
SAP Message Class GPSC

PSC Application

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IDoc-Entwicklung für SAP: Customizing, Erweiterung, Eigenentwicklung

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The Message Class GPSC (PSC Application) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package GJPSC.

Technical Information

Message Class GPSC
Short Text PSC Application
Package GJPSC


ID Language Text
000 E &1 &2 &3 &4
001 E *** Master Data
002 E Company code &1 not JVA active
003 E Venture with company code &1 and joint venture name &2 not available
004 E Enter either transfer amount or volume
005 E PSC groups require the same product
006 E PSC groups require the same reporting frequency
007 E PSC groups require the same currency
008 E Entry required
009 E Only one Producing Unit is allowed within a single PSC Group
010 E Enter quantity from less than quantity to
011 E Enter valid period
012 E The Calc Scheme UOM does not match the Product UOM
013 E Please enter a PSC Calc type & (costs) or & (other costs)
014 E Properties of the Calc Scheme can not be changed after assignment.
015 E Currency could not be determined (Please verify the currency type).
016 E Ledger 4P record was not created. Please verify your entry.
017 E The rollup can only be processed for one period
018 E The Company Code must be a Joint Venture if the source is 'JV'.
019 E This value is not within the & value range.
020 E Quantity must be less than the succeeding step & quantity of &
021 E Quantity must be greater than the proceeding step & quantity of &
022 E Ledger 4A does not exist for &, therefore this entry is not valid
023 E Equity Group for venture & does not exist.
024 E Conv. UOM is different from sliding scale UOM for this PSC/Product.
025 E Product & for PSC & can only be a Combined or a Transfer product
026 E Can't enter quantity for Combined Product: & / PSC: &.
027 E UoM-conversion from & to & failed
028 E PSC & not set up in PSC Master Data for Company Code &.
029 E FROM PSC data- per.& year & PSC &, Production Input Data does not exist.
030 E All fields must be populated before transfer can be executed.
031 E FROM PSC product: Not assigned for venture &, eqtype &, year &, period &
032 E Equity Type & does not exist.
033 E Please enter a valid period.
034 E Please enter a valid year.
035 E Please enter an amount.
036 E Product & does not exist in PSC Product master data.
037 E TO PSC product: Not assigned for venture &, eqtype &, year &, period &
038 E TO PSC data- per. & year & PSC &, Production Input Data does not exist.
039 E Please enter valid currency code
040 E Enter Transaction Currency only
041 E Same Currency Type for Sender and Target PSC necessary
042 E All transfer FROM fields are equal to all transfer TO fields
043 E Calculation for PSC & Product & JV & ET & already posted
044 E PSC Documents posted and Ledger updated
045 E PSC Documents NOT posted (test run)
046 E PSC document already posted for PSC-&, Product-&, Year-&, Period-&.
047 E PSC Vol.freq must be less than or equal to PSC Master Reporting Freq.
048 E Vol.freq for &1 &2 Period &3 &4 must be equal - save/change
049 E In this PSC-release only D,M,Q,S and A are supported
050 E In this PSC release the volume frequency is not supported
051 E For Volume frequency & only period & valid
052 E Calculation scheme required for non-combined products
053 E Venture & is already assigned to PSC & instead of &
054 E Please enter valid UoM
055 E Venture &1 not assigned to PSC &2
056 E Period already posted - Volume or Master data may have changed since
057 E Do not enter Equity Type for PSC marked as 'Not Equity Group PSC'
058 E Enter Equity Type
059 E Enter either Partner Number or Contractor
060 E Partner Number &1 invalid
061 E Get posting date failed
062 E Equity Group not found
063 E Partner &1 not found in Joint Venture &2
064 E Contractor can not be used for PSC marked as 'Not Equity Group PSC'
065 E Enter either Partner Number or Government
066 E Partner To/Contractor combination is invalid. Please CHANGE
067 E Partners From and To must be different
068 E Number generation failed
069 E Wrong status &1 for preliminary posting
070 E Billing frequency & does not fit to Volume frequency &
071 E PSC &1 has billing frequency &2, but &3 is expected
072 E The billing frequency & requires reporting period(s) &
073 E No PSC's to process for this selection
074 E Posting of preliminary document for PSC & and product & failed
075 E No data exists for the selection criteria.
