Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The Message Class DB02 (fuer den Oracle Teil des Datenbank Monitors) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package SOMO.
Message Class | DB02 |
Short Text | fuer den Oracle Teil des Datenbank Monitors |
Package | SOMO |
ID | Language | Text |
000 | D | No detailed description available. |
001 | D | Function call &1 in program &2 failed. |
002 | D | &1: function call &2 failed with exception &3. Affected MTE: &4. |
003 | D | &1 could not read tool info. |
004 | D | 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run. |
005 | D | &1 failed with exception &2. |
006 | D | & failed with exception &2. Affected MTE: &3. |
007 | D | &1 day(s) > threshold of &2. |
008 | D | &1: &2 failed with exception &3. |
009 | D | 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run. |
010 | D | Cannot get TID of context 'DB', exception: &1. |
011 | D | Unsupported value for &1: &2. |
012 | D | &1: &2. |
013 | D | *** available *** |
014 | D | Segment &1.&2 in tablespace &3 cannot allocate more than &4 extents. |
015 | D | The smallest number of allocatable extents for any segment. |
016 | D | &1 < &2: number of segments < threshold. |
017 | D | Segments with non-zero PCTINCREASE. |
018 | D | &1 segments with PCTINCREASE set > threshold of &2. |
019 | D | Oracle self-monitoring. |
020 | D | Space management issues which can lead to overflow problems. |
021 | D | Smallest no. of extents a segment can allocate < than threshold: &1 < &2. |
022 | D | The number of segments with too few allocatable extents. |
023 | D | &1 < &2: number of extents < threshold. |
024 | D | &1 failed with exception 'INVALID_DIALOG_MODE'. |
025 | D | Percentage of free space in the fullest tablespace. |
026 | D | &1&3 < &2&3: free space percentage < threshold. |
027 | D | Space management issues which can lead to fragmentation problems. |
028 | D | At least one segment has a number of extents exceeding the threshold. |
029 | D | Number of archive logs that will still fit into the archiving directory. |
030 | D | &1 < &2: Number of redo logs < threshold that can still be archived. |
031 | D | Job with XDB ID &1 has status &2, expected end time: &3, update: &4 |
032 | D | Partial operation &1 started at &2 and finished at &3 &4. |
033 | D | Partial operation &1 started at &2 and is expected to finish at &3. |
034 | D | Partial operation '&1' started at &2. |
035 | D | Operation has status &1, started at &2, and finished at &3 &4. |
036 | D | Operation has status &1, started at &2, and is expected to finish at &3. |
037 | D | Operation has status &1 and started at &2 (end time unknown). |
038 | D | The unique ID for an operation registered in the XDB interface tables. |
039 | D | Status of operations currently running or with warnings or errors. |
040 | D | Status of completed operations. |
041 | D | Improper maintenance of the XDB interface is reported here. |
042 | D | Operation started on &1. |
043 | D | Operation has status &1 and is expected to finish on &2. |
044 | D | Operation has status &1. |
045 | D | Job with XDB ID &1 started on &2 and finished at &3 &4. |
046 | D | Job with XDB ID &1 started on &2 and finished &3 (end time unknown). |
047 | D | Operation started on &1 and has status &2 &3 (end time unknown). |
048 | D | Invalid value &1 = '&2' needs to be corrected to evaluate xdb tables. |
049 | D | Approximately &1 &2 entries not processed, UPD_OP field not set properly. |
050 | D | DBAFID hat mehrere Beschreibungen für FUNC_ID: &1, DBNAME: &2, TABLE_NAME |
051 | D | XDB ID &1 has invalid DBAML-BEGIN_OP '&2'. |
052 | D | DBARCL.TRIAL ('&1') invalid for partial operation with XDB ID &2. |
053 | D | Partial operation &1 with XDB ID &2 has an invalid start date ('&3'). |
054 | D | XDB_ID &1 could not be processed. |
055 | D | XDB_ID &1 could not be processed. Invalid status '&2'. |
056 | D | XDB_ID &1 has status '&2', but the invalid return code '&3'. |
057 | D | Operation has status '&1' but invalid return code '&2'. |
058 | D | Job with XDB ID '&1' has status '&2' but invalid return code '&3'. |
059 | D | Job with XDB ID &1 has status 'COMPLETED', but its end time is not set. |
060 | D | Maintenance of cost-based optimizer (CBO) statistics. |
061 | D | Number of days since last 'brconnect -f stats'. |
062 | D | Days since last 'brconnect -f stats'. |
063 | D | &1 &3 > &2 &3 since last 'brconnect -f stats' run. |
064 | D | Temp. node to display that 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run. |
065 | D | Oracle cache monitoring. |
