
SAP Message Class CORE_GJ

Joint Venture Accounting messages for core objects

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The Message Class CORE_GJ (Joint Venture Accounting messages for core objects) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package GJVC.

Technical Information

Message Class CORE_GJ
Short Text Joint Venture Accounting messages for core objects
Package GJVC


ID Language Text
100 E The equity group is missing for venture & and equity type &
101 E Recovery indicator & already exists as an internal recovery indicator
102 E You must fill in all venture fields
103 E Venture & does not exist in company code &
104 E Recovery indicator & does not exist in company code &
105 E Equity type & does not exist in company code &
106 E The deletion of SAP entries in & is not allowed.
107 E The creation of SAP entries in & is not allowed.
108 E Object type & is not known in JVA.
109 E The specified equity type does not exist
110 E Reserved for Joint Venture Accounting
111 E The inactive equity group was replaced by equity group &
112 E The JIB/JIBE class is not yet defined
113 E The JIB/JIBE subclass is not yet defined
116 E Venture & and equity group & do not exist
117 E Venture & and equity group & is not active
150 E Recovery indicator & does not exist in organization &
151 E Action type & not supported by Joint Venture
197 E Help values cannot be displayed. Returncode - &
910 E Entry & & for partner & does not exist in table &
912 E No partner found for venture & and vendor &
913 E All venture information must have an entry