangruppenzähler, Material und Werk eingeben |
009 | D | Materialstammsatz $ in Werk $ ist nicht vorhanden |
010 | D | Kombination Plananwendung &/Plantyp & ist nicht vorgesehen |
011 | D | Fertigungsversion $ existiert nicht für Material $ in Werk $ |
012 | D | Zuordnung des Materials zum Linienplan ist bereits vorhanden |
013 | D | Material und Plan & gehören nicht zum selben Buchungskreis |
014 | D | Material und Plan & gehören nicht zum selben Kostenrechnungskreis |
015 | D | Material-Plan-Zuordnung ist in der Zukunft bereits vorhanden |
016 | D | Zuordnung des Materials zum Standardplan ist bereits vorhanden |
017 | D | Zuordnung des Materials zum Standardlinieplan ist bereits vorhanden |
221 | D | Fataler Fehler im Programm & |
306 | D | Zuordnung Equipment/Plan ist bereits vorhanden |
308 | D | Bitte Plan und Equipment eingeben |
000 | E | Database & not defined in Table T800A (compare ledger & in T881) |
001 | E | -------------------- Material ------------------------------------------- |
002 | E | Select routing first |
003 | E | Group counter & is not defined. Check your entry. |
004 | E | Recipe & not defined. Check your entries |
005 | E | No valid routing/plan found for the selection criteria |
006 | E | The material is already allocated to the routing. |
007 | E | Routing/plan $ is not valid |
008 | E | Enter group counter, material and plant |
009 | E | Material master record $ not found in plant $ |
010 | E | Invalid combination of application &/type & |
011 | E | Production version $ does not exist for material $ in plant $ |
012 | E | The material has already been allocated to the rate routing. |
013 | E | Material and task list & do not belong to same company code |
014 | E | Material and task list & do not belong to same controlling area |
015 | E | Material-routing assignment already exists in the future |
016 | E | Assignment of material to reference operation set already exists |
017 | E | Assignment of material to reference rate routing already exists |
221 | E | Fatal error in program & |
028 | E | No standard fin. statement item version maintained for the DB version |
029 | E | The item categories are different |
030 | E | Invalid transaction type (totals transaction type) |
306 | E | Allocation of equipment/task list already exists |
308 | E | Enter task list and equipment |
031 | E | Enter valid transaction type |
032 | E | Maintain minority interest item |
033 | E | Use the Delete function to delete this standard item |
034 | E | Item does not exist |
035 | E | Place cursor on a valid field |
036 | E | The standard item(s) was (were) deleted |
037 | E | The DB version entered does not exist |
038 | E | Entry not allowed (totals item) |
039 | E | The set > & < does not exist |
040 | E | Data was saved |
041 | E | Enter valid item group |
042 | E | Exactly one method was selected |
043 | E | & methods were selected |
044 | E | The method selected will be, or was, used |
045 | E | Consolidation of investments method > & < does not exist |
046 | E | Consolidation of investments method > & < already exists |
047 | E | Standard item already exists |
048 | E | Standard items table is already being processed |
049 | E | This item is not a statistical item |
050 | E | Translation method > & < does not exist |
051 | E | Translation method > & < already exists |
052 | E | Method entry selected - reference is the rounding entry |
053 | E | Rounding entry selected - reference is the method entry |
054 | E | Reference no. from 1 to & possible |
055 | E | Max insert after item > & > possible |
056 | E | You cannot enter method after rounding entry (max > & <) |
057 | E | You cannot enter rounding before the method (min > & <) |
058 | E | Set > & < already exists |
059 | E | Beginning/end of data has been reached |
060 | E | & item group > & < not been created |
061 | E | & Please enter item group. Not transaction type |
062 | E | & transaction type > & < not created |
063 | E | & Please enter transaction type. Not item group |
064 | E | & item group > & < not created for rounding |
065 | E | Method > & < blocked by another user |
066 | E | Exchange rate indicator for selected translation key is not meaningful |
067 | E | Check items |
068 | E | Enter values in all fields or leave fields blank |
069 | E | & TD item > & < cannot be a totals item |
070 | E | & Exchange rate indicator > & < not created |
071 | E | Enter item group |
072 | E | Enter & exactly |
073 | E | Enter valid item |
074 | E | Chosen combination is not allowed |
075 | E | & TK - &. but item & may not continue after acquisition year |
076 | E | No. & and items are type 'S', but TD items are not type 'S' |
077 | E | Item is not an income statement item |
078 | E | Negative values are not allowed |
079 | E | You must enter at least one positive value |
080 | E | Direct elimination: entry not allowed |
081 | E | Item is not a balance sheet item |
082 | E | Item & & cannot be differentiated by TTy |
083 | E | Item & & must be restricted by TTy |
084 | E | Item to be entered must be an assets item |
085 | E | & Please enter same type of item (balance sheet or income statement) |
086 | E | & Enter debit and credit items or leave both blank |
087 | E | Enter either '*' or debit/credit |
088 | E | The standard item entered is wrong |
089 | E | No minority interest items exist |
090 | E | No further information for rounding entries |
091 | E | & Debit difference item & not in item group |
092 | E | & Credit difference item & not in item group |
093 | E | & Item & not created |
094 | E | Error has occurred in the set maintenance |
095 | E | Activation only possible with check status > X <. Method & |
096 | E | Method > & < already being processed |
097 | E | System error has occurred with method > & < |
098 | E | Move cursor to valid line |
099 | E | No errors were found |