066 | D | Oracle buffer cache monitoring. |
067 | D | &1 &3 < &2 &3: cache hit ratio below threshold. |
068 | D | &1: select w/ aggregate function returned inappropriate number of rows. |
069 | D | Table '&1.&2' does not exist. |
070 | D | &1: Multiple entries for &2 in DBA_TABLES. |
071 | D | Oracle library cache monitoring. |
072 | D | Oracle redo log buffer: number of entries per redo log space request. |
073 | D | &1 < &2 redo entries per redo log space requests. |
074 | D | Space management information about tablespaces. |
075 | D | Space management information about segments. |
076 | D | Space management information for each tablespace. |
077 | D | Free space percentage of this tablespace. |
078 | D | Fewest extents left before max_extents. |
079 | D | &1 segments approaching max_extents > threshold of &2. |
080 | D | The number of segments approaching the maximum number of allowed extents. |
081 | D | &1:&2 has invalid value '&3'. |
082 | D | Messages from 'brconnect -f check'. |
083 | D | Monitoring of Oracle's redo log archiving. |
084 | D | Monitoring of backup status. |
085 | D | &1 > &2: dbwr_io_slaves set higher than threshold. |
086 | D | DBMSGORA entry reset before being reported. Parameter: &1, check date: &2 |
087 | D | Display time of last 'brconnect -f check' run. |
088 | D | Last 'brconnect -f check' run started at &1 and ended at &2 (database tim |
089 | D | Description of this job ID. |
090 | D | 'brconnect -f stats' have never been run. |
091 | D | Rollback segment extension failed. ORA-1562 found in alert_<SID>.log. |
092 | D | Database is running but online redo logs are not being archived. |
093 | D | Tablespace is in backup mode. |
094 | D | Missing indexes. |
095 | D | Superfluous indexes. |
096 | D | Missing control file. |
097 | D | Missing control mirror. |
098 | D | Database file offline. |
099 | D | File mismatch. |
100 | D | Database file missing. |
101 | D | File type unknown. |
102 | D | Redo log not mirrored. |
103 | D | Redo log missing. |
104 | D | Tablespace offline. |
105 | D | Database file offline. ORA-1135. File accessed for DML query is offline. |
106 | D | I/O error reading block from <name> block <#> number. ORA-1115. |
107 | D | Database file <name> failed verification check. ORA-1122. |
108 | D | Oracle data block corrupted (file <name>, block <number>) |
109 | D | Error writing archive log. ORA-272. |
110 | D | File <name> cannot be read. ORA-376. |
111 | D | dbwr_io_slaves. I/O slaves used by the DBWR process. Default: <>0. |
112 | D | db_block_buffers. Blocks in the DB buffer cache. Default: <8960. |
113 | D | db_block_size. Size of Oracle DB blocks (in bytes). Default: <>8192. |
114 | D | db_file_multiblock_read_count. Blocks read during complete tablescan I/O. |
115 | D | log_archive_start. Automatic archiving activated when set to true. |
116 | D | log_buffers. Size(KB) of redo log buffer in the SGA. Default: ><1024,320. |
117 | D | log_checkpoint_interval. How many redo log blocks trigger new checkpoint. |
118 | D | log_checkpoint_timeout. Seconds between two checkpoints. Default: >0. |
119 | D | open_cursors. Most open cursors per user process. Default: ><2,000,800. |
120 | D | optimizer_mode. Controls optimizer behavior. Default: <>Choose. |
121 | D | row_cache_cursors. Recursively buffered cursors row cache manager uses. |
122 | D | shared_pool_size. Size (MB) of the shared pool in the SGA. Default: <50. |
123 | D | sort_are_retained_size. Size(KB) of post-sort PGA sort area. |
124 | D | sort_area_size. Size(KB) of the sort area in the PGA. |
125 | D | ORA-600. A general internal error for Oracle program exceptions. |
126 | D | Snapshot too old. ORA-1555. |
127 | D | end-of-file communication channel. ORA-3113 |
128 | D | File needs media recovery. ORA-1113. |
129 | D | &1 > &2: number of extents > threshold. |
130 | D | &1 > &2: number of segments > threshold. |
131 | D | A result from the system check run (also shown in transaction DB16). |
132 | D | A result from the system check run (also shown in transaction DB16). |
133 | D | Configuration and history of 'brconnect -f check' runs. |
134 | D | ABAP Dictionary objects that are not found in the database. |
138 | D | 'brconnect -f check' failed with the following error messages: &1, &2, &3 |
139 | D | 'brconnect -f check' just finished successfully. |
140 | D | &1. |
141 | D | Checked but no warning or error found. |
142 | D | This check is currently disabled. |
143 | D | invalid value '&2' for field &3 in table &1. |