076 E Preliminary document posted with document number &1
077 E Equity group &1 for Company code &2 and Venture &3 not available
078 E Transfer reversal failed
079 E Please select line to reverse
080 E No Selection for Product/Venture/ET when combined products are involved
081 E No Selection for Product/Venture/ET when transfer products are involved
082 E PSC product: Not assigned for venture &, eqtype &, year &, period &
083 E The end date for the license period is greater than the start date
084 E Document &1 not found
085 E No partner found for Company code & Venture & Equity group &3 combination
086 E Selected document(s) successfully reversed
087 E There are no more documents exist to reverse
088 E &1 cannot be entered for &2 &3. Please clear the entry
089 E &1 is always &2 % for Calculation Category &3
090 E Calculation Scheme for Category &1 only has a single Contractor rate
091 E Adjustment is higher then the CF of costs - PSC will go into EXCESS
092 E There is nothing to recover. Consider the need for adjustment
093 E Adjustment amount &1 can not be higher than Net Excess amount &2
094 E Adjustment amount should be either positive or negative for all postings
095 E At least one Calculation Type must be assigned to Category &1
096 E Calculation Scheme must be assigned to Calculation Type &1
097 E Neither Calculation Type &1 or &2 is assigned to Product &3 in period &4
098 E Do not enter Equity Group for PSC marked as 'Not Equity Group PSC'
099 E The PSC reporting frequency & requires reporting period(s) &
100 E Posting of PSC document & for PSC & and product & failed
101 E Currency type & not allowed in company code &.
102 E Zero carry forward amount
103 E Adjustment allowed only for combined product &1
104 E You must enter a JVA version for planning. Please check you entry.
105 E Currency Type & not defined on ledgers & or &. Reporting is not allowed
106 E Please enter a valid period. Only quarters are allowed
107 E Version is only used for plan data. Actual data is always in version 001
108 E No data selected for the entered search criteria
109 E Terminal &1 invalid
110 E There is no open period for company code &1 in table &2
111 E Customer must be maintained in table &1
112 E Customer number &1 not found in customer master
113 E Industry key not maintained in customer master for customer &1
114 E Industry key &1 must be maintained in table &2
115 E Equity Group not found for Company &1 Equity Type &2 & Venture &3
116 E Version &1 must exist in ledger &2 or &3
117 E Execute plan entitl for quarter & and year & before executing prod interf
118 E The existing records for this period will be deleted
119 E No record exists for this PSC/Product/Venture Combination
120 E Incomplete data passed
121 E Enter UoM only
122 E Filename not created
123 E File download failed. Return code: &1
124 E Please select actual or plan data. One value has to be choosen
125 E Please select a time period (one period, YTD or ITD)
126 E Please select quantity or amounts for reporting
127 E Currency &1 doesn't have decimals. Decimals number for &2 not permirred
128 E UoM not found for Product &1 in table &2
129 E Only one Calc Type &1 or &2 could be assigned to Product &3 in period &4
130 E Calc Scheme &1 for Category &2 can have only one step in a Sliding Scale
131 E Status update of transfer document failed
132 E unexpedted error, please try again
133 E fatal error calling ALV
134 E If file download format chosen, file name must be specified. Please enter
135 E File &1 transfered with &2 bytes
136 E PSCs &1 and &2 have different Billing Frequencies. Please change
137 E Please enter Calculation Category
138 E Please enter either Partner or LIFT_BY_NOC
139 E The date &1 already stored in lifting table for Term &2 PSC &3 Product &4
140 E Currency code must be entered when Price per Unit is filled. Please enter
141 E Record can not be created for Terminal &1
142 E No PSC assigned to terminal &1
143 E LIFT_BY_NOC &1 is not configured in PSC Master as GOVERNMENT
144 E Qty &1 in step &2 must be greater that qty &3 in the previous step &4
145 E Total Equity Share for PSC &1, Eq.Group &2 for all partners is not 100%
146 E 'No Equity Group' flag value could not be changed in Company &1, PSC &2
147 E Equal Priority assignment is only allowed for Category 'Costs'
148 E Equity Group must be entered for PSC &1
149 E Equity Group &1 is not assigned to PSC &2
150 E Not ledger/Currencies defned for company &
151 E Currency & is not allowed for company code &
