
SAP Message Class HRITFIN

Infotype specific messages (Business checks)

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The Message Class HRITFIN (Infotype specific messages (Business checks)) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PAOC_PAD_IN.

Technical Information

Message Class HRITFIN
Short Text Infotype specific messages (Business checks)


ID Language Text
000 E <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<reserved for IN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
001 E Basis for contribution should contain input values '1' or '2'.
002 E Invalid currency.
003 E Input not expected for field &1.
004 E Input value can be &1 for field &2.
005 E Enter a valid wage type &1.
006 E Begin date and End date for the infotype can not be changed.
007 E Please enter values in the Relevant fields (Amount or Number or Both).
008 E Total amount of assets is more than the eligible amount of &1.
009 E Begin date and End date for the infotype must match financial year dates.
010 E Total Amount of assets/Total amount of assets claimed cannot be edited.
011 E There are gaps existing between the repetitive blocks.
012 E Dedn.Int.Start A/c month or/and Dedn.Int.End A/c month are not valid.
013 E Section 24 Deduction Interest Limit constant is not valid.
014 E There are duplicate field entries existing in the repetitive block.
015 E Input can be 'P' or 'A' as Propsed or Actual contrb. for this field.
016 E Atleast 1 beneficiary needs to be maintained. Please add accordingly.
017 E The sum of share percetages is not 100. Modify percentages accordingly.
018 E Begin or end dates cannot be changed when record is modified.
019 E No record found for key & and & in Family/Related person infotype 0021.
020 E End date cannot be different from Begin date.
021 E Input not expected for this field for the accomodation type selected.
022 E Input value can be either be 'X' or initial , for this field.
023 E Select a valid City category for the accomodation type &.
024 E The sequence of the car details entered is not correct.
025 E End date does not match Block end date &1.
026 E Begin date can not be earlier than Block begin date &1.
027 E Asset line items that originated from an earlier record cannot be edited.
028 E & is not permissible for &.
029 E Eligible wage type not found.
030 E Unknown error occured.
031 E New records can be inserted only after latest record begin date.
032 E Number of disbursements is more than the maximum of &.
033 E Buy backs not possible for &.
034 E Only latest record can be edited.
035 E Only one allowance wagetype allowed for housing
036 E Only one allowance wagetype allowed for conveyance
037 E Only one record permitted from January 1, 1800 to December 31, 9999