144 | D | Display time of last 'brconnect -f check' evaluation. |
145 | D | Just read new 'brconnect -f check' results |
146 | D | New 'brconnect -f check' results are currently not available. |
147 | D | Already reported all 'brconnect -f check' results. |
000 | E | Detailed description not available |
001 | E | Function call &1 in program &2 failed |
002 | E | &1: function call &2 failed with exception &3. Affected MTE: &4. |
003 | E | &1 could not read tool information |
004 | E | 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run. |
005 | E | &1 failed with exception &2 |
006 | E | & failed with exception &2. Affected MTE: &3. |
007 | E | &1 day(s) > threshold of &2 |
008 | E | &1: &2 failed with exception &3 |
009 | E | 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run. |
010 | E | Cannot get TID of context 'DB', exception: &1. |
011 | E | Unsupported value for &1: &2 |
012 | E | &1: &2 |
013 | E | *** available *** |
014 | E | Segment &1.&2 in tablespace &3 cannot allocate more than &4 extents |
015 | E | The smallest number of allocatable extents for any segment |
016 | E | &1 < &2: number of segments < threshold |
017 | E | Segments with non-zero PCTINCREASE |
018 | E | &1 segments with PCTINCREASE set > threshold of &2 |
019 | E | Oracle self-monitoring |
020 | E | Space management issues that can lead to overflow problems |
021 | E | Smallest no. of extents a segment can allocate < than threshold: &1 < &2 |
022 | E | The number of segments with too few allocatable extents |
023 | E | &1 < &2: number of extents < threshold |
024 | E | &1 failed with exception INVALID_DIALOG_MODE |
025 | E | Percentage of free space in the fullest tablespace |
026 | E | &1&3 < &2&3: free space percentage < threshold |
027 | E | Space management issues which can lead to fragmentation problems |
028 | E | At least one segment has a number of extents exceeding the threshold |
029 | E | Number of archive logs that can still fit into the archiving directory |
030 | E | &1 < &2: Number of redo logs < threshold that can still be archived |
031 | E | Job with XDB ID &1 has status &2, expected end time: &3, update: &4 |
032 | E | Partial operation &1 started at &2 and finished at &3 &4 |
033 | E | Partial operation &1 started at &2 and is expected to finish at &3 |
034 | E | Partial operation &1 started at &2 |
035 | E | Operation has status &1, started at &2, and finished at &3 &4 |
036 | E | Operation has status &1, started at &2, and is expected to finish at &3 |
037 | E | Operation has status &1 and started at &2 (end time unknown) |
038 | E | The unique ID for an operation registered in the XDB interface tables |
039 | E | Status of operations currently running, or with warnings or errors |
040 | E | Status of completed operations |
041 | E | Incorrect maintenance of the XDB interface is reported here |
042 | E | Operation started on &1 |
043 | E | Operation has status &1 and is expected to finish on &2 |
044 | E | Operation has status &1 |
045 | E | Job with XDB ID &1 started on &2 and finished at &3 &4 |
046 | E | Job with XDB ID &1 started on &2 and finished &3 (end time unknown) |
047 | E | Operation started on &1 and has status &2 &3 (end time unknown) |
048 | E | Invalid value &1 - &2 needs to be corrected to evaluate XDB tables |
049 | E | Approximately &1 &2 entries not processed, UPD_OP field not set correctly |
050 | E | DBAFID has multiple descriptions for FUNC_ID:&1, DBNAME:&2, TABLE_NAME |
051 | E | XDB ID &1 has invalid DBAML-BEGIN_OP &2 |
052 | E | DBARCL.TRIAL (&1) invalid for partial operation with XDB ID &2 |
053 | E | Partial operation &1 with XDB ID &2 has an invalid start date (&3) |
054 | E | XDB_ID &1 could not be processed |
055 | E | XDB_ID &1 could not be processed. Invalid status &2. |
056 | E | XDB_ID &1 has status &2 but the invalid return code &3. |
057 | E | Operation has status &1 but invalid return code &2 |
058 | E | Job with XDB ID &1 has status &2 but invalid return code &3 |
059 | E | Job with XDB ID &1 has status COMPLETED but its end time is not set |
060 | E | Maintenance of CBO (cost-based optimizer) statistics |
061 | E | Number of days since last 'brconnect -f stats' |
062 | E | Days since last 'brconnect -f stats' |
063 | E | &1 &3 > &2 &3 since last 'brconnect -f stats' run |
064 | E | Temp. node to display that 'brconnect -f stats' has never been run |
065 | E | Oracle cache monitoring |
066 | E | Oracle buffer cache monitoring |
067 | E | &1 &3 < &2 &3: Cache hit ratio below threshold |
068 | E | &1: Select with aggregate function returned inappropriate number of rows |