152 E Percentage for Contractor must not exceed 100%
153 E Currency type & is not stored in the result table
154 E Transfer can't be completed as PSC &1 belongs to more than 1 Equity Group
155 E Please enter either PSA Equity Group or Equity Type
156 E Partner &1 not found in Company Code &2, PSC &3, Equity Group &4
157 E Equity Type must be entered for regular PSCs
158 E Calculation for PSC & Product & JV & EG & already posted
159 E Do not use Government check box as Partner From contains Government #
160 E Terminal lifting data for Terminal &1 Year &2 Period &3 not selected
161 E Splitting terminal lifting volumes by PSC failed with RC: &1
162 E Update of lifting volume table T8PSA_LIFT_VOL failed with RC: &1
163 E Lifting volume table T8PSA_LIFT_VOL updated successfully
164 E Please enter either Production Date or Period
165 E Posting Period could not be derived. RC: &1
166 E The lifting split can only be processed for one period
167 E Get date of the period call failed with RC: &1
168 E User program &1 does not exist. Please check your entry
169 E PSC &1, Product &2, Venture &3, Eq.Type &4 isn't assigned to any terminal
170 E Lifting data has not changed. Table &1 is not updated
171 E Products &1 and &2 have different oil indicators. Please correct
172 E The program must run in Test mode to display selected PSC information
173 E In display mode Company Code must be specified. Please enter
174 E In display mode PSC Name must be specified. Please enter
175 E Please configure Currency and Exchange Rate Types for Company &1
176 E Exchange Rate Type &1 not valid. Please check table TCURV
177 E Manual WAP for AL Sales for Product &1, Period &2 not found. Please enter
178 E Neither Quarterly Average nor Manual WAP Price exist. Please enter either
179 E Neither Petronas Price per PSC nor PTP price exist. Please enter either
180 E None of Monthly or Quarterly prices exist. Please configure at least one
181 E No Terminals found
182 E Calculation Type &1 is invalid. Please re-enter
183 E Calculation Type &1 is not assigned to Company &2, PSC &3 and Product &4
184 E Calculation Type &1 is not assigned to Cost Category. Please re-enter
185 E For Cross Flow Cost Recovery transaction, Sender information is required
186 E Currency conversion from &1 to &2 failed
187 E For Direct Cost Adjustment Sender information must be left blank
188 E COEP % <> 100 for & & & &
189 E Lifting Partner already assigned for this group
190 E Lifting Partner already assigned for this period. Please delete the entry
191 E Currency not defined for company & in the PSA default currencies
192 E Currency type not assigned to any of the PSA ledgers
193 E Currency type M not defined, please enter curreny table manally
194 E Product & not assigned to the terminal &
195 E Currency not assigned to the terminal
196 E Period varinant & not defined for PSA ledgers
197 E Currency & not defined in PSA ledgers
198 E Source ledger & not defined in FI-SL
199 E Default Source & not defined for PSA
200 E No user exit program for the FI-SL was found. Please check the entries.
201 E The delivered example for the PSC exit does not exist in your system.
202 E The field movements for the PSC rollup do not exist.
203 E The PSC exit does already exist in your rollup
204 E The exit B & is already used in the rollup
205 E The exit C & is already used in the rollup
206 E There is no free exit available in your rollup program.
207 E Rollup exit could not be adjusted
208 E The system failed to create a transport
209 E Transport & was generated
210 E The exit program & could not be saved.
211 E The PSC field movements could not be adjusted
212 E Please enter exit numbers or mark the flag for free search
213 E The exits B & and C & were created in program &
214 E The PSC ledger 4P and 4Q do not exist
215 E The PSC ledger 4P and 4Q do not correspond with the source ledger
216 E Year and Period entered is before & (sign date) of PSC &.
217 E & & product assignment does not exist. Please check your entry.
218 E Data already exists in PSA ledger. Data will be overwritten. Continue?
219 E Please enter a valid Rollup Document type.
220 E Please enter a document type.
221 E Different config exists within period range. Rollup executes separately.
222 E JVA version & does not exists. Please check your entry.
223 E JVA version & entered is not valid for planning. Please check your entry.
224 E The source and target ledgers specified are the same. This is invalid.
225 E No partners exists for PSC/Venture specified.
226 E Posting of Cost Adjustment for PSC & and product & failed
227 E Cost Adjustment Reversal failed
228 E Reason Code &1 is not set up in Company &2
229 E Stock adjustment allowed only for single product
230 E Closing Stock for & & & & not in subsequent order
231 E Closing Stock balances already posted & & & & in next period
232 E Calculation for PSC & Product & JV & EG & not posted. Report not possible
233 E Only one posting per Reason Code allowed in any one Posting Period
234 E Posting of Stock Adjustment for PSC & and Product & failed
235 E Company Code & not assigned to Terminal &
236 E More than 1 product assigned to Terminal &. Manual transfer required
237 E There is no valid Lifting Partner to Lifting Partner group assignment
238 E Two records with the same key have different SALES TYPE. Update MANUALLY
239 E Transfer of records from table & to table & failed
240 E Calculation not posted for & & & & and reporting period
241 E Reason Code must be entered
242 E Lifting Partner Group must be entered
243 E SALES TYPE must be entered
244 E Frequency must be entered
245 E Posting Period & not valid in Company Code &
246 E Total Equity Group % for Company &1 PSC &2 Equity Group &3 less than 100
247 E Total Equity Group % for Company & PSC & Equity Group & greater than 100
248 E Production date cannot be in the future
255 E Lifting record has already been split. Consider if changes are required
256 E Selection of Periods restricted to EQ or BT
301 E Enter either Uom or Currency
302 E Please enter the equity type to derive a regular EG
303 E Please do not enter the Equity Type, PSC is defined as Non-EG PSC
304 E PPU-Value must not be entered for Volume Type &1. Please clear the entry
305 E Sliding scale for calculation scheme & does not exist
306 E PPU-Value must be entered for Volume Type &1. Please enter the value
307 E Please select at least one type of ledger or choose volume or/and lifting
308 E Please enter a valid PSA ledger
309 E PSC group entered does not exists. Please enter a valid value.
310 E No data exists for the source criteria entered.
311 E The set & does not exist.
312 E Version & does not exist in the ledger &. Please check your entry.
313 E Only numbers are allowed in terminal code
314 E Calculation category &1 could not be assgined to combined product &2
315 E Period must be entered. Please enter data
316 E UoM is not allowed for Volume Frequency &1. Please enter valid Currency
317 E Currency is not allowed for Volume Frequency &1. Please enter valid UoM
318 E If it's not the first step in Sliding Scale, zero quantity isn't allowed
319 E Q-ty in the current step must be greater than previous step quantity &1
320 E Please enter a Scheme Step
321 E Quantity is always 0 in the first Step of a Sliding Scale
322 E No Venture assigned to PSC &1 in Company &2
323 E No product assignment for this PSC/Product/Venture/ET
324 E No valid product assignment for this PSC/Prduct/Venture/Et and Period
325 E Venture & is not assigned to a PSC in Company Code &
326 E Product is defined as combined product - no volume input allowed
327 E Forced Exit by calling program
335 E No customer master defined for & in company code &
336 E JV Partner &1 not assigned to Venture &2 in Company &3
340 E Product assignment missing for & & &
400 E ***********400-499 messages reserved for XPRA programs*******************
401 E Table &1 doesn't contain data
402 E Table &1 updated from &2 with &3 entries
403 E Update of table &1 from table &2 failed. Please re-run
404 E Table &1 already contains some data. No update necessary
405 E The following new fields have been added to the table:
406 E All new fields have initial value
407 E The value of a new field has been defaulted to either &1 or &2
408 E Depending on the value of field &1
409 E The value of a new field &1 has been defaulted to &2
410 E A value of field &1 must be entered before going live
411 E The value of field &1 is defaulted to Company Code Currency
412 E If field &1 is either &2 or &3. For all other Frequencies it's initial
413 E Time of costs: &1 minutes
414 E Start of XPRA RGJVPSCXENT20 - Checking Table T8PSA_LIFT_VOL
415 E End of XPRA RGJVPSCXENT20 -> &1 insert, &2 update, &3 delete
416 E Client &1 company &2: PSC &3 does not exist but is used in lifting
417 E Client &1 company &2 PSC &3: a record for Partner &4 could not be added
418 E &1 Records in table T8PSA_LIFT_VOL, for split_by field, have been updated
419 E Insert of new records with partner information failed for T8PSA_LIFT_VOL