069 | E | Table &1.&2 does not exist |
070 | E | &1: Multiple entries for &2 in DBA_TABLES |
071 | E | Oracle library cache monitoring |
072 | E | Oracle redo log buffer: Number of entries per redo log space request |
073 | E | &1 < &2 redo entries per redo log space requests |
074 | E | Space management information about tablespaces |
075 | E | Space management information about segments |
076 | E | Space management information for each tablespace |
077 | E | Free space percentage of this tablespace |
078 | E | Fewest extents left before max_extents |
079 | E | &1 segments approaching max_extents > threshold of &2 |
080 | E | The number of segments approaching the maximum number of allowed extents |
081 | E | &1:&2 has invalid value &3 |
082 | E | Messages from 'brconnect -f check' |
083 | E | Monitoring of Oracle redo log archiving |
084 | E | Monitoring of backup status |
085 | E | &1 > &2: dbwr_io_slaves set higher than threshold |
086 | E | DBMSGORA entry reset before being reported. Parameter: &1, check date: &2 |
087 | E | Display time of last 'brconnect -f check' run |
088 | E | Last 'brconnect -f check' run started at &1 and ended at &2 (database tim |
089 | E | Description of this job ID |
090 | E | 'brconnect -f stats' have never been run |
091 | E | Rollback segment extension failed. ORA-1562 found in alert_<SID>.log. |
092 | E | Database is running but online redo logs are not being archived |
093 | E | Tablespace is in backup mode |
094 | E | Missing indexes |
095 | E | Superfluous indexes |
096 | E | Missing control file |
097 | E | Missing control mirror |
098 | E | Database file offline |
099 | E | File mismatch |
100 | E | Database file missing |
101 | E | File type unknown |
102 | E | Redo log not mirrored |
103 | E | Redo log missing |
104 | E | Tablespace offline |
105 | E | Database file offline. ORA-1135. File accessed for DLM query is offline. |
106 | E | I/O error reading block from <name> block <#> number. ORA-1115. |
107 | E | Database file <name> failed verification check. ORA-1122. |
108 | E | Oracle data block corrupted (file <name>, block <number>) |
109 | E | Error writing archive log. ORA-272. |
110 | E | File <name> cannot be read. ORA-376. |
111 | E | dbwr_io_slaves. I/O slaves used by the DBWR process. Default: <>0. |
112 | E | db_block_buffers. Blocks in the DB buffer cache. Default: <8960. |
113 | E | db_block_size. Size of Oracle DB blocks (in bytes). Default: <>8192. |
114 | E | db_file_multiblock_read_count. Blocks read during complete tablescan I/O. |
115 | E | log_archive_start. Automatic archiving activated when set to true. |
116 | E | log_buffers. Size(KB) of redo log buffer in the SGA. Default: ><1024,320. |
117 | E | log_checkpoint_interval. How many redo log blocks trigger new checkpoint. |
118 | E | log_checkpoint_timeout. Seconds between two checkpoints. Default: >0. |
119 | E | open_cursors. Most open cursors per user process. Default: >< 2,000,800. |
120 | E | optimizer_mode. Controls optimizer behavior. Default: <>Choose. |
121 | E | row_cache_cursors. Recursively buffered cursors used by row cache manager |
122 | E | shared_pool_size. Size (MB) of the shared pool in the SGA. Default: <50. |
123 | E | sort_are_retained_size. Size(KB) of post-sort PGA sort area. |
124 | E | sort_area_size. Size (KB) of the sort area in the PGA. |
125 | E | ORA-600. A general internal error for Oracle program exceptions. |
126 | E | Snapshot too old. ORA-1555. |
127 | E | End-of-file communication channel. ORA-3113 |
128 | E | File needs media recovery. ORA-1113. |
129 | E | &1 > &2: number of extents > threshold. |
130 | E | &1 > &2: number of segments > threshold |
131 | E | A result from the system check run (also shown in transaction DB16) |
132 | E | A result from the system check run (also shown in transaction DB16) |
133 | E | Configuration and history of 'brconnect -f check' runs |
134 | E | ABAP Dictionary objects that are not found in the database |
138 | E | 'brconnect -f check' failed with the following error messages: &1, &2, &3 |
139 | E | 'brconnect -f check' just finished successfully |
140 | E | &1. |
141 | E | Checked but no warning or error found |
142 | E | This check is currently disabled |
143 | E | Invalid value '&2' for field &3 in table &1 |
144 | E | Display time of last 'brconnect -f check' evaluation |
145 | E | Read new 'brconnect -f check' results |
146 | E | New 'brconnect -f check' results are currently not available. |
147 | E | Already reported all 'brconnect -f check' results. |