420 E Update of records with partner information failed for T8PSA_LIFT_VOL
421 E Del. of records w/o partner information failed for T8PSA_LIFT_VOL ->&1,&2
422 E Internal table error while processing T8PSA_LIFT_VOL -> &1, &2, &3, &4
423 E PSC Period Costs include both Profit incl Excess and Profit excl Excess
500 E **** 500 - 600 reserved for PSC calculation ****
501 E Not all PSC/product combinations for PSC group & are selected
502 E Please enter Production data for & & & &
503 E PSC calculation for PSC & and product & cannot be reversed
504 E Company code & is not assigned to a PSC source
505 E Source & assigned to company code & is not valid
506 E PSC & is not assigned to a valid currency type
507 E PSC calculation has already been processed for some PSC/product comb.
508 E Number range & for PSC documents is not maintained for year &
509 E Error when posting PSC document to PSC & and product &
510 E Adjustment for PSC & is higher than the Excess Profit
511 E When PSC Group is entered, then PSC, Product, Venture, ET is not allowed
512 E Either the PSC-Group or the PSC has to be entered
513 E If venture is selected, please also select the product
514 E If Equity Type is selected, please also select Venture
515 E Divisor is Zero, Operation terminated in revenue cost index calculation
516 E Not all PSC/products for the combined product & are selected
520 E PSC definition was not found for PSC &
521 E The PSC & has no operator or government defined
522 E PSC &, Product &, Calc.Type &, CostType &: Equity Group Problem
523 E PSC &: Equity Group & from the Calc Scheme is not defined
524 E PSC &: JVA Equity Group & does not exist
525 E For Ledger & curreny type & does not exits
526 E Insert for History table failed for Company:& PSC:& EG:&
550 E Please return to selection process (F3) after execution of &
551 E Government Account & missing or incorrect in PSC &
552 E Entitlement Calculation for & & & and the selected period not posted!
600 E *** 600 - 650 reserved for PSC data entry transactions ***
601 E No price exists for the date entered. Please check your entry.
602 E No production data exists for the date entered. Please check your entry.
603 E Required entry not made. For volume type LP a partner is required.
604 E For volume type & the partner does not need to be specified.
605 E The date entered is invalid for fiscal year &.
606 E Adjustment date is older than original date.
607 E An API entry is required when the flat api exists.
608 E When filled only data within the period range specified can be entered.
609 E Invalid entry. The date entered is not between periods & and &.
610 E Invalid entry. Periods entered should be from lower to higher.
611 E Invalid entry. For company code & there are only & periods defined.
612 E Based on the oil type the API entered has to be > & and <- &
613 E No oil type exists for the API entered.
614 E Field should be empty when the flat api is empty.
615 E Production data already exists in PSC table. Data will be overwritten.
616 E Date entered is invalid for company code &.Period could not be determined
617 E Request terminated because some or all of the periods defined are closed
618 E No data exists for defined selection criteria
619 E Maintenance is not allowed periods have not been maintained for Ccode &.
620 E Creation/Change is invalid because period & is closed.
621 E Ship code & is used by another PSC table. Request denied.
622 E Please enter a value in at least one of the fields.
623 E & does not exist.
624 E Selection Criteria entered is invalid. Please check the values.
625 E invalid company code
626 E JV partner & does not exist for & & &.
627 E Production data cannot be entered for combined products.
628 E Posted data exists for selection entered. Production data will be copied.
629 E Documents already posted for Ccode:& Year:&. Rollup is not possible.
630 E Documents already posted for Ccode:& PSC:& Year:& Ver:&.Copy not possible
631 E Costs do not exist for the PSC, product and the Calculation Type.
701 E Maintenance view & not defined in PSA authority view table
702 E Process Code & not delivered from SAP
710 E Only display authority for & &
711 E No authority for & &
720 E Only display authority
721 E No autority for display/maintenance
730 E You are not autorized (PSA authority fro processing/customizing)
731 E No authority for & & & &
740 E Only display authority for terminal &
741 E No autority for display/maintenance for terminal &
742 E Only display authority for & & &
743 E No authority for